
  • Ten Commandments: Idolatry
    Nov 11 2024

    Do you know the 10 commandments? Like, really know them? The context of why God asks us to follow them or why we even should in the first place? Join us as we dive into what we think we know and truly grasp the full meaning of the Ten Commandments.

    Psalms 135:15-18

    1 John 5:21

    Romans 1:21-23

    Exodus 20:2-17

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Refinement in Change/Transitions
    Nov 3 2024

    WOW! Where have we been? -> Moving, sickness, technical difficulties, and God refining our faith. Join us as we talk about everything that has been going on in the ministry and how God refines you in the valleys of changes of life and times of transitions.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Discipline
    Jul 29 2024

    How can we be spiritually disciplined in the Christian/Messianic faith? What does it mean when God disciplines us?

    Join us as we discuss what it means to be spiritually disciplined and how God shows us in His word and throughout history that discipline is what is takes to grow and make it through this "Negative World".

    Hebrews 12:1

    Thank you to Pastor Paul at Christ Community Church for giving such a wonderful message that we felt needed to be shared.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • A Message to the Church
    Jul 18 2024

    We're pullin' a Paul!

    Warning: Toes may be stepped on. Feelings may be hurt. Scripture will be provided.

    In all seriousness, we wanted to share our experience outside and inside the church and talk about what we felt that God laid on our hearts to share to the churches. All is said with love and kindness but with truth and tough love.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Suffering and Tragedy
    Jul 10 2024

    Why is there suffering in the world? Why does God let bad things happen? How do I get through the pain of all of this?

    Join us as we dig into Gods word and into our own stories to find out how we conquer suffering.

    Luke 24:46-47

    46 and He said to them, “So it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and that repentance for the removal of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem

    Acts 9:15-16

    15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for this man is my chosen instrument to take my name to Gentiles, kings, and Israelites. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

    Romans 8:26

    26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings.

    2 Corinthians 1:5-7

    5 For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. 6 If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings that we suffer. 7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you will also share in the comfort.

    Philippians 1:29
    29 For it has been granted to you on Christ’s behalf not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Testimony Recap: Danielle's Story (Plus Some)
    Jul 3 2024

    You may or may not have heard our testimony. But there are 2 sides to every story. For those who love to know all the details, we have decided to bring our full story to life and give you the raw and real testimony of what we went through and how God brought his prodigals home.

    This week, Danielle shares her story of struggles. A hidden pornography addiction, homosexuality, witchcraft and everything in between. But in the end God always wins!

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Testimony Recap: Bekah's Story
    Jun 26 2024

    You may or may not have heard our testimony. But there are 2 sides to every story. For those who love to know all the details, we have decided to bring our full story to life and give you the raw and real testimony of what we went through and how God brought his prodigals home.

    This week, Bekah we go into full detail about her real life struggles and how God brought her home.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • What is Righteousness?
    Jun 5 2024

    Have you ever heard this word in church and ever question what it really meant? What is righteousness and how are we suppose to be it?

    Join us and we dive into its true meaning and what Gods word tells us about it.

    Más Menos
    37 m