
  • Who Are We?
    Nov 9 2022

    Mark and Ross are excited to give you their honest answers to your "God questions" using truths found in God's Word, the Bible. Get to know Mark and Ross as they share more about themselves, their vision and heart for this podcast, and play 2 truths and a lie! If you have a "God question" for Mark and Ross, you can email it to mark@ehope.org.

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  • What’s the best way to read the Bible?
    Nov 16 2022

    In this episode, Mark and Ross discuss some practical ways to read and study God's Word, the Bible. They each share their opinion on the top 5 books to read first, explain how cultural context affects how we read and interpret Scripture, and offer tools to help guide and direct our reading. Questions such as, "How did God write the Bible?" and "Who was the Bible written to and for?" are discussed to help give a better foundation for Bible reading, application and next steps in our walk with the Lord.

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  • Can I be a Christian and not go to church?
    Nov 23 2022

    Mark and Ross break down this question of whether church attendance is required to be a Christian. We are saved by faith alone because of God's grace alone. But what does it look like to live out our Christian faith? Mark and Ross bring up examples in Scripture to help shed light on how God calls those who have put their faith in Him to live out that faith on a daily basis. God created us to be together and serve one another. How do we do this and why is it such an integral part of our life as followers of Jesus?

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  • Should I go to church if the church has hurt me?
    Nov 30 2022

    Mark and Ross discuss whether a person should continue to be part of a church even if they have been hurt - physically, emotionally, or otherwise. They wrestle with the truth that God does call us to be connected to a body of believers - how to be obedient to that call in the midst of hurt or pain is going to look different for each person and their situation. Mark and Ross navigate through various scenarios to help those experiencing this type of hurt work through it in a healthy way.

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  • Why do we sing and lift our hands at church?
    Dec 7 2022

    In this episode, Mark and Ross tackle the "why" behind the tradition of singing in church, and even further why some choose to take postures of hand raising or kneeling during this type of worship. They reference moments in Scripture where people were moved to worship, or connect with, God through song. Though churches vary in the way they lead or encourage their congregations to participate in this style of worship, the art of connecting to God through the powerful medium of music is an important part of most church services. What postures should we take when we praise and worship God? Is there a true "right way"? Mark and Ross discuss in more detail why some people prefer the posture of their hearts to be reflected outwardly. These postures are not commanded of us as followers of Jesus, but for many people, they reflect a place of humble surrender, recognizing who we are in the presence of a mighty God.

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  • Should the church be involved in politics?
    Dec 14 2022

    In this episode, Mark and Ross tackle an often debated question about whether or not the church should be involved in politics. They delve into a discussion on what Scripture has to say about the role and primary mission of the church - to make disciples, build God's kingdom on earth, grow in Biblical knowledge and serve one another. Christians get to be the hands and feet of Jesus, taking our cue from His life and time on earth found in Scripture. Mark and Ross also talk about if and how Christians should be involved in politics individually. What is our responsibility as Christians living and engaging in our world?

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  • Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
    Dec 21 2022

    In this week’s episode, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, even the choice to celebrate Jesus’ birth on December 25th, which most likely is not His actual date of birth, are all tackled in this overarching question - how should Christians celebrate Christmas? Our modern celebration of the season incorporates a variety of traditions from many different cultures over thousands of years. Many of these ideas are not centered around the story of Jesus’ birth - does does this mean Christ followers should reject them? Mark and Ross share their thoughts about how to balance our familiar modern traditions with the true meaning of Christmas, which is to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Ultimately, Christmas is what we choose to make it and what it means to each of us in our hearts.

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  • What preachers/podcasters do you recommend?
    Dec 28 2022

    In this week’s episode, Mark and Ross are asked by a listener to give their recommendations on good, theologically sound podcasts or preachers to listen to. And taking it further, they also discuss some “red flag” ideas and teachings to question or even steer clear of as they tune in to different speakers. Those who have been called to teach the Word of God are held to a higher standard according to Scripture and should take this role very seriously. Does this mean you need to reject a teacher completely if their life has taken a wrong turn? Mark and Ross speak to this question and challenge listeners to measure any teaching they consume against the ultimate source of Truth, the Bible.

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