
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP13- Haunted Lighthouses
    Sep 11 2024

    They guard us from the land, and yet are dependent on constancy. The people who kept the light lit were often either stalwart and commtted often at the cost of their physical or mental health and all those on the ships going by had no idea the drama that was behind the light that kept them safe.

    Join as we head to the ocean on the East and West coast of North America and hear a few stories of ghosts that have stayed on duty long beyond their allotted time. Including two lights that we have been to personally! Join us for this lit up episode of Ghosts 'N Bears.

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    1 h y 1 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP12 - Time Slips and Past Places
    Aug 28 2024

    Imagine you find the perfect hotel where you enjoy a quaint (but odd) meal and spend the night in your comfortable (but very rustic) hotel room. "What a delightful theme hotel", you think, and then you get up in the morning, pay your bill, which seems insanely cheap and go on your way.

    Two weeks later you go down the same road to stay there again as it was so great and......it's gone. This happened to two couples at the same time and no one has ever been able to explain it.

    Join us as we dive in to the world to Time Slips. It's a very interesting (and unsettling) place to find yourself! Have you been in one? Maybe you didn't even know it. Find out on this episode of Ghosts "N Bears.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP11- Summer Holiday: Haunted Theme Parks
    Aug 14 2024

    Theme parks; fun rides, great snacks, scary ghosts? These stories are only a few that are out there about most of the theme parks we love to go to. Even an abandoned one in Japan.

    Grab your backpack and water bottle as go for a day of fun and scary stories and hit up all the best Haunted Theme Parks.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP10 Summer Holiday: Ghosts of National Parks
    Jul 31 2024

    In our ongoing series for Summer Holiday themes, we talking about National Parks!

    They aren't all forests and valleys, sometimes they're caves, canyons and old homes or historic sites, but most have something haunting going on.

    Get in the car with us as we head down the road to talk about one of my favourite locations to visit anytime of the year, National Parks and the ghosts within.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP9 Summer Holiday: Ghosts of Summer Camp
    Jul 17 2024

    Have you ever gone to Summer Camp? I went as staff, but never as participant.

    However many of our listenrs have and we have some amazing ghost stories for you from Summer Camps all over the US and Canada!

    Join us on Ghosts 'N Bears for this special episode in our Summer Holiday Series of Ghosts of Summer Camps and the last story in the bunch is amazing, it's a haunted ranch, but it's way to good to leave out!

    Enjoy the summer, enjoy your vacation and come grab a place by the campfire as we tell stories from camp.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP8- Summer Holiday: Those Haunted Hotels
    Jul 3 2024

    As our summer theme progresses, we thought you'd find such comfort in hearing stories about haunted hotels. Jason and I have certainly experienced our share of them.

    Theser stories come from all over the world to find themselves in your ears. I have a favourite one, which you will get to hear, and Jason and I discover and agree upon one of our future adventures! Hello Niagara-On-The-Lake!

    Enjoy these scare tales of haunted hotels on the episode of Ghosts 'N Bears.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears - SE4 EP7- School's Out Ghosts!
    Jun 19 2024

    School - most of us HAVE to go there and some people never seem to leave.

    With school winding down for the year we though it would be fun to do a whole series of "Summer Vacation" episodes and this is the first one!

    This collection of stories has plenty of ghosts and encounters with ghosts in the many many haunted schools around the world. Enjoy the ghosts, enjoy the summer and there may be more going on in the summer at school than you will ever know, or want to know.

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Ghosts 'N Bears SE4 EP6 - Haunted Hosptials
    Jun 5 2024

    If you have ever read any of my books you know that I truly beleive hospitals are like airports. They are there for arrivals and departures. And like some people miss their flights, some energy sometimes, gets left behind.

    Join us on this episode of Ghosts 'N Bears as we talk about some haunted hopsitals, seniors homes and any other facility where death might be a frequent flyer - so to speak and we learn some more about the paranoramal that hangs out where we go to - hopefully - heal.

    Más Menos
    54 m