
  • WHAT ABOUT AVIATION? A remarkably valuable system for society or a carbon-intensive luxury?
    Mar 11 2025
    Flying is one of the most carbon-intensive activities. In fact, if you fly, it is probably the most polluting thing that you do. Yet, aviation remains one of the toughest sectors to decarbonise, as battery technology and alternative fuels still struggle to match the efficiency of jet fuel.In this episode, James and Daisy – who both love travelling – confront the challenging topic of aviation. What are the environmental impacts of aviation? Should we stop flying? What are the alternatives?SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:Mike Berners-Lee is a researcher and writer on carbon footprinting and has written articles on how cutting aeroplane contrails is an easy climate win. - https://www.ft.com/content/d0292413-5fcf-4ab9-b738-8da289fd4987Carbon Brief (2020) – This article calculates the true climate impact of aviation emissions and describes the impact of CO2 and non-CO2 effects. - https://www.carbonbrief.org/guest-post-calculating-the-true-climate-impact-of-aviation-emissions/ OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:The Seventh Carbon Budget (2025) – Section 7.6 describes the UK’s aviation emissions and the Balanced Pathway for the aviation sector. - https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/The-Seventh-Carbon-Budget.pdfThe Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed in 1944 and went into effect in 1947. It established the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and set the framework for global civil aviation.The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a carbon offset and carbon reduction scheme to lower CO2 emissions for international flights and curb the aviation impact on climate change. CORSIA uses market-based environmental policy instruments to offset CO2 emissions: aircraft operators have to purchase carbon credits from the carbon market. - https://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/CORSIA/Pages/default.aspxJack Sweeney shares information about the locations of private planes of the rich and powerful on his social media accounts, including Elon Musk and Taylor Swift. - https://x.com/Jxck_Sweeney?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5EauthorClimate Perks – The employee benefits scheme which gives staff the opportunity to take extra days off work if they choose low-carbon travel rather than flying when they go on holiday. - https://www.climateperks.com/ IPCC (1999) – There is a range of options to reduce the impact of aviation emissions, including changes in aircraft and engine technology, fuel, operational practices, and regulatory and economic measures. - https://www.ipcc.ch/report/aviation-and-the-global-atmosphere-2/ Our World in Data (2024) – “Aviation accounts for 2.5% of global CO₂ emissions. But it has contributed around 4% to global warming to date.” - https://ourworldindata.org/global-aviation-emissionsICAO (2019) – 65% of aviation’s CO2 emissions are in international airspace and, therefore, do not necessarily “belong” to individual nation states. - https://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/Documents/EnvironmentalReports/2019/ENVReport2019_pg17-23.pdfCarbon Brief (2025) – “A forest twice the size of Greater London would need to be planted in the UK to cancel out the extra emissions from the expansion of Heathrow, Gatwick and Luton airports.” “…offsetting these emissions would require more than 300,000 hectares of trees to be planted within just a few years. This equates to all the trees planted in the UK since 2000.” - https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-uk-would-need-forest-twice-size-of-london-to-offset-new-airport-expansion/ Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/company/fossil-vs-future/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/fossil_vs_future/ TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@fossil_vs_future You can also now watch us on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@fossil_vs_future Music: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop Studios - https://www.podshoponline.co.uk/ Huge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
    Más Menos
    41 m
  • WHAT ABOUT AI? A promising tool to find solutions or a waste of valuable energy?
    Feb 25 2025
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world, enabling computers to learn and solve problems in ways that can seem human. This powerful technology is already being used to benefit the environment – optimising efficiencies, predicting weather patterns, and mapping ecological impacts. However, the immense computing power required for AI comes at a cost, consuming vast amounts of energy and other critical resources.In this episode, James and Daisy talk about AI. What exactly is AI? What are its environmental impacts? And with AI now deeply embedded in our daily lives, how can we ensure it evolves responsibly to benefit all humanity? SOME RECOMMENDATIONS: Code Dependent: How AI is Changing Our Lives – This book by Madhumita Murgia explores the impact of a set of powerful, flawed, and often exploitative technologies on individuals, communities, and our wider society.Liebreich: Generative AI – The Power and the Glory (2024) – Michael Liebreich examines the transformative potential of generative AI, particularly in creative and industrial sectors.OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:Mo Gawdat – The Former Chief Business Officer at Google X published Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World, a roadmap detailing how humanity can ensure a symbiotic coexistence with AI when it inevitably becomes a billion times smarter than we are.Perplexity AI – A conversational search engine that uses large language models to answer queries with sourced citations. Verv is an AI-based smart home product that sits next to your electricity or smart meter and analyses your home energy data at its source.IBM (2024) – A clear overview of AI and how it works. BBC (2025) – “Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to "build baby build", as he announced plans to make it easier to construct mini nuclear power stations in England and Wales.”Goldman Sachs (2024): “On average, a ChatGPT query needs nearly 10 times as much electricity to process as a Google search.”Google (2024): “Our total GHG emissions were 14.3 million tCO2e, representing a 13% year-over-year increase and a 48% increase compared to our 2019 target base year—primarily due to increases in data center energy consumption and supply chain emissions” ITU (2023) – Approximately 67% of the world's population (5.4 billion people) is now online. In Africa, that figure is just 37%. UNCTAD (2024) – “The production of a single 2 kg computer requires the extraction of a staggering 800 kg of raw materials.”Also, we looked up data centres in Ireland… The Guardian (2024) – Ireland’s growing fleet of datacentres used 21% of its electricity, an increase of a fifth on 2022. Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop StudiosHuge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
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    40 m
  • WHAT ABOUT FASHION? An example of groundbreaking innovation or a major polluter?
    Feb 11 2025
    The fashion industry is huge. Fuelled by social media, influencer culture, and powerful marketing, we’re constantly tempted to buy new clothes at low prices. But behind these bargains lie devastating consequences for the environment and poor conditions for garment workers. In this episode, James and Daisy dive into our obsession with fast fashion and its hidden costs. What are the environmental impacts of the fashion industry? Do different generations approach fashion differently? What can we do to change our consumption habits? SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:Less – A book by Patrick Grant considering the crisis of consumption and quality in fashion, and how we might make ourselves happier by rediscovering the joy of living with fewer, better-quality things.Let My People Go Surfing – A memoir by Yvon Chouinard, the founder of outdoor clothing company Patagonia. OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:The Fashion Pact – A non-profit organization forging a nature-positive, net-zero future for fashion, through CEO-led collaboration.WRAP – A global environmental action NGO focused on creating a circular economy for textiles and other industries. Fashion for Good – A global platform for collaborative innovation in the fashion industry. The Australian Wool Industry Insetting Program has recently been launched by Woolmark, Pollination, and Landcare Australia and will connect apparel brands with Australian woolgrowers looking to reduce emissions through nature-based solutions. Mina Guli – CEO of the Thirst Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing awareness, driving stakeholder urgency and delivering meaningful action on fresh water.The Aral Sea was once the world’s fourth largest body of inland water but it has shrunk to a tenth of its size over the past fifty years due to human interference, causing severe environmental and social consequences. SAGES is a textile industry start-up that offers a sustainable alternative to the synthetic fabric dyes currently on the market, by turning food waste into natural dyes. They are supported by Undaunted, a hub for the UK’s climate innovation community. Grist (2024) – “Shein is officially the biggest polluter in fast fashion. AI is making things worse.” – An article about fast fashion giant, Shein, with some shocking statistics. Ellen MacArthur Foundation – “Every second, the equivalent of a rubbish truck load of clothes is burnt or buried in landfill.” “…in the last 15 years, clothing production has approximately doubled.”thredUP (2022) – “1 in 3 Gen Z say they feel addicted to fast fashion.”UNEP – “About 60 per cent of material made into clothing is plastic, which includes polyester, acrylic and nylon textiles.”Earth.Org (2025) – “The the industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.”McKinsey (2025) – “The fashion industry is worth around $1.7 trillion and over 300 million people work across its global supply chains.” McKinsey research also indicates that most fashion brands could reduce their emissions by more than 60 percent for less thatn 1 to 2 percent of their revenues. Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop StudiosHuge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
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    40 m
  • WHAT ABOUT PLASTICS? A lifesaving innovation or a threat to our planet and health?
    Dec 3 2024
    Plastics have revolutionized modern life with their versatility and usefulness, but their overwhelming abundance has led to a mounting crisis. Plastic waste is everywhere: in the air we breathe, the ice on Mount Everest, the water we drink, the fish we eat, and even in human placentas. This pollution is not only devastating ecosystems but also harming our health. Adding to the problem, plastics are intrinsically tied to climate change, as most are derived from fossil fuels. In this episode, James and Daisy are joined by Aidan Charron from EARTHDAY.ORG to unpack the plastics problem. What exactly are plastics? Why are they so bad for the planet, and for us? What is the Plastics Treaty, and why does it matter? SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:EARTHDAY.ORG – EARTHDAY.ORG’s founders created and organized the very first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Since then, Earth Day Network also known as EARTHDAY.ORG has been mobilizing over 1 billion people annually on Earth Day, and every other day, to protect the planet.Babies vs. Plastics Report – Evidence is mounting that plastics, microplastics and their additive chemicals pose potentially serious health risks to humans, with babies and infants being especially vulnerable.Pets vs. Plastics Report – This report is a meta-analysis of some of the available research to date studying the impact of plastics, microplastics and their additive chemicals on the health of our pets. Plastics Treaty – In March 2022, the United Nations Environment Programme instated an International Negotiating Committee (INC) tasked with creating a global, legally binding memorandum tackling the pressing problem of plastics pollution. OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:Silent Spring by Rachel Carson – published on September 27, 1962, this book documented the environmental harm caused by the widespread use of pesticides and is recognizes as one of the most influential books of the twentieth century. SYSTEMIQ (2020) – “Breaking the Plastic Wave” is a global analysis using first-of-its kind modelling, showing that we can cut annual flows of plastic into the ocean by about 80% in the next 20 years by applying existing solutions and technologies. Ellen MacArthur Foundation – a charity committed to creating a circular economy, which is designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature.Notpla – advanced packaging solutions made from seaweed and other natural materials as an alternative to single-use plastic. The Blue Planet – a wildlife documentary series, presented and narrated by David Attenborough, exploring the planet's oceans.UNDP (2023) – “Scientists estimate that only around 9 percent of all the plastic waste generated globally is recycled.”EARTHDAY.ORG – “More than 500 billion plastic bags – one million bags per minute – were produced worldwide last year.” World Economic Forum (2022) – “Saying no to single-use plastics is the most common sustainable lifestyle change among UK consumers. More than 60% have reduced their use of throwaway plastics.”BBC (2019) – A cotton bag needs to be reused at least 131 times to make it more environmentally friendly than a plastic bag. Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop StudiosHuge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
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    35 m
  • WHAT ABOUT COP? A complex, outdated process or an important platform for vulnerable countries?
    Nov 5 2024
    The COP, or ‘Conference of the Parties,’ is the main decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), meeting annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change. This year, COP29 will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. In this episode, James and Daisy talk about the COPs. How did they begin? Is the process effective? What might we expect from this year’s conference? SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:The Carbon War by Jeremy Leggett – this book is an eyewitness account of the climate talks, and the way the fossil-fuel vested-interests (the “carbon club”) tried to derail them.Landing the Paris Agreement by Todd Stern – from the U.S. lead negotiator on climate change, this book is an inside account of the seven-year negotiation that culminated in the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:COP29 Presidency Action Agenda Letter – outlines the fourteen COP29 Presidency Initiatives. Agenda 21 (adopted in 1992) – a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.What are the UN ‘COP’ climate change conferences? – this overview from The Grantham Institute highlights some of the important milestones from past UN climate change conferences. James was part of the Global Agenda Council of the WEF – here are some of the pieces he has contributed to: https://www.weforum.org/stories/authors/jamescameron/ James highlighted some inspiring individuals in this episode who have played key roles in the COP journey:Philippe Sands is a specialist in international law who James worked with in New York prior to the Rio Summit. Durwood Zaelke is an American environmental litigator, professor, author, and advocate, who founded the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD).Farhana Yamin is a British lawyer, public speaker and climate activist.Robert Van Lierop is a ni-Vanuatu-American lawyer, diplomat, political activist, filmmaker, writer and photojournalist.Brindusa Burrows was formerly Associate Director with the World Economic Forum and is now at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and is a visual artist. Morgan Bazilian is Professor of Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines.Philippe, Durwood, and Farhana were at some stage all part of the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).If you want to dig deeper, there is plenty of academic writing on the climate negotiations. We’d recommend the names below: Professor Dan Bodansky at Arizona State UniversityProfessor Scott Barratt at Columbia UniversityProfessor David Victor at the University of California San DiegoProfessor Lavania Rajamani at the University of OxfordDr Joanna Depledge at the University of CambridgeThank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop StudiosHuge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
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    47 m
  • WHAT ABOUT NATURE? A separate issue to solve or critical to tackling climate change?
    Oct 22 2024
    Nature is essential to our survival and wellbeing, yet we are rapidly destroying it. Human activities like urbanisation, pollution, deforestation and commercial fishing are all degrading Earth’s biodiversity at an alarming rate. While they have historically been treated as two separate issues, climate change and biodiversity loss are deeply connected. In this episode, James and Daisy discuss nature. Why is protecting nature important? What exactly is natural capital? What emerging incentives are there to prevent biodiversity loss? SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:The Dasgupta Review – an independent, global review of the Economics of Biodiversity led by Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta, commissioned in 2019 by HM Treasury. It looks at how we think, act, and measure economic success to protect and enhance the natural world. The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has developed a set of disclosure recommendations and guidance that encourage and enable business and finance to assess, report and act on their nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities.Radical Realist – the weekly newsletter from The Conduit, that “brings you the biggest impact stories from across the globe.” OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:Living Planet Report (WWF) – a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet. Over the past 50 years (1970–2020), the average size of monitored wildlife populations has shrunk by 73%, as measured by the Living Planet Index (LPI). Stop Ecocide International – Polly Higgins was a British barrister who fought for ‘ecocide’ to be recognised as a crime, just as genocide is. Philippe Sands KC helped draw up the definition of ecocide. Climate Asset Management – formed in 2020 as a joint venture of HSBC Asset Management and Pollination, with the ambition to grow the world’s largest asset management company dedicated to natural capital.Nattergal is a company with a mission to deliver nature recovery at scale, to provide vital benefits for society and sustainable financial returns.Highlands Rewilding seeks to help rewild and re-people the Scottish Highlands by increasing carbon sequestration, growing biodiversity, creating green new jobs and generating sustainable profit for purpose.Faith In Nature – this beauty company has appointed a director to represent nature on its board. Ingka Young Leaders Forum – a global youth advisory council where Ingka Group's senior decision-makers and the Young Leaders Forum members co-create actionable and transformational strategies together. Ingka Group is the largest IKEA franchisee. Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) – the framework agreed at COP15 consisting of global targets to be achieved by 2030 and beyond to safeguard and sustainably use biodiversity. It includes the “30x30” conservation target, that calls for 30% of the earth’s land and sea to be conserved through the establishment of protected areas (PAs) and other area-based conservation measures (OECMs).Thames Tideway Tunnel (or super sewer) – a £4.5 billion project to increase the capacity of the sewage system. It is a 25km tunnel running from west to east London which will help protect the River Thames from sewage pollution.Earth Overshoot Day – this year’s date was Thursday, 1 August 2024.The Joni Mitchell song James mentioned is called Big Yellow Taxi. It’s one our favourites!Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Huge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
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    44 m
  • WHAT ABOUT FOOD? An unavoidable source of emissions or an untapped climate solution?
    Oct 8 2024
    Food is often overlooked in conversations about climate change, yet our food system contributes roughly one-quarter to one-third of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. It is also the leading cause of biodiversity loss, and agriculture accounts for 70% of global freshwater withdrawals. Beyond environmental impacts, the food system is significantly damaging human health. In this episode, James and Daisy talk about our global food system. What is wrong with it? How much responsibility lies with big corporations? And do we need to stop eating meat? SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:Project Drawdown – A great resource to learn more about food-related climate solutions. The EAT-Lancet Report (2019) – the first attempt to set universal scientific targets for the food system that apply to people and planet. Plant-Based Diets (WWF) – a science-based platform to encourage diets that are good for people and planet. There’s a calculator so that can find out whether you’re eating the right things for you and for the environment. OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:FAO (2023) – Achieving SDG2 without breaching the 1.5C threshold: A Global Roadmap – FAO has identified 10 ‘domains of action’ that form a holistic portfolio. The Roadmap includes 120 actions, within which we can take concrete steps towards making a difference.The Felix Project: A London-based charity that rescues good, surplus food from the food industry that cannot be sold and would otherwise go to waste and delivers it to hundreds of food banks, charities, primary schools and holiday programmes. You can find ways to volunteer with them here. Tesco: In 2009, Tesco became the first business globally to set the ambition to become net zero across Group operations by 2050. In 2017, they were the first FTSE 100 company to set science-based targets for both own operations and supply chain in line with the Paris Agreement's 1.5C pathway.Green Climate Fund (GCF): Health, food, and water security is an important area of work for GCF. It has funded 139 projects in this area amounting to $1.8 billion in financing.IPCC (2019): The food system is responsible for about 21–37% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. UNEP (2021):Our global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss, with agriculture alone being the identified threat to 24,000 of the 28,000 (86%) species at risk of extinction.FAO (2024): It is estimated that between 713 and 757 million people, corresponding to 8.9 and 9.4 percent of the global population, respectively, may have faced hunger in 2023. Considering the mid-range (733 million), this is about 152 million more people than in 2019.WHO (2024): In 2022, 1 in 8 people in the world were living with obesity. In 2022, 2.5 billion adults (18 years and older) were overweight. Of these, 890 million were living with obesity.Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop StudiosHuge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • WHAT ABOUT OFFSETS? An effective incentive or a distraction from meaningful decarbonization?
    Sep 24 2024
    Carbon offsetting is a carbon trading mechanism that allows entities to compensate for their residual carbon emissions by investing in projects that reduce, avoid, or remove emissions elsewhere. While this approach can contribute to climate goals, it often faces criticism for potentially allowing companies to sidestep substantial decarbonization efforts. Additionally, verifying the benefits of offsets is a significant challenge and some projects may promise more than they can deliver. In this episode, James and Daisy chat about the complexities of carbon offsets and carbon markets. What are the differences between the voluntary and compliance carbon markets? Is offsetting better than doing nothing? Is the word “offset” inherently problematic?SOME RECOMMENDATIONS:Five Times Faster – a book by Simon Sharpe, where he argues that “in our fight to avoid dangerous climate change, science is pulling its punches, diplomacy is picking the wrong battles, and economics has been fighting for the other side.”ISSD (2023) – We loved this article by Scott Vaughan and Charles Di Leva on international carbon markets.International Journal of Sustainable Energy (2023) – James contributed to this methodology alongside Daniel Morrell and Felix Dodds. It presents the “Balance” approach to sustainable development and describes two novel measures: a carbon calculator for commercial entities, and a new metric, the Balance Unit, combining biodiversity creation with carbon credits. OTHER ADVOCATES, FACTS, AND RESOURCES:SBTi (2024): If you’re interested in joining the debate on offsets, it is worth reading this synthesis report on carbon credits and following updates from the SBTi. BloombergNEF (2022): “…[compliance] markets reached a value of more than $850 billion in 2021 and cover close to a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions.” “Despite the hype of voluntary carbon markets, they are still very small compared to compliance markets, valued at around $1 billion to $2 billion in 2021.”Deloitte (2023): “There are now 36 “compliance carbon markets” that offer cap-and-trade programs for heavy polluters.”Bioregional (2024): Read this blog to understand a bit more about carbon insetting – “…carbon insetting supports emissions reductions within an organisation’s own value chain.”World Bank Group (2022): This article provides a clear explanation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement – “Article 6 of the Paris Agreement allows countries to voluntarily cooperate with each other to achieve emission reduction targets set out in their NDCs.”Pollination (2023): Delta Blue Carbon is a project in Pakistan that is restoring critical mangrove habitat, creating a large carbon market that is genuinely nature-positive, and offering the local community tangible benefits and a starring role in the restoration and stewardship of their environment.Thank you for listening! Please follow us on social media to join the conversation: LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTokMusic: “Just Because Some Bad Wind Blows” by Nick Nuttall, Reptiphon Records. Available at https://nicknuttallmusic.bandcamp.com/album/just-because-some-bad-wind-blows-3Producer: Podshop StudiosHuge thanks to Siobhán Foster, a vital member of the team offering design advice, critical review and organisation that we depend upon.Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on navigating the transition away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future.
    Más Menos
    35 m