
  • 313: Five Questions Leaders Should Ask - But Usually Don't!
    Feb 7 2025

    Leaders are challenged to take responsibility - not only for themselves, but also for and to others. However, the challenge many leaders face is not knowing what they don't know. And, perhaps more often, they don't know because they don't have the insight, clarity, or self-awareness.

    These five questions will help any leader take their leadership to the next level.

    Learn more about the FREE online leadership development course we offer here:


    Más Menos
    15 m
  • #312 Best Books of 2024!
    Jan 10 2025

    Every year I LOVE sharing the books I read in the past year and what made them impactful! I break down the top five books I read last year - and why they were in my top five!

    Have YOU read a great book recently? Do share - I'm always looking for powerful books to learn from. Drop me an email with your suggestion: ria@riastory.com

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • #311 She's My Sister...
    Dec 27 2024

    Trisha's life was forever changed one night and she spent decades healing. Her experience led her to find her passion as she learned to turn pain into purpose. She's My Sister is a non-profit organization serving survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. Less than 1% of trafficking victims are ever identified and the average age a young girl is first exploited is 14 years old. Learn more: http://shesmysister.org Report suspected trafficking: National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888

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    29 m
  • #310 Mission: "Ascending Phoenix"
    Dec 13 2024

    It wasn't until he was an adult that Tanner Lyons realized some of the struggles he was having are symptoms of C-PTSD and rooted in the trauma he faced growing up. Tanner shares some of his story here, and how the adversity he faced in life equipped him for the cause he now champions.

    Learn more about Tanner's mission: https://missionascendingphoenix.org

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    33 m
  • #309 Can Leadership Be Learned?
    Aug 27 2024

    Are leaders born or made? One of the questions I am often asked is "Can someone learn to be a leader?" I break down the answer in this video!

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    13 m
  • #308 3 Things That Happen When You Invest In Yourself
    Aug 13 2024

    Why should you invest in yourself? Bet on yourself? Develop yourself? Good things may happen to those who wait - but great things happen when you don't wait to prepare!

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    10 m
  • #307 Three Critical Questions for Success
    Jul 16 2024

    When you are good at making things happen, you are going to get asked to make a lot of things happen. Other people are going to ask you to help make things happen – things that may or may not be on YOUR list of priorities.

    And, if you aren’t willing to tell them no, you will find yourself spending more time on other people’s projects or priorities than your own. Here are three critical questions to ask and answer for yourself - and why it's important to do so. This podcast episode is based on a chapter of Ria's book, The Ladder of Influence: 5 Steps for Climbing to the Next Level and Beyond.

    Pick up a copy of the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Ladder-Influence-Steps-Climbing-Beyond/dp/B0BW2G3W1L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=10D71ICRGPQRH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._J7Sjdgym7VJvb_eVaMSqzDEITmGS15i-txvm46LEMw.aYoRyLKbaYL36vEYZ7VK6kmw1Y4I236rDe03nQP6294&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+ladder+of+influence+ria+story&qid=1719593639&sprefix=the+ladder+of+influence+ria+story%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1#theladderofinfluence

    #keepclimbing #leadershipcoaching #leadershiptraining #influence #success #maximizeyourresults

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    15 m
  • #306 Change Happens: 3 Reasons Why People Resist It
    Jul 2 2024

    The biggest frustration in leading change is overcoming resistance to change. Are you leading or communicating change initiatives in your organization? Do you need to increase buy-in? Would you like to be more successful as an individual but fear of change is holding you back? As a leader of change, you are faced with the need to not only manage the change itself, but also the resistance, reactions, fears, and emotions of your team members throughout the change. Fear of change will create roadblocks when it comes to implementing new initiatives. The result: wasted time, increased cost, and decreased productivity. As an individual, when you are resisting change, you are missing out on the opportunities it can bring. Change brings both challenges and opportunities. Change can bring an organization together by uniting the team around a unifying purpose and vision, or it can create chaos. Watch today's podcast episode on the three reasons why people resist change - and how it may be holding you back if you are someone resistant to change. Pick up a copy of the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Happens-Yourself-Effective-Leadership/dp/1535063432/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.syAa870QenXw7uyAUSU4_Xc168H8Zc7ZdOeijxfWKLk.huFwaX0uJZK-mX-zfF2A820w-Eha3jDObtdLM27h9fw&qid=1719592221&sr=8-1 #changehappens #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipspeaker #changemanagement #leadingchange

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    10 m