
  • Reconnecting with Nature: The Power of Deep Ecology with John Seed and Karin Raven Steininger
    Mar 7 2025

    In this episode of Embodied Pathways, I had the immense pleasure of welcoming two remarkable guests: John Seed, a pioneering figure in the Deep Ecology movement, and my dear friend, Karin Raven Steininger, an Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker and Deep Ecology facilitator. Together, we explored the profound connections between humanity and the natural world, delving into the themes of activism, grief, and the healing power of nature.

    We began our conversation by discussing how John and Raven found their way into activism. John shared his unexpected journey, which began in a Buddhist community in northern New South Wales, where a call for help from a neighbor ignited a lifelong passion for environmental protection. Raven spoke about her deep connection to the Earth through Paganism, emphasizing that activism is an inherent part of her spiritual life.

    A significant portion of our discussion focused on the experiential Deep Ecology Workshops that John and Raven have been facilitating. These workshops aim to heal the myth of disconnection between humans and the natural world, allowing participants to listen to their own wisdom and the wisdom of the Earth. Raven described the workshops as collective experiences that create space for grief, anger, and empowerment, while John emphasized the importance of feelings in driving ecological identity and action.

    We also touched on the concept of embodied knowing, which aligns with the podcast's theme of "Embodied Pathways." Both John and Raven agreed that our bodies are primary routes to consciousness change, and that reconnecting with our ecological identity is essential for meaningful activism. They highlighted the need for ongoing practices and rituals that remind us of our interconnectedness with the Earth, drawing parallels with Indigenous ceremonial life.

    As our conversation progressed, we explored the role of gratitude in Deep Ecology, with Raven articulating it as an invitation to recognize the abundance of the Earth. John shared a fascinating perspective on the ancient cycles of partnership between humans and the natural world, illustrating how our very existence is intertwined with the life processes of our planet.

    We concluded the episode by discussing the importance of awe and joy in our connection to nature, and how these emotions can empower us in our activism. Both John and Raven are currently engaged in exciting projects, including upcoming workshops and conservation efforts, which reflect their commitment to fostering a culture of connection and healing.

    This episode is a heartfelt reminder of the power of community, the necessity of ritual, and the joy that comes from reconnecting with the Earth. I hope you find inspiration in our conversation and feel encouraged to explore your own relationship with nature.

    John Seed online:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnseed.deepecology
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnseed_deepecology
    Substack: https://substack.com/@johnseed
    Podcast links, essays, music, films etc. and occasional blog posts at https://johnseed.net/ and https://rainforestinfo.org.au/johnseed.htm
    Thinking Like a Mountain text: http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/deep-eco/TLAM%20text.htm

    Deep Ecology workshop with John Seed , Karin Raven Steininger and Brother Tenzin, Bellingen, NSW, Australia, April 25-27 2025: https://events.humanitix.com/deep-ecology-with-john-seed-k

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    44 m
  • Rewilding Our Lives: A Journey Through Nature Connection with Peter Cow
    Jan 24 2025

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Peter Cow, a passionate advocate for nature connection and community living. Peter's work integrates permaculture design, rewilding, and the wisdom of the Eight Shields model, emphasizing the importance of both human and nature connections in our lives today.

    We began our conversation by reflecting on our shared experiences during the environmental protests of the 1990s, particularly the successful campaign to save an ancient woodland from development. Peter shared vivid memories of living in a tree-house at Lyminge Forest, highlighting how that experience ignited his passion for nature and community living. He described the profound sense of purpose and connection that emerged from living in such a vibrant, purpose-driven community.

    Peter then talked about his time at the Steward Community Woodland, where he deepened his understanding of permaculture and the importance of living sustainably. He emphasized the need for humans to recognize their integral role within nature, advocating for a shift in perspective that sees us as part of the ecosystem rather than separate from it.

    We explored the principles of permaculture, which focus on creating positive impact living by observing and mimicking natural ecosystems. Peter explained how these principles can be applied not only in agriculture but also in social structures and community living.

    The conversation also delved into the Eight Shields model, which offers a framework for human optimization based on the practices of indigenous cultures. Peter described how this model can help us cultivate attributes such as happiness, empathy, and connection, ultimately fostering a more supportive and compassionate community.

    As we wrapped up, Peter shared his insights on the importance of play in nature connection and the need for cultural support to nurture our relationships with the natural world. He provided listeners with resources to connect with his work, including his year-long Nature Connection course and the Nature Culture Network.

    Overall, this episode was a rich exploration of how we can reconnect with nature and each other, drawing on the wisdom of past experiences and indigenous practices to create a more harmonious and regenerative future.

    Peter's inspiring journey reveals a fundamental truth: we are part of nature, and human culture can be intimately woven into nature connection.

    More about Peter's work:
    An introduction to the Eight Shields course starts on January 29th: Nature's Blueprint

    • Nature Culture Network Camp
    • Livingincircles.com
    • https://natureculturenetwork.org
    • https://bringingithome.life/ecological-homecoming/
    • https://www.tinosecolodge.gr/news/permaculture-design-course-may-2025/

    Join the Nature Culture Network newsletter: http://eepurl.com/du0h05

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  • Seasonal Alchemy
    Nov 15 2024

    At Autumn Equinox I attended the final workshop of a year long process called Seasonal Alchemy. The weekend included nature connection, meditation, ritual, breathwork, dance and teaching about the Wheel of the Year. I was already familiar with most of these aspects but I was struck by how they were woven together. I was also reminded of the richness of the Wheel of the Year. I’ve been working with the seasonal Wheel for many years but had forgotten its depth and power: I’ve found it hard to hold onto my practice without the support of community.

    Seasonal Alchemy brings together several of the embodied pathways of connection and I’m delighted to bring you this interview with the team who create it: Lydia Campbell, Hamish Mackay-Lewis anf Jed Hamilton-Shaw.

    Hamish Mackay-Lewis is a nature guide, leadership coach and facilitator, eternally committed to the wisdom and gift of the moment-to-moment experience. He has a varied and international background having served in the armed forces before going into the field of human development.
    A perennial student of personal transformation, for the past 12 years he has guided groups and individuals to bring a spirit of adventure into their lives, to look inwardly and honestly and to experience the mutually restorative relationship between land and people.
    At the heart of his work are the practices of presence, nature connection and breathwork.

    Lydia Campbell is a teacher, mediator, leadership consultant, coach and mother. She has been immersed in the fertile edge of transformational leadership and healing for the past 20 years in her own life firstly, and externally in delivering retreats across Africa, India and Europe for thousands of attendees.
    Her work rests on three main pillars: ancient wisdom and shamanic healing arts, facilitation and modern leadership approaches, and a healthy dose of heartful, no-bs, real life grit.

    Jed Hamilton-Shaw is a Ritualist, Facilitator, Coach and DJ. He began his nature connection journey in 2021, when the pandemic highlighted a profound need for entering into a deeper relationship with the wild world.
    He has trained for a number of years with WildWise, a Devon based hub for outdoor education and has worked on the Woods for Wellness project at Dartington Hall as a nature connection facilitator and with Journeyman, a UK charity, mentoring school age boys to help them transition to a generative masculinity.

    He is also a magical practitioner, DJ and space holder: working in these ways as part of a wider transition to cultural rewilding of this land.
    You can find him on the paths and ancient byways across his beloved Somerset and beyond.

    More information about Seasonal Alchemy:

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  • Sacred Ecology
    Sep 12 2024

    Thirty years ago I gave a presentation that would change my life. I was a Pagan environmental activist and had been invited to deliver a talk at an academic conference at Newcastle University. The event, ‘Paganism in Contemporary Britain’, was the first international academic conference on the subject of Pagan studies and they wanted a Pagan perspective on the environmental crisis. My presentation was called ‘Sacred Ecology’, and it led to me doing a PhD. ‘Sacred Ecology’ was subsequently published and has been more widely read than anything I’ve written since.

    Sacred Ecology' considers the environmental crisis and asks; how can we achieve real change? I consider philosophical options, including Social Ecology and Deep Ecology. I reject both, and present instead my vision for a somatic philosophy that embraces our embodied knowing. I propose ecstatic Pagan ritual as a fundamental pathway to embodied knowing. Such rituals enables us to reconnect with ourselves, healing the rift between body & mind and gifting us a deep knowing of the sacredness of the Earth.

    Passionate and radical, this presentation is perhaps more important now than it was thirty year ago.

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  • Indigenous voices from Peru and Brazil: The Willkasara Family and Shaneihu Yawanawa
    Jul 3 2024

    In this episode, I’m privileged to speak with three Indigenous spiritual leaders. In the first interview I talk to two members of the Willkasara Medicine Family, who have been leading Plant Medicine Ceremonies and Retreats for 50 years. Wachan Bajiyoperak is from a lineage of Peruvian Medicine People. His partner Martika Gomez is a descendent of the Kogi people. They live with their daughter, Shiqwarkenty, in the Sacred Valley of the Inca in Peru. They work with powerful plants including Grandfather Wachuma, the spirit medicine from the San Pedro cactus.

    My second interview is with Shaneihu, a member of the Yawanawá tribe, and chief of his village in Brazil. Shaneihu has received teachings from different Yawanawa spiritual leaders is steeped in their traditional knowledge.

    He spends most of his time at Yawarani village, where he receives small groups for spiritual learning and healing. I was fortunate enough to interview him live during a rare visit to the UK.

    I've edited out the translation of my questions, but Shaneihu's replies are unedited. Indigenous voices are often silenced and I want you to hear what he says in his own language. The translation was provide by the anthropologist and writer Maria Fernanda Gebara.

    These two ancient traditions are geographically far apart, but have much in common. Sacred Medicine plants are important in both cultures as is an intimacy with the natural world. Wachan and Shaneihu urge us to wake up from the illusion of disconnection that plagues us. Martika, Wachan and Shaneihu all send us an urgent message: We must find connection and right relationship with each other and the natural world.

    The Willkasara Medicine Family:

    Learn about the Yawanawá People:

    Maria Fernanda Gebara

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  • Interwoven Embodiment: A Passionate Call to Wholeness from Lisa Blackman and Glen Mazis
    Jun 20 2024

    This is the third and final episode in a series where I explore embodiment with key thinkers in the field. In this episode, I speak to Lisa Blackman and Glen Mazis, two established and very embodied academics.

    Professor Lisa Blackman is a researcher in body studies, media, and cultural theory, with a particular interest in subjectivity and embodiment. Lisa is involved in mental health research and was one of the early pioneers of the Hearing Voices movement.

    Lisa was born with a rare congenital condition that made her different from others, and this experience influenced her work in disability awareness and the implications of living with a non-normative morphology.

    Her interdisciplinary education, including psychology, philosophy, anthropology, and critical psychiatry, shapes her work. Lisa is interested in challenging normative assumptions about what it means to be human and a subject, rejecting dualistic categories, and embracing radical relationality and interdependence.

    In her research with a Hearing Voices group, Lisa observed transformational processes that led to changes in the embodied experience of the voices, resulting from shared experiences and a sense of community. She believes that acknowledging interdependency as the starting point is crucial for addressing the multiple crises we face and argues that the individual is porous and interwoven with others.

    Glen Mazis, an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, brings a unique perspective to the study of embodiment. His work as a Merleau-Ponty scholar and a published poet underscores the significance of embodiment and how our physical presence in the world offers us a distinct experience.

    His interest in embodiment is rooted in many years of philosophical study and his ongoing challenge to the idea that being embodied is a curse. Glen finds depth and interconnectedness in living through the body, a perspective shaped by the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a philosopher known for his focus on the body and its relation to the world.

    Glen advocates that the body is our pathway into the world, enabling us to connect with other beings and entities, creating an immersive, interconnected experience of reality. Glen's voice resonates with urgency as he argues for a more embodied understanding of the world. He expresses concern about the prevalence of a 'disembodied culture' that prioritizes mental manipulation over connections with others and the environment.

    Glen stresses that feeling the wonder and interconnection with nature is crucial for addressing ecological concerns. He also challenges the perception of individualism, emphasizing that social bonds and interwoven experiences are primarily expressed through embodied interactions.

    Additionally, Glen asserts that humans need to recognize their animal nature, acknowledging that our exceptional capabilities are rooted in our shared animal bodies.

    Lisa Blackman: https://www.gold.ac.uk/media-communications/staff/blackman/

    The Body. The Key Concepts: https://www.routledge.com/The-Body-The-Key-Concepts/Blackman/p/book/9781350109414

    Glen Mazis: http://glenmazis.com/

    Earthbodies. Rediscovering Our Planetary Senses: https://sunypress.edu/Books/E/Earthbodies2

    Glen Mazis & David Abram discuss embodied ecology:

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  • Exploring Embodiment: Insights from Philip Shepherd and Claire Dale
    Jun 7 2024

    In this episode, I continue my exploration of embodiment by interviewing two prominent figures in the field. First, Philip Shepherd, an actor and creator of the Embodied Present Process, shares his views on how embodiment involves joining the world through feeling and bringing the whole of one's intelligence into coherence with the present. Philip discusses how modern culture fosters disembodiment and offers insights into re-embodying through practices that enhance fluidity, groundedness, spaciousness, centeredness, and attunement.

    Next, Claire Dale, a former dance company leader and co-author of Physical Intelligence, explains how she developed the concept of Physical Intelligence. Claire emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing the body's chemistry - hormones like oxytocin and serotonin - to achieve flexibility and resilience. She provides practical techniques such as the 'serotonin twist' to help listeners reduce anxiety and improve their Physical Intelligence.

    The episode delves deep into how embodiment and Physical Intelligence can transform our experience and interactions with the world.

    • Philip Shepherd: https://embodiedpresent.com/pages/philip-shepherd
    • The Physical Intelligence Institute: https://physicalintelligenceinstitute.com/
    • Books by Philip Shepherd
    • Physical Intelligence. Harness your body's untapped intelligence to achieve more, stress less and live more happily

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    45 m
  • Exploring the Power of Embodiment: Awareness, Activism and Interrelatedness
    May 9 2024

    Join me on a transformative journey as we explore the multifaceted realm of embodiment with insights from thought leaders in the field. Mark Walsh opens the discussion with his nuanced definitions of embodiment, illuminating its role in our identity and relationships. Mark explores various definitions of embodiment, from the subjective study of the body to an intelligence that encompasses awareness, choice, self, and the other. He touches on embodiment as an umbrella term for body-mind arts, including yoga, martial arts, and somatic practices, emphasizing the distinction between physical activities and those genuinely embodied through awareness and self-development. Mark conveys the richness of embodiment, moving beyond seeing the body merely as a 'brain taxi' to appreciating it in its lived, experiential wholeness.

    The conversation shifts as I welcome Rae Johnson, who offers an enriching dialogue on interoception and intercorporeality. Rae brings a queer-identified scholar's lens to the discussion. Rae explores interoception, proprioception, exteroception, and intercorporeality, showing how each offers unique insights into our relationship with our bodies and the world around us. They unpack the integral relationship between embodiment and activism, highlighting the significance of nonverbal communication in conveying messages that may not align with our spoken words. Rae examines the concept of implicit bias, how it leaks through our body language, and how it can impact trust and perception in interpersonal interactions.

    Next, I introduce Olu Taiwo, a storyteller and scholar who masterfully weaves together personal anecdotes and academic knowledge. He draws parallels between the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi and modern neuroscience. Olu defines embodiment as the agency of being and knowing within one's body, which he illustrates with the idea of 'engrams' - habituated bodily knowledge. He explains how engrams can be beneficial for learning techniques but also responsible for negative patterns like poor posture or unhealthy habits. Olu also shares the wisdom he gained from his encounter with a life-threatening illness, underscoring the importance of gratitude and presence. He presents embodiment as a continual process, a journey rather than a destination.

    The conversation concludes with Charlene Spretnak, who introduces dynamic interrelatedness, revealing how contemporary biology reveals our deep interconnectivity. She unpacks how recent discoveries in human biology challenge the mechanistic view of the human organism that has prevailed for centuries. Dynamic interrelatedness offers a radical understanding of the body-mind connection, human relationships, and our interaction with nature. The implications of recognizing our relational nature are vast, affecting personal growth, healthcare, education, and our response to the climate emergency. She considers how this knowledge could transform our approach to community preparedness, healthcare practices, and support for climate refugees, ultimately reimagining public policy and societal structures in harmony with our interrelated existence.


    Mark Walsh

    Olu Taiwo

    Rae Johnson

    Charlene Spretnak

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