
  • 10. It's Not Your Church!
    Mar 18 2025

    Statistics show that the connection and community experienced in smaller churches have a greater effect on the lives of believers. Mega churches serve a purpose, no doubt. But rural churches are doing more than just evangelize - they are taking care of their people.

    Michael McAfee's passion for the rural church is expressed on this episode. Some pastors can feel like failures, just by the amount of people that are in their churches. He expresses how easy it is to fall prey to that inadequte attitude. Michael explicitly expresses - "This is NOT your church, it's NOT your ministry - it's God's". We're all called to steward it. God will bless it; He will prosper it and He will bless you. It's time to overcome inadequacy in the Kingdom.


    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 9. Refreshing and Self-Care for Rural Pastors
    Jan 31 2025

    Michael McAfee does prophetic dreaming sessions with pastors, Christian business owners, entrepreneurs, etc., which is basically helping them reignite the dream and the vision that God has given them. Helping them to strategize and understand what they can do and how to do what God has called them to do in their particular context, is what this episode addresses.

    Pastors do good all the time, ministering to people and their needs, but they can often forget that their number one job is not to minister to people and their needs but to spend time personally with The Father. The Book of Mark (3:13-15) tells us that when Jesus called the disciples, He ordained them to be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach, to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils. If pastors are not careful, they become quick to preach and minister to people, but forget that they are primarily ordained to be with Him.

    Learning how to "abide in Christ." That is the calling.


    For transcription and notes of this episode, contact: michael.mcafee69@yahoo.com

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 8. Seeker Sensitive or Seeker Friendly?
    Dec 16 2024

    This episode features not only Michael McAfee, but also his wife, Jolene. What wisdom comes from this pair of anointed and dedicated followers of Christ! Their insight on how rural churches can both succeed and fail, gives such help to every pastor who has tried to do the dance between "seeker sensitive or seeker friendly."

    The discussion starts with proven ways to overcome the sensitivity of letting non-believers affect the local church, but rather to adhere and promote the gospel with a biblically sound culture. Jolene's influence and support of her husband's ministry to pastors is outstanding to hear, for all ministering couples of smaller congregations. May we ALL learn to be "friendly" and surely not just sensitive. This episode is full of love, compassion and hope, while at the same time, a true Holy Spirit-reprimand and counsel, for pastors who desire to do so much more.


    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 7. He Is Such A Snake (Identifying the Enemy's Tactics)
    Oct 16 2024

    It’s pretty obvious to believers today, that the spirit of the anti-Christ has a mission. That mission is to wear out the saints. This bold and on-target episode shares the reality of satan’s scheme to disconnect believers from their heavenly Father.

    Host Michael McAfee gives deep and definitive scriptural insight on how to combat the devil’s tactics, by never allowing him to “slither in.” The enemy’s goal is and has always been to get in between the relationship between you and God. Job said, “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him.” Never let anything (blessings or curses, prosperity or poverty, joy or sadness) come between you and your relationship with God.


    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 6. How To Respond When A Pastor Falls
    Sep 10 2024

    Michael McAfee addresses the complex ministry world of celebrity pastors vs. the local pastor, and in detail, describes five ways we can overcome the response to failure in leadership. Also addressed is how Christ-followers can respond theologically to tragedy when the pulpit has been mis-used or abused.

    When a pastor or ministry has a moral failure, it affects everybody. Michael shows how we as Christians should react, specifically in our own calling.


    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 5. Relationship, Religion and Abiding In the Vine
    Jun 21 2024

    Michael McAfee is on course with the reality that "finding the Father", while He is chasing after you, is what seeking the face of God is all about. From a biblical world-view, Michael reflects on the benefits of allowing God to work through every believer, to be transformed so that all will live the example of the great Transformer. Religion can be about the "don'ts", but in the justice system of Christ-centered living - it's more about the "doing" and the "being."

    Michael's passion and desire to see people come to the knowledge of Jesus is evident in this episode, challenging all pastors to fall at the feet of their heavenly Father, asking for restoration, revival and forgiveness.


    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 4. The Importance of the Local Church with Michael McAfee
    Apr 16 2024

    Michael McAfee's purpose and calling is to see the smaller rural churches thrive in their outreach to their respective communities. His recent message, given at a church in Newport News, Virginia, gives light on exactly what the local church's role is when it comes to the value of God's strategic plan for ministry.

    Being like pilgrims just passing through this life or even like ambassadors to a foreign country, it is of utmost importance that Christians and the leadership of churches world-wide know who they are in Christ. Understanding their uniqueness, their gifts and their hunger for God, never lessens or diminishes as long as they are truly doing the work of the Holy Spirit. The local church (regardless of size) is part of God's plan to strengthen, teach and disciple every believer. This is clearly the message of Michael McAfee.


    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 3. The Purpose of Prophetic Dreaming with Michael McAfee
    Mar 22 2024

    Discover how prophetic dreaming is a necessary component in ministry with Micheal McAfee. Prophetic dreams can provide guidance and direction for your life along with revelations about your spiritual purpose. Prophetic dreaming can help us heal from past traumas and move forward into a brighter and more fulfilled future, especially when it comes to pastoring. "Beware of mission creep," Michael so clearly explains in this episode. Prophetic dreaming can and will connect us with God's divine purpose for our life, to gain a deeper understanding of the biblical process it takes to stay true to our calling.


    Más Menos
    27 m