
  • Valentine's Special: American Idol Scott MacIntyre - Enduring Hope
    Feb 12 2025

    American Idol alum, Scott MacIntyre, was born blind and is a two-time kidney transplant recipient. His musical talent and positive personality won the hearts of the TV audience. Today, Scott and his wife, Christina, travel around the world telling their EXTRAordinary story of perseverance and God's care. They live their lives with "Enduring Hope," as their TV special and podcast of the same name emphasize. Scott's life is truly EXTRAordinary, not only because he was a participant on American Idol, but also because of the humble trust he chooses to put in Jesus every day.

    Scott's website,https://scottmacintyre.com/, features his music, TV specials, podcast, and much more.

    Find Scott and Christina's podcast, "Enduring Hope," by clickinghere.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Chris Earl: Fighter Pilot and Servant Leadership Consultant
    Nov 2 2024

    Chris Earl, Former Navy Fighter pilot, squadron leader, instructor, and NORAD consultant is above all a humble man of integrity who is currently using his training and experience to teach and coach high-risk companies using the principles of human performance and the art of servant leadership. Chris shares EXTRAordinary stories of God's protection and provision and valuable insights on work, life, and following Jesus. You'll find this episode exciting, inspiring, and worthwhile.

    You can find Chris, President of Cutlass Consulting and founder of The Earl Group on LinkedIn.

    Ellen talks about Greg Koukl's organization called Stand to Reason, which can be found at str.org, and his book, The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How it Ends, and Everything Important in Between.

    Ellen's website is https://www.extraordinary.live/ and you'll find her on Instagram @extraordinarylivespodcast

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Steve and Debbie Osborn: Teamwork
    Sep 19 2024

    I admire the way Steve and Debbie work as a team. They've been married for over 38 years and were involved in ministry together before that. They've worked with college students with Cru, and more recently, served in church ministry. They've seen God heartily at work over the years, including through the extravagant love of friends who came alongside them when their infant son wasn't growing. You'll appreciate their stories of God's faithfulness and the impact of other believers in their lives. It's a reminder to all of us how important each one of us is in the body of Christ.

    Show notes

    Steve mentions the book, The Divine Conspiracy, by Dallas Willard, especially referring to the definition of “disciple" as being an apprentice.

    For a sermon by Steve on the topic of Forgiveness, click here.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Pam Clark: Protecting Young Women in Kenya
    Aug 30 2024

    Pam Clark heads up the “Protecting Our Daughters” or “P.O.D.” project, which works with a church in Kenya to provide hygiene products and resources to girls in Kenya. This ministry is vital to the success and well-being of these young women, and the program also teaches women how to sew and earn a living. Pam has a heart of compassion and a background of unique cultural experiences that have prepared her for this outreach. She also has a can-do attitude, jumping in to help where she sees a need. You’ll be fascinated by her story which includes growing up around the world including West Berlin when the wall went up, and inspired by her resilience going through a divorce with two young children and witnessing God’s provision and care.

    Show notes

    For more information about P.O.D., go to https://protectingourdaughters.com/

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Jenne Blackburn: Always an Athlete
    Jun 28 2024

    With endorsements by Bill Walton and Billie Jean King, Jenné Blackburn’s book, Always An Athlete, is on its way to helping post-competitive athletes transition to life beyond their sport. Her research and insights on the all too common struggles of physical and mental health plus loss of identity, which she experienced in her own life after collegiate volleyball, led her to discover 3 pillars that are helpful for all of us. Her website, and book offer hope, encouragement, and resources. They also expand on Jenne’s determination to create cycle events at major sports franchising games to form a much-needed community for all athletes, an idea born from a bike ride taken while attending the prestigious ESPNW Summit, an invitation Jenné believes was an EXTRAordinary opportunity orchestrated by God, which came about from another EXTRAordinary experience she had at Baylor, working with coaches and the administration to link athletes to outreach opportunities (Sic ‘em Bears!). You'll love meeting Jenné and hearing her impacting stories.

    Show Notes:

    Bill Walton died May 27th of this year, and Jenné has a tribute to him on her website. You'll hear about her interaction with him in this podcast.

    Ellen and Jenné discuss Ellen's blog post about a Chinese proverb.

    #alwaysanathlete #JenneBlackburn #missions #teamsports #team #cycling #bicycle #BillWalton #self-sacrifice #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #identity #lossof identity #ESPNWSummit #Baylor

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Kathy Izard: Author of Trust the Whisper
    May 30 2024

    Kathy shares her phenomenal story of answering an insistent whisper to quit her job and work on homelessness, an endeavor she felt in no way qualified for. This "whisper" turned into her raising millions of dollars in donations to build a 100-unit housing complex, and later, a mental health treatment center and more. Her new book, Trust the Whisper, describes her experience and includes 20 other "extraordinary stories of ordinary grace" about others who heard and obeyed God's whisper and witnessed unimaginable results. You'll be enthralled by her story and challenged to listen for your own God whispers and purpose for your life.

    You’ll find Kathy's new book, Trust the Whisper, published by Baker Books, on her website, ⁠https://www.kathyizard.com/⁠ where you'll also learn about her other 4 books, speaking engagements, and coaching. Listen to stories from her book here, and subscribe to What's Your Whisper, here.

    The podcast also refers to the book and movie, Same Kind of Different as Me. The movie is available on Amazon Prime, YouTube, and other streaming services.

    Ellen's website can be found at https://www.extraordinary.live/

    Ellen mentions these verses and commentary:

    ”Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.“

    James 1:27 NIV

    Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.“

    James 1:27 MSG

    True religion does not merely give something for the relief of the distressed, but it visits them, it takes the oversight of them, it takes them under its care; so episkeptesthaimeans. It goes to their houses, and speaks to their hearts; it relieves their wants, sympathizes with them in their distresses, instructs them in divine things, and recommends them to God. And all this it does for the Lord’s sake. This is the religion of Christ” (Adam Clarke, quoted in the Blue Letter Bible (BLB) app, James 1:26 Commentary by David Guzik).

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Mike and Sharon Mehaffie: Power of Prayer
    May 11 2024

    Mike and Sharon have waded through marital struggles, a son’s serious illness, a major car wreck, financial hardship, and career-choice doubts and reached the other side with a stronger faith and more confidence in God’s guidance and care. They have worked with college students through Cru for many years and are currently working with grad students and faculty at NC State. You’ll be intrigued and blessed by their stories of God’s EXTRAordinary work in their ordinary lives.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Paulina Gartland: Mama Llama
    Apr 20 2024

    Humorously, God used Paulina’s phobias and superstitions to point her toward His trustworthiness during a very upsetting time in her life. That is just one of the EXTRAordinary stories told by this Latina Spanish teacher. To be around Paulina is to be delighted by her laugh, positivity, endearing accent, strong belief, and compassionate heart. It’s easy to see why this “Mama Llama” is loved by her students.

    Included in this podcast is Proverbs 3:5-6:" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

    Más Menos
    31 m