
  • What Do I Do When God Seems Distant
    Mar 10 2025
    There are times in our lives when God feels far away and life feels like a wilderness. Where is God when this happens? Is He there with us or has He removed Himself? Can an omnipresent God be distant? How do faith and the emotional sense of God's presence play out in situations like this? Melanie du Toit, a prophetic voice in JoshGen and Michael D'Offay with Brett Bevan, both elders within the life of JoshGen, share perspectives from God's Word together with personal experience.
    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Helping Our Kids Grow Their Personal Faith
    Mar 3 2025
    At what age should a parent or Kids Church team introduce a child to Jesus? Is there a minimum age at which we should do this? What about baptism? Is there a minimum age? Should parents give their consent? Is leading a child to salvation the responsibiity of the parents or the church? These are some of the tough questions our two guest eldership couples who lead JoshGen's kids ministry, Deon and Kim Delport and Ian and Kate Jonker answer for us.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Why Should I Trust My Bible?
    Feb 24 2025
    In a world where there is no morality, ethical standards are flexible and society does what the latest fad demands, is the Bible still relevant? Can we trust the Bible? Can we trust the whole Bible? These are some of the questions that bring doubt to the minds of especially our younger generation of believers. Our team of elders, Mike D'Offay, Dan Barnard and Luke Hulley dig deeper and explore some of the reasons why the Bible is God's word and still is very relevant to our generation.
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Fires Floods or Famines - Natural Disasters Gods Judgement
    Feb 17 2025
    With the recent fire devastation in California and the world coverage of the disaster coupled with social media reporting many Christians are asking the question, "Does God judge the world through natural disasters?" Are Christians protected from disasters? What does the Bible say about God and His judgement? Does God use natural disasters for His own purposes? These and other questions are answered with a Biblical perspective by our team of Mike D'Offay, Luke Hulley and Dan Barnard, who serve as elders in the life of JoshGen.
    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Come Alive and Thrive in 2025
    Feb 10 2025
    When it comes to new year resolutions, planning or goalsetting everyone has an opinion on what is right and what isn't. What should our response be to the pressures of planning or new year resolutions? What is the godly response? How do we achieve a balance between the two? In this episode our team answers these questions and others, BUT, the consensus is that the key response should be pressing in and drawing closer to the One who holds the future and knows where we should ultimately be.

    Luke Hulley Blogpost
    Más Menos
    47 m
  • From Darkness to Forgiveness and Restoration - Julian's Story
    Feb 7 2025

    This is the riveting testimony and dramatic journey of a talented young man who experienced mental illness at school which developed into full schizophrenia at university and took his life in a downward spiral on a very dark journey. Culminating in a tragic event and resulting in his arrest and committal to Valkenburg Psychiatric Hospital, Julian Goldswain's life appeared to be over, facing a future as a state mental patient. He was told by doctors that he would never be healed, get married, have children or work again. But God had other ideas and a journey of restoration changed him radically leading to the complete healing of his mental illness and coming off all medication. This transformation was likened by doctors to the mental equivalent of a paraplegic rising from a wheelchair and walking again. Julian and his wife Chantelle are on eldership with the JoshGen Muizenberg congregation and do life together with their two teenage boys Thorin and Gabe.
    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Is Supernatural Healing Still Relevant For Today?
    Feb 3 2025
    In this episode we ask the question, is supernatural healing still relevant and if so how do we exercise the gift of healing? Should everyone be healed? What if you are not healed, has God let you down? Does it depend on our faith or the faith of the one praying for healing? There are many theologies around healing so how do we know what to believe? These and other questions are answered, together testimonies of God's healing in the lives of believers, by our panel, Dan Barnard, Sonja van der Merwe and Martin Janssen.
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Who Is Andrew Selley?
    Jan 27 2025
    At first glance you might answer...everyone knows who Andrew Selley is. But, with the growth of our congregations, a new JoshGen leader in South Africa and Andrew leading JoshGen internationally from the USA, not everyone knows him or his story. We chat with him about his personal testimony, how JoshGen started and how he views the future with JoshGen and the Four12 partnership of churches.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m