
  • It's not me, it's you.
    Feb 20 2025

    Joey gives an update on his current unemployment status,living on a low cost of living and how to properly save in case of emergency. Preparing for the asteroid coming in 2032, and what to expect. Realizing our history is mostly lies and fabrication. Learning foreign languages with friends, using Duolingo. The evolution of social media and how its changed society as a whole. Explaining the Mistplay app, to earn free gift cards. The evolution of gaming from the 80’s to now. Storytime with Joey talking about his high school days. Preparing for dark days to come, while our government takes away our rights. Binging tv shows, and the evolution of cinema. Remembering the first time Donald Trump was elected president of the USA. Exploiting our government and how it manipulates us to fight with each other and keep us divided. Explaining how greed is what drives our politicians, and morals are NOT a factor in their decision making. The difference between rights and privileges and explaining what we actually have. Taking care of people and sharing blessings with others. Securing your money, in case of emergency, living among millionaires while we are barely getting by. How our government gives more help to other countries then it’s own. Our corrupt banking system and how they control our money and uses it to get richer. Joey running into a fake pimp, and much much more. Check out our sister podcast, “Don’t Fear the Queer”, and out spinoff podcast “Banana Stickers”. Stay tuned for the relaunch of dontbesosensitive.com and more good things to come. Thank you for listening from Joey and I both, I am Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more importantly, be grateful.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 47 m
  • Positive Reinforcement & Instant Gratification
    Feb 12 2025

    Joey continues to practice his intro, and I give an update on my new job and how it’s so much better than my old one, with the constant disrespect I endured. Adapting to my new schedule to remain productive. Joey gives an update on his current employment, situation. Explaining how to survive downtown San Antonio, and how it’s a community in itself. Getting too comfortable at your job, and taking unnecessary risks. The asteroid heading toward earth; what we know and what we should prepare for. Understanding the predictability of people as a whole. Analyzing how people can change but most don’t. Realizing the woman you’ve been chasing is not the one you should be chasing. Social media addiction, and the reason why people crave “likes” and attention, online. The intelligence of birds, and the sad history of the pigeon, and bird diabetes; living up to the standards that society demands of us. Knowing your value and not wasting time with hood rats, and sluts. Losing interest in someone because they choose not to change as they get older. Love advice from a wise man, when choosing who to be with. Ideal couples, people try to imitate, and which is the right one to follow. How the Simpsons impacted my life growing up, and it was far ahead of its time. Society being overly sensitive, and really only caring about themselves. Reminding everyone how the government screws us over through taxes, and much, much, more. Check out our sister podcast “Don’t Fear the Queer” with me and the Liz, and our spinoff, “Banana Stickers” which gives anyone the opportunity to get on the mic and vent their thoughts. Thanks to all who have lent support, from Joey and I both. I am Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more importantly,be grateful.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 59 m
  • The Pussification of this Nation
    Feb 6 2025
    Joey and i hit the ground running, adjusting to our new life changes, Joey not working, me working with me new no stress job, Beyonce winning her grammy for country music, and the risks of talking down about powerful people, the power of the president and what he's doing with it, the Beyonce conspiracy theory, explaining the importance of communication in every aspect of life; Realizing common sense isn't common anymore. Appreciating Mexican work ethic, and etiquette. Explaining pie babies, and why our government is against abortion. Recognizing that people are simply a resource; explaining how the government owns us and controls our lives. The cost of having children and how the government won't help after the child is born; Explaining how the government doesn’t care about its people, they only care about how much money they make. Talking about a 78 year old man killing a thief in self-defense, and exploiting Christianity and their hypocrisy. The importance of logic and how it saves lives. The ICE deportations occurring in New York. How to win every debate. Understanding the importance of prioritizing your actions and not wasting your time, a cheap plug for Amazon Prime, and the Mist Play app, and how t get free legos for life… and much, much more.. please check out our other podcasts “Don’t Fear the Queer” with my good friend Liz, and my other podcast “Banana Stickers” which gives you an opportunity to get one the mic and vent your frustrations. Thanks for listening. I am Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more Importantly, be grateful.
    Más Menos
    2 h y 54 m
  • The Oldest Profession
    Feb 1 2025
    Special anniversary of my birthday, episode, Joey makes his 2nd attempt to introduce the show, quick plug for our sister podcast “Don’t Fear the Queer” with my good friend Liz, recorded a brand new episode, just yesterday, titled, “Do it for Her”. Reflecting on conversations that never get finished. Update on my new job situation. Living long enough to hit midlife crisis. The fears of AI, and the coming forth of the Singularity, and how machines are slowly taking over. Remembering the movie American Beauty, and fully understanding the main character. The struggles of being a man, and doing the work no one wants to do. Cheap plug for the app Duolingo, a free app to help you learn foreign languages, and my quest to improve my Spanish. Speaking Spanish, like a white person. Lazy people and not wanting to accept accountability. Being a man, and contemplating how to get away with murder. Working out, staying in shape when you get older and how to increase your strength intermediately. Using the barter system and telling the government to go fuck themselves, justifying prostitution, and much, much more. Thanks to all who have supported us, and please check out our other spinoffs “Don’t Fear the Queer”, and “Banana Stickers” always looking for guests. I am Max Power, and from Joey and I both, you all be a safe out there, but more importantly, be grateful!.
    Más Menos
    2 h y 6 m
  • This is for Entertainment Purposes Only
    Jan 22 2025

    We hit the ground running, starting with the Re-Election of President Donald Trump, reminding people that the president has no real power and doesn’t care about any of us. Earning the right to be called "Doctor". The importance of masturbation. The Dave Chappelle SNL monologue. Backtrack to Epstein Island and the continuous misdirection; The fires in Los Angeles and what caused the fire, why does it happen every year? Recognizing not all rich people are assholes. How to work the system. Asking the question, "When is it ok to rape someone?". Bringing Paul Walker back from the dead, and the Fast and the Furious franchise. The evolution of AI, and it's capabilities, and what we need to be aware of. Realistic prosthetic masks and being someone else. Honorable mention to Chadwick Boseman and Raul Julia, and other actors who work while being sick and dying. Being immortalized through Lego. Reminding men to get checkups. Googling how to make illegal and dangerous items, and how to commit suicide. Realizing your life isn’t as bad as you think and recognizing the fragility of life. Trump and Tik Tok, and people hating users of Tik Tok, and other social media platforms. How the Government is trying to infringe our 1st amendment right and questioning if we do live in a democracy. Comparing the rights we have in the US compared to China and why Tik Tok, threatens our government. How gym culture and gym etiquette has changed in the past 20 years because of social media. Honorable mention to Joey Swoll, and the risks of bodybuilding and proper health habits… and much, much more. Check out our spinoff podcasts “Don’t Fear the Queer”, and “Banana Stickers”. Always looking for guests. Thanks for listening. I am, Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more importantly, be grateful!

    Más Menos
    2 h y 53 m
  • Have a Great Day!
    Jan 15 2025

    Joey introduces the episode for the first time, and explains his unemployment situation.’ Feeling unappreciated and knowing when to leave your job; Story time with Max Power, and my transition into my new job. Watching your weight and proper dieting techniques; the dangers of fast food. The California Wildfires, are they intentional? Misdirection and how our government uses it to screw us over. The elites and their pointless goal of securing their legacies. Admiring Jackie Chan, encouraging his kids to earn their own wealth. Dealing with life, and life experience in general. The difference between men and women, when it comes to suicide. “Remaining Men Together” and the difference between morals and beliefs. Dealing with depression and other mental health issues; Fearing, Beyonce, and Hillary Clinton. Unlocking our brain’s potential. Encouraging men to talk about their feelings, before it's too late. Questioning God and putting too much faith in them, and recognizing he doesn’t give a shit about us. Sacrificing your own happiness for others who don’t appreciate it, and knowing when to cut people off. Being a parent and the importance of supporting your children. Dealing with family, and doing what makes your happy, despite people putting you down. Supporting each other when we come up. Living long enough to hit 40 and the half way mark. Dealing with dementia and how to prepare for it; preserving your immortality. Honorable mention to Bruce Willis. The origin of the podcast recognizing the fragility of life. Flashback to my early bartending days; The human will for survival. Staying positive in the midst of turmoil. The quest for immortality, and the Law of Attraction, and manipulating your own reality. Realizing your potential. Looking forward to the future and the meaning of life; Having an impact in the world as a whole. Check out our spinoffs “Don’t Fear the Queer” and “Banana Stickers”. Always looking for guests. Thank you for listening. I am Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more importantly, be grateful.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 58 m
  • Taking Control of Your Life
    Jan 9 2025

    Joey catches us up on his current unemployment status, we discuss the law of attraction and how it is used to manipulate your own reality. My new venture into voice over and voice acting jobs. Joey breaks down his mental health issues and how to stay positive when life deals you a bad hand. Choosing your battles wisely and knowing when to back down; Analyzing the start of the new year. Work drama and knowing when it's time to leave your job. The importance of communication and how people today don't have any common sense, and working with people who are not just lazy, the just don't care. Knowing your value and when to say, enough of is enough; being professional despite hating your job; the "Kill Tony", podcast helping local comedians; Algorithms and how they're always listening. A cheap plug for the app "Mist Play" and getting rewarded for playing games. Cheap plug for "Amazon Prime", free shipping! Looking into Neru Gum and unlocking your brain's potential. Not believing society, and unlearning everything you know. Questioning everything, utilizing your time when your single, the Queen B Conspiracy theory. Acknowledging Taylor Swift, for everything she does. Calling out Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington on suspicions of being pedos; revisiting Epstein Island. Acknowledging Mr. Rodgers and we never deserved that man. Not putting negative energy into the universe, and not listening to the media. Taking control of your life and manifesting your reality, and much more. Like and subscribe, check out our spinoffs "Don't Fear the Queer", and "Banana Stickers". Always looking for guests, thanks for listening. I'm Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more importantly, be grateful!

    Más Menos
    2 h y 32 m
  • We move Mountains
    Dec 19 2024

    Joey and I talk about how to open our show properly, and the difficulties of public speaking, the history of our podcast, during the COVID, lockdown of 2020, competing with celebrity podcasts, our claim against video podcasts, a free promo for the show, "Kill Tony" and encouraging up and coming comedians, to take a chance; An important reminder, that we are all significant in the broader spectrum, of what life is, the struggles of life as a whole, and understanding we are all important in our own personal lives along with much, much more. Like, subscribe, and comment We welcome feedback and we're always looking for guests. I am Max Power, you all be safe out there, but more importantly, be grateful.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 1 m