
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid: The Universal Antioxidant
    Mar 16 2025

    Known as the "universal antioxidant," alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a powerhouse for fighting oxidative stress and supporting overall health. Listen in this week as Dee explores how ALA helps combat diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, fatty liver, and more—plus, why it’s essential for your metabolism!


    Salehi, B., Berkay Yılmaz, Y., Antika, G., Boyunegmez Tumer, T., Fawzi Mahomoodally, M., Lobine, D., Akram, M., Riaz, M., Capanoglu, E., Sharopov, F., Martins, N., Cho, W. C., & Sharifi-Rad, J. (2019). Insights on the use of α-lipoic acid for therapeutic purposes. Biomolecules, 9(8), 356. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6723188/

    Link to purchase Alpha Lipoic Acid: https://amzn.to/43FqMFh

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Stop the Microplastics Mayhem! Proactive Steps to Minimize Exposure
    Mar 9 2025

    Microplastics are tiny plastic particles—smaller than a grain of sand—shed from bottles, bags, tires, synthetic fabrics, and even cosmetics. Linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer, these invisible invaders are everywhere. Listen in this week as Dee shares nutrition and detox strategies to help clear them from your body.


    Marfella, R., Prattichizzo, F., Sardu, C., Fulgenzi, G., Graciotti, L., Spadoni, T., D’Onofrio, N., Scisciola, L., La Grotta, R., Frigé, C., Pellegrini, V., Municinò, M., Siniscalchi, M., Spinetti, F., Vigliotti, G., Vecchione, C., Carrizzo, A., Accarino, G., Squillante, A., . . . Paolisso, G. (2024). Microplastics and nanoplastics in atheromas and cardiovascular events. New England Journal of Medicine, 390(10), 900–910. https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2309822

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Can Eating Grapes Keep Your Muscles Strong as You Age?
    Mar 3 2025

    Could eating a simple bowl of grapes be the key to stronger muscles? A groundbreaking study says yes—especially in aging women. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the findings of this new research ane explores how the 1,600 natural compounds in grapes work together to support lean muscle mass, why these findings matter for healthy aging, and what it could mean for yyour health.


    Dave, A., Park, E., Piya, S., & Pezzuto, J. M. (2025). Long-term dietary consumption of grapes alters phenotypic expression in skeletal muscle of aged male and female mice. Foods, 14(4), 695. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods14040695

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Boost Your Brainpower with Walnuts for Breakfast
    Feb 24 2025

    Could your breakfast choice set the tone for sharper thinking all day long? A new study says yes, especially if your breakfast includes walnuts. Listen in this week as Dee breaks down the science behind this brain-boosting nut and how you can easily incorporate it into your diet for lasting cognitive benefits.


    Bell, L., Dodd, G. F., Jeavons, M., Fisher, D. R., Whyte, A. R., Shukitt-Hale, B., & Williams, C. M. (2025). The impact of a walnut-rich breakfast on cognitive performance and brain activity throughout the day in healthy young adults: A crossover intervention trial. Food & Function. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4fo04832f

    Link to Dee's Breakfast Recipe: https://processedfreeamerica.org/10625-2/

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • The Probiotic Shield: Yogurt’s Role in Colon Cancer Risk
    Feb 15 2025

    A recent study suggests that long-term yogurt consumption, which typically contains a genus of probiotic Bifidobacterium, is associated with a 20% decreased incidence of colorectal cancer. Listen in this week as Dee explains how Bifidobacterium works in the gut, why it may protect against the formation of tumors, and how much yogurt you need to eat each week to get the same amount reported in the study.


    Ugai, S., Liu, L., Kosumi, K., Kawamura, H., Hamada, T., Mima, K., Arima, K., Okadome, K., Yao, Q., Matsuda, K., Zhong, Y., Mizuno, H., Chan, A. T., Garrett, W. S., Song, M., Giannakis, M., Giovannucci, E. L., Zhang, X., Ogino, S., & Ugai, T. (2025). Long-term yogurt intake and colorectal cancer incidence subclassified by Bifidobacterium abundance in tumor. Gut Microbes, 17(1). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19490976.2025.2452237

    Link to Probiotics: https://amzn.to/41jCNyP

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Heart-Healthy Sips: How 3 Red Juices Can Lower Blood Pressure
    Feb 9 2025

    February is Heart Health Month, making it the perfect time to explore the power of nutrition to naturally lower high blood pressure. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the research showing how adding one or more of three powerhouse red juices--beet juice, tomato juice, and pomegranate juice--to your diet can help keep your blood pressure in check and support overall cardiovascular health.

    References: Benjamim, C. J. R., Porto, A. A., Valenti, V. E., Sobrinho, A. C. D. S., Garner, D. M., Gualano, B., & Bueno Júnior, C. R. (2022). Nitrate derived from beetroot juice lowers blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 823039. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.823039

    Odai, T., Terauchi, M., Okamoto, D., Hirose, A., & Miyasaka, N. (2019). Unsalted tomato juice intake improves blood pressure and serum low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol level in local Japanese residents at risk of cardiovascular disease. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(7), 2271–2279. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.1066

    Sahebkar, A., Ferri, C., Giorgini, P., Bo, S., Nachtigal, P., & Grassi, D. (2016). Effects of pomegranate juice on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pharmacological Research, 115, 149–161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2016.11.018

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Acetylcholine: Nature's Nootropic for Boosting Brain Function
    Feb 2 2025

    Acetylcholine enhances memory, focus, and muscle function, earning its reputation as a natural nootropic. But, as we age, the body's ability to produce it declines, potentially impacting brain health and physical performance. Listen in this week as Dee explains how acetylcholine is made in the body, and practical ways to boost its production through diet and supplementation.


    Nakazaki, E., Mah, E., Sanoshy, K., Citrolo, D., & Watanabe, F. (2021). Citicoline and memory function in healthy older adults: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Journal of Nutrition, 151(8), 2153–2160. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002231662200267X?via%3Dihub

    Link to purchase choline supplement: https://amzn.to/40Mmg6c

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Why Iodine Deficiency is Making a Comeback
    Jan 26 2025

    A century ago, goiters resulting from iodine deficiency were rampant in people living in inland states from Appalachia and the Great Lakes to the northwest United States---an area that came to be known as the "goiter belt." Iodized salt solved that problem. But now iodine deficiency and goiters are making a comeback in the U.S. Listen in this week as Dee discusses why this is happening and how to ensure you get enough iodine in your diet without iodized salt.


    Hatch-McChesney, A., & Lieberman, H. R. (2022). Iodine and iodine deficiency: A comprehensive review of a re-emerging issue. Nutrients, 14(17), 3474. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9459956/

    Link to Purchase Gourmet Seaweed Seasoning Salt: https://tinyurl.com/gourmetseasoningsalt

    Más Menos
    10 m