
  • Episode #26 - The Trump Prophecies - Right After All!
    Jan 21 2025

    Join Daniel Kolenda as he asks if we should apologize to all the prophets who predicted Donald Trump would win a second term as President of the United States.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Episode #23 - Cessationism 12 (Awakening & Revival)
    Apr 4 2024

    In the final episode of the Off The Record Podcast, Daniel Kolenda continues to delve into the history of the Holy Spirit's movement within the Church, focusing on the period from the Reformation to the 20th century. The episode highlights the origins of the modern Pentecostal movement back to the famous Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles in 1906. Led by William J. Seymour, the revival saw manifestations of speaking in tongues, healings, and widespread spiritual renewal. With as many as 700 million people now identifying as Pentecostal or Charismatic, this movement has been instrumental in fulfilling the Great Commission, spreading the Gospel message worldwide and revitalizing Christianity. Ultimately, Daniel concludes this series by celebrating the ongoing presence and work of the Holy Spirit, affirming the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the continuation of miraculous signs and wonders in the Church.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • Episode #22 - Cessationism 11 (Miracles in the Middle Ages)
    Mar 20 2024

    In this episode of Off The Record, Daniel Kolenda continues his series on "The Heresy of Cessationism" by delving into the historical development of modern cessationism, emphasizing its roots in Enlightenment philosophy and skepticism towards the supernatural. Benjamin Warfield, regarded as the pioneer of modern cessationism, is highlighted for basing his arguments more on historical critique than Scriptural exegesis.

    Kolenda challenges the notion of historical cessationism by pointing out the prevalence of reported miracles throughout church history in the Middle Ages. He also notes a shift in attitudes towards supernatural phenomena, particularly during the Protestant Reformation, suggesting a resurgence of Holy Spirit activity despite Calvinist leanings towards cessationism.

    To view the previous parts of this series about "The Heresy of Cessationism" visit:

    The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 7 (Miracle Workers)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 8 (More Calvinist Than Calvin)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 9 (The Pagan Origins)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 10 (The Godfather of Cessationism)


    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Episode #21 - Cessationism 10 (The Godfather)
    Feb 15 2024

    In Episode 10 of the "The Heresy of Cessationism" series, Daniel delves deep into the examination of cessationism, dissecting arguments from theologians like Warfield. By scrutinizing the inconsistency in assessing biblical miracles versus contemporary testimonies, Kolenda challenges the rational basis of cessationist beliefs. He explores the philosophical underpinnings of David Hume's skepticism and advocates for a theological approach over a rationalist one. Ultimately, Kolenda asserts the unbiblical nature of modern cessationism, urging listeners to adopt a more scripturally grounded perspective.

    To view the previous parts of this series about "The Heresy of Cessationism" visit:

    The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 7 (Miracle Workers)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 8 (More Calvinist Than Calvin)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 9 (The Pagan Origins)


    #danielkolenda #cessationist #offtherecord

    Since 1974, we have witnessed over 86 Million Documented Decisions for Christ! For more information about the Ministry of Christ for all Nations and the most up-to-date salvation numbers please visit: www.cfan.org

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    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Twitter: https://twitter.com/danielkolenda

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • Episode #20 - Cessationism 9 (The Pagan Origins of Cessationism)
    Jan 25 2024

    In Episode 9 of the "Heresy of Cessationism" series, Daniel delves into the history behind cessationism, drawing inspiration from John Wesley's response to Conyers Middleton. The episode challenges the cessationist stance, revealing its potential to undermine fundamental Christian beliefs. It emphasizes the dangers of a rigid, Procrustean interpretation of scripture and urges listeners to reevaluate their views on the supernatural within Christianity.

    To view the previous parts of this series about "The Heresy of Cessationism" visit:

    The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 7 (Miracle Workers)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 8 (More Calvinist Than Calvin)


    #danielkolenda #cessationist #offtherecord

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • Episode #19 - Cessationism 8 (More Calvinist Than Calvin)
    Jan 9 2024

    In Episode 8 of "The Heresy of Cessationism" we delve into the ongoing debate about cessationism, focusing on the "Rare Miracle Hypothesis." Daniel traces the development of cessationist doctrine, highlighting the contrast between modern interpretations and the beliefs of early church leaders like Justin Martyr and Augustine. These historical figures, known for their belief in spiritual gifts and miracles, offer a stark contrast to today's cessationist views. The episode also reexamines the positions of Reformation figures such as Luther and Calvin, revealing a more open stance towards spiritual gifts than often assumed. This insightful exploration challenges listeners to rethink the cessation of spiritual gifts and miracles, setting the stage for deeper exploration in the series.

    To view the previous parts of this series about "The Heresy of Cessationism" visit:

    The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 7 (Miracle Workers)


    #danielkolenda #cessationist #offtherecord

    Since 1974, we have witnessed over 89 Million Documented Decisions for Christ! For more information about the Ministry of Christ for all Nations and the most up-to-date salvation numbers please visit: www.cfan.org

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    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evangelistko...

    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evangelistd...

    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Twitter: https://twitter.com/danielkolenda


    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Episode #18 - Cessationism - 7 (Miracle Workers)
    Jan 3 2024

    In this episode of Off The Record, Daniel delves into the intriguing theological debate surrounding the frequency of miracles in the Bible. The spotlight is on Cessationism, a belief that asserts miracles, particularly the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, are rare or have ceased altogether. Contrary to this perspective, Kolenda takes a closer look at the Bible, arguing that miracles are woven into its narrative fabric, appearing on almost every page.

    He meticulously highlights passages from both the Old and New Testaments, illustrating the prevalence of divine interventions and supernatural occurrences. Exploring all the different stories of miraculous healings, supernatural transformations, and celestial interventions, Kolenda builds a compelling case that miracles are not confined to a particular era but are rather an integral part of the biblical narrative.

    To view the previous parts of this series about "The Heresy of Cessationism" visit:

    The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)


    The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)


    #danielkolenda #cessationist #offtherecord

    Since 1974, we have witnessed over 89 Million Documented Decisions for Christ! For more information about the Ministry of Christ for all Nations and the most up-to-date salvation numbers please visit: www.cfan.org

    Subscribe to CfaN to receive our latest messages:

    Email: https://cfan.org/subscribe

    SMS: Text CFAN to 94090

    Contact us anytime at (407) 854-4400

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: https://cfan.org/donate

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    Christ for all Nations Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfanusa/

    Christ for all Nations Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cfanglobal

    Christ for all Nations Twitter: https://twitter.com/cfanusa

    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evangelistko...

    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evangelistd...

    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Twitter: https://twitter.com/danielkolenda

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Episode #17 - Cessationism - 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)
    Nov 21 2023
    In this captivating episode of "Off The Record," Daniel Kolenda takes us on a profound exploration into the reality of miracles. Drawing upon his vast experience in ministry and his unwavering faith, Kolenda delves into the undeniable proof of miracles, sharing some of his most cherished testimonies that showcase the supernatural power of God. As Daniel shares the miraculous stories, each testimony serves as a powerful reminder that miracles are not confined to the pages of ancient history but continue to unfold in our lives today. To view the previous parts of this series about "The Heresy of Cessationism" visit: The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures) https://youtube.com/watch?v=M8fr1ovkPeA The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies) https://youtu.be/M8fr1ovkPeA The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?) https://youtu.be/llQjh9QpWxA The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?) https://youtu.be/GlpTQtvP0FU The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings) https://youtu.be/tgTvugkuhYg See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
    Más Menos
    46 m