
  • 112. BTS of The Complete Carnivore Diet for Beginners
    Aug 9 2023

    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley

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    In this episode, Laura and Judy chat about the new Carnivore book, The Complete Carnivore Diet for Beginners, and being a "perfect" carnivore.


    1. Book announcement
    2. Why a beginner’s book
    3. Carnivore Cure vs. Carnivore Diet for Beginners
    4. Working with a publisher
    5. Why carnivore diet books are more difficult to write
    6. NwJ’s mission statement
    7. What’s next
    8. Does carnivore fix everything?
    9. Carnivore harder
    10. Carnivore + is key
    11. Carnivore recipes
    12. Carnivore perfection
    13. Pre-sale bonus for the book


    • The Complete Carnivore Diet for Beginners


    • Paleovalley



    • Nutrition with Judy Podcast
    • Judy's Book, Carnivore Cure
    • Judy's Book, The Complete Carnivore Diet for Beginners
    • Nutrition with Judy Articles
    • Nutrition with Judy Resources
    • Judy's Instagram
    • Judy's YouTube
    • Judy's Facebook


    • Laura’s Locals
    • Laura's Discount Codes & Interviews
    • Laura's Amazon
    • Laura's YouTube
    • Laura's Instagram


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 111. Deep Dive into Carnivore Blood Sugar and Insulin
    Jul 19 2023

    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley

    Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order.

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    In this episode, Laura and Judy chat about blood sugar, glucose, A1c, and insulin levels on Carnivore

    1. Blood sugar and insulin
    2. A1c and Insulin
    3. What We’re Really Measuring
    4. What to Measure for Health
    5. Adding Carbs to Higher A1c
    6. Fructose, GGT, ALT, AST
    7. Children’s Bloodwork and NAFLD
    8. Red Pilled and Logical Thinking
    9. Carbs for Enjoyment vs Carbs for Fear
    10. Signs of Balanced Sugar
    11. Carb Threshold and Dairy
    12. The Body’s Biofeedback


    1. Why We Get Sick – Dr. Ben Bikman
    2. CGM Benefits
    3. Complete Wellness Panel
    4. NwJ Ep. 148 – Dr. Ben Bikman


    • Paleovalley



    • Judy's Book, Carnivore Cure
    • Nutrition with Judy Articles
    • Nutrition with Judy Resources
    • Judy's Instagram
    • Nutrition with Judy Podcast
    • Judy's YouTube
    • Judy's Facebook


    • Laura’s Locals
    • Laura's Discount Codes & Interviews
    • Laura's Amazon
    • Laura's YouTube
    • Laura's Instagram


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • 110. The Truth about Overpopulation. Natal Conference with Kevin Dolan
    Jul 5 2023

    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley

    Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order.

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    In this episode, Laura and Judy chat with Kevin Dolan from the Natal Conference about the truth of overpopulation.


    1. Introduction to Kevin Dolan
    2. Decline in Population
    3. Reasons for the Decline
    4. The Tradition of Gender Roles
    5. Traditions of Families
    6. You Can’t Make Any More Two-Year-Olds
    7. Where to Find Partners
    8. Attack on Marriage
    9. Natal Conference in December 2023


    • Natal Conference 2023 – EXIT Podcast Ep 43
    • Natal Conference
    • Kevin Dolan


    • Paleovalley



    • Carnivore Summit June 2023, https://www.carnivoresummit.co/
    • Judy's Book, Carnivore Cure
    • Nutrition with Judy Articles
    • Nutrition with Judy Resources
    • Judy's Instagram
    • Nutrition with Judy Podcast
    • Judy's YouTube
    • Judy's Facebook


    • Laura’s Locals
    • Laura's Discount Codes & Interviews
    • Laura's Amazon
    • Laura's YouTube
    • Laura's Instagram


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • 109. Rapid Fire Questions, Jenny Craig, and mRNA Meat
    Jun 21 2023

    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley

    Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order.

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    In this episode, Laura and Judy talk about diet and meat updates, as well as rapid-fire questions.


    1. Jenny Craig

    2. Gene-Edited Pigs

    3. mRNA in Meat

    4. Organ Meat Quality

    5. Getting to Know Laura and Judy – Rapid Fire Questions


    1. Carnivore Summit Is LIVE!
    2. FDA Approves Gene-Edited Pigs


    • Paleovalley



    ● Carnivore Summit June 2023, https://www.carnivoresummit.co/
    ● Judy's Book, Carnivore Cure

    ● Free #Carnivore75Hard Program

    ● Nutrition with Judy Articles

    ● Nutrition with Judy Resources

    ● Judy's Instagram

    ● Nutrition with Judy Podcast

    ● Judy's YouTube

    ● Judy's Facebook


    ● Laura’s Locals

    ● Laura's Discount Codes & Interviews

    ● Laura's Amazon

    ● Laura's YouTube

    ● Laura's Instagram


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 108. Madrid, Movement, and the Carnivore Summit
    Jun 7 2023

    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley

    Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order.

    Make sure to check out the free Carnivore Summit!

    Thank you for supporting this podcast.


    In this episode, Laura and Judy talk about Laura’s Spain trip, the importance of exercise, and the Carnivore Summit.


    1. Laura’s business trip and meaty experience

    2. Ordering on a plane

    3. Truth about vlogging

    4. The weight of the world

    5. Judy’s 75Hard experience

    6. Importance of cardio and strength training

    7. Daily wins and non-negotiable

    8. Carnivore Summit


    1. Free Carnivore Summit – June 19th- 25th


    • Paleovalley



    ● Judy's Book, Carnivore Cure

    ● Free #Carnivore75Hard Program

    ● Nutrition with Judy Articles

    ● Nutrition with Judy Resources

    ● Judy's Instagram

    ● Nutrition with Judy Podcast

    ● Judy's YouTube

    ● Judy's Facebook


    ● Laura’s Locals

    ● Laura's Discount Codes & Interviews

    ● Laura's Amazon

    ● Laura's YouTube

    ● Laura's Instagram


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • 107. Statins and Rx Drugs. The 3rd Leading Cause of Death
    May 24 2023
    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order. Thank you for supporting this podcast. EPISODE SUMMARY In this episode, Laura and Judy talk about statins and cholesterol. EPISODE NOTES 1. The Economics of Prescription Drugs 2. Insurance Earnings, Statins, and Medical Doctors 3. The Role of Cholesterol 4. The Studies for Statins and Heart Health 5. Smoking Impacts 6. Why Cholesterol has Been Wrongfully Blamed 7. Breast Implant Illness 8. Lean Mass Hyper Responders 9. The Impact of Stress 10. The Nutrient Deficiency of Statins 11. Always Ask Why RESOURCES: 1. Aseem Malhotra on Joe Rogan 2. The Case for Carnivore 3. NwJ and Dr. Thomas Seyfried 4. Breast Implant Illness 5. Lean Mass Hyper Responder SPONSORS: Paleovalley _____ JUDY'S RESOURCES: ● Carnivore Summit June 2023, https://www.carnivoresummit.co/● Judy's Book, Carnivore Cure ● Free #Carnivore75Hard Program ● Nutrition with Judy Articles ● Nutrition with Judy Resources ● Judy's Instagram ● Nutrition with Judy Podcast ● Judy's YouTube ● Judy's Facebook LAURA'S RESOURCES: ● Laura’s Locals ● Laura's Discount Codes & Interviews ● Laura's Amazon ● Laura's YouTube ● Laura's Instagram _____ DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.
    Más Menos
    59 m
  • 106. BTS of KetoCon, CIRS and Carnivore Summit
    May 10 2023
    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order. Thank you for supporting this podcast. EPISODE SUMMARY In this episode, Laura and Judy share the behind-the-scenes around KetoCon Carnivore panels, CIRS, and the upcoming Carnivore Summit. EPISODE NOTES KetoCon 2023 RecapWomen’s Carnivore Panel and HormonesUndereatingHigh-fat Carnivore60 grams is Not Enough ProteinCarnivore Panel – Doctor’s VersionUlcerative Colitis, Rheumatoid ArthritisCarnivore and Fasting HarderPlants are Killing YouCIRS is UndeniableReal Talk – Carnivore and CIRSCarnivore Summit – The What and Why RESOURCES: CATG Ep. 105 – Hormones and CarbsCATG Ep 101 – Why Carnivore Harder Doesn’t Work (Craig Emmerich Reference)#Carnivore75Hard SPONSORS: Paleovalley _____ JUDY'S RESOURCES: Judy's Book, Carnivore CureFree #Carnivore75Hard ProgramNutrition with Judy ArticlesNutrition with Judy ResourcesJudy's InstagramNutrition with Judy PodcastJudy's YouTubeJudy's Facebook LAURA'S RESOURCES: Laura’s LocalsLaura's Discount Codes & InterviewsLaura's AmazonLaura's YouTubeLaura's Instagram _____ DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • 105. Hormones and Carbs Repurposed
    Apr 26 2023
    Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order. Thank you for supporting this podcast. EPISODE SUMMARY In this episode, Laura and Judy talk about hormones on a Carnivore diet. EPISODE NOTES The importance of hormonesMacros and hormonesCarbs and hormonesCortisol and hormonesToxins and hormonesMicrobiome and hormones RESOURCES: CATG Ep. 55 – Hormones and MoreCATG Ep. 77 – Orchestra of HormonesCATG Ep. 96 – Is Carnivore Ruining your HormonesNwJ – How much to Eat on Carnivore for Thyroid and HormonesCarnivore Cure, Chapter 12Stress + Hormones Handout Stress + HormonesStress + Minerals Carbs + Hormones with Dr. BozCarbs + Hormones with Robb WolfAnthony Jay and Estrogenic (Tea Tree and Lavender oil)Dr. Elizabeth Bright + Carbs SPONSORS: Paleovalley _____ JUDY'S RESOURCES: Judy's Book, Carnivore CureFree #Carnivore75Hard ProgramNutrition with Judy ArticlesNutrition with Judy ResourcesJudy's InstagramNutrition with Judy PodcastJudy's YouTubeJudy's Facebook LAURA'S RESOURCES: Laura’s LocalsLaura's Discount Codes & InterviewsLaura's AmazonLaura's YouTubeLaura's Instagram _____ DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m