
  • Spring Timeline for Success
    Mar 5 2025

    In this episode we speak with Matt Kozacek, Director of Bands at Campo Verde HS and the founding and current President of AzMBA and Daniel Berard, retired band director from Colorado, Texas and Missouri and founder of B Elevated Music, Education and Development.

    Matt shares his timeline in the spring that leads to a successful fall season. Most importantly starting early so that you can plan ahead and let ideas simmer. Campo Verde HS starts this process before their fall season is even over!

    Dan Berard is the founder of B Elevated, which supports music educators in their journey as teachers and directors. He also speaks about the spring timeline and what to do to plan for a strong fall season. Particularly just evaluating where your program thrives and how to be intentional with your decisions. Be honest with their capabilities and if YOU can't do it...THEY most likely cannot either.

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • AzMBA Championship Recap
    Nov 19 2024

    In this episode, Aaron Vogel and Mark Hodge spend some time recapping AzMBA Championships this year.

    Post-championships, Aaron and Mark discuss their experience at Championships. They talk about the medalists from every division and share their thoughts and favorite moments from the different shows we saw this year.

    AzMBA looks forward to seeing directors and staff at the AMEA Conference at the end of January! Please find our booth. We also have several exciting things coming for 2025...so be on the lookout for more information.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Bear Down Arizona and The History and Formation of AzMBA
    Oct 27 2024

    In this episode we speak with Chad Shoopman, Director of Athletic Bands at the University of Arizona and Matt Kozacek, Director of Bands at Campo Verde HS and the founding and current President of AzMBA.

    Chad Shoopman discusses his connection to the University of Arizona as an undergrad student, graduate student, drum major and now Director of Athletic Bands. He explains the timeline of his show selection and is excited to celebrate the Sudler Trophy that the Pride of Arizona won this past year. U of A Band Day and AzMBA have had an amazing partnership for several years and are hosting 47 bands on November 2nd.

    Matt Kozacek has been the Director of Bands at Campo Verde HS for 11 years and talks about some of the "secrets" to the success of the program, including being a community connector, surrounding yourself with great staff and planning ahead. He also discusses how AzMBA came to fruition 10 years ago and some of the things that make AzMBA exceptional and unique.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • From Small Town Iowa to ASU and Music Production in Oro Valley
    Oct 19 2024

    In this episode we speak with Damon Knepper, Band Director at Ironwood Ridge High School and Denise Hudson, WGAZ Hall of Famer, and staff member for the Sun Devil Marching Band and the FeniX Independent Winterguards.

    Denise takes us back to her roots in a small town in Iowa where she got her start spinning and participating in pageantry arts. She also discusses the key to balancing family time and is excited about the upcoming tribute to Coach Fleming at ASU.

    Damon has been at Ironwood Ridge for 9 years and has grown the program significantly. He teaches a music production class and talks about how great it is to reach other students on campus. Make sure to check out his show this year (no students are actually harmed by the bug zapper prop!).

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • When Directors Change and Band Directors Could Rule the World!!
    Oct 10 2024

    In this episode: We speak with Jeffrey Malone, Band Director at Mountain Ridge High School in Glendale and Nick Peterson, AzMBA Adjudicator joining us from Fort Collins, Colorado.

    Jeff Malone speaks about his transition into a new role at Mountain Ridge and how great the students, staff and community have been. He also give several tips and ideas for how to achieve so many different ensemble goals that sometimes pile onto his lap.

    Nick Peterson, from Colorado, discusses his history with the arts and why he chose to get into a more administrative role in music education. He also gives some great ideas on clinic formats and things you can do to improve your ensemble.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • The First Episode!
    Sep 19 2024

    In this episode: We speak with Jacob Osorio, Band Director at Sunrise Mountain High School in Peoria and Martin Hebda, Band Director at Casa Grande High School.

    Más Menos
    41 m