
  • If you're tired of things "not working", listen to this.
    May 9 2023

    How many times have you told yourself, 'When I lose the weight, THEN I'll be happy." "I just want to make _____ more money and then I can relax."

    I went live in my Facebook group recently where I support other women who are working on their fitness, nutrition & mindset to share these thoughts and wanted to give you a little peek inside also; that's why you'll hear me reference some of our workouts and the giveaway I was doing :)

    If you find yourself wondering why you don't feel happy despite having all the "things" we're told we're supposed to have, I hope this helps!



    Más Menos
    11 m
  • I’m baaaack…from Mexico! What I “should” have done.
    Apr 5 2023
    I learned a few things while pondering life while sipping margaritas on the beach. Most importantly, it’s time to stop shouldding all over ourselves. Here are my takes and tips! Meal Plan like a Mother https://tiny-rain-694.myflodesk.com Fit AF https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XffgiCiPaoDUJDQejtc3V6MxSe2j3g4jHweIXvjlYr8/edit
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 59. Words I live by
    Mar 2 2023

    These one liners run through my head over and over to keep me on track with my goals, a positive mindset, and often, keep me from completely losing my shit. I hope they serve you in some way too!


    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 58. So I started therapy...
    Feb 15 2023

    It's the scariest thing I've done in a long time. Even more so than posting a before and after on social media, trying to potty train a 3 year old or watching a patient have a heart attack right in front of me. It was opening up to a complete stranger about why I felt like I needed to talk to someone, why I had resisted it for so long, and letting them help me. I've never been so scared and relieved all at the same time. I'm only 3 sessions in, but I can't recommend it enough. It's ok to ask for help.

    Here are a few resources to get you started:

    Better Help


    Message me on IG

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • 57. 4 Lessons I learned from a damn puzzle
    Feb 8 2023

    How a 2,000 piece puzzle taught me some life lessons. Because that's where I'm at in life right now :)


    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 56. The self-sabotage cycle and how to get out of it.
    Jan 25 2023

    If you feel like every time life happens, you lose sight of and give up on your goals, first, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Second, it doesn't have to be that way! There are techniques, questions, and mindset shifts that you can make to help interrupt these thoughts so they don't lead you down a path of self-sabotage over and over again.

    If you resonate with any of this please share with your bestie or on your social media and tag me! I love hearing from you!

    For more info on my Fit AF bootcamp, to become a Team Project Confidence Coach, or for 1:1 coaching info, visit www.coachshannontaylor.com

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 55. 3 Questions to ask yourself before you quit
    Jan 16 2023

    If you're already feeling like the honeymoon phase of your New Year's Resolution is over, tune in! I'm sharing 3 questions to help you reflect on the goals you set, why you set them, and NOT GIVE UP. You deserve to feel your best and throwing in the towel when things get hard isn't going to help you do that.

    Which question resonated most with you? Are you going to adjust your goals or actions to make it easier to keep going? Tell me what hit home for you!

    My website is live - Visit www.coachshannontaylor.com to check out all the info on coaching services, programs, and free tools to help you live and feel Confident AF

    Let's keep in touch on Instagram - @shannonracheltaylor

    I would love to hear from you. If you gained anything at all from this or any episode, could you let me know by rating and reviewing the podcast? It helps get this message out to more women who might need a little pep talk or reality check to help them shine their light that the world so desperately needs.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 54. Before you make your New Year's resolution, listen to this!
    Dec 30 2022

    Raise your hand if you're the "New Year, New Me!" type who doesn't really give New Me much a chance. You set goals and then feel so overwhelmed that you don't do anything. You starting working toward it, but then it feels hard and you're not seeing the results you want so you quit because, what's the point?

    Let me help. Today, I'm sharing my goal setting process and a way to break it down so that you're not ending 2023 wondering why you didn't reach any of your goals.

    What have been some of your most memorable experiences over the last year? What do you want more of? What do you want less of?

    What areas of your life are priority right now? And more questions to ask yourself to set yourself up for success!

    Mentioned in the episode:

    Marie Forleo's Yearly Goals Map

    Marriage & Martini's Date Night Questions

    Confident AF Podcast Episode 45: How to just make the damn decision

    Learn about coaching with Team Project Confidence!

    Get fired up listening to this episode? Share on your Instagram and tag me so I can say thanks and shout you out!


    Más Menos
    47 m