
  • Which race would you choose to be right? | Church 3/16/25
    Mar 16 2025
    Stay on the path. BQ: No race is right! Face fear. You are 100% responsible. Seek first the Kingdom… Bible passages: Stay in the light! Drop anger.Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, March 16, 2025ANNOUNCEMENT: Women's Forum third Thursday of the month, March 20, 2025, 7pm, in-person-only! — at BOND in L.A. https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/ TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk* (0:02:21) Homeschooling as a working mother* (0:04:56) Not an easy journey, but you can make it* (0:19:45) Pain and peace?* (0:26:01) Why create love? Dealing with anger* (0:31:25) BQ… which color would you choose to be right?* (0:49:48) BQ: What do you think of this question? More feedback…* (1:08:59) JLP on BQ: No race is right!* (1:13:54) Q's: Never wrong, facing fear…* (1:16:16) Prayer. Women are 100% responsible. Seek first… No romance!* (1:28:17) 100% responsible? Explain to my husband? Mind wandered off!* (1:40:16) Don't think about what's right* (1:41:25) Women's Forum, I was a disgrace. Forgave my son's father* (1:51:42) John 15: 1-8… Romans 8: 13-17… Psalm 4: 4… Stay in the light* (1:59:31) Feedback: Road rage gone. First-timer: Let mother go!* (2:05:16) Don’t get attitude with bad-attitude Californians* (2:13:16) Closing, new BQ, Women's ForumCLIPSSee Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/which-race-would-you-choose-to-be-right-church-3-16-25/ PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble | Facebook | X Live | X Post | BitChute | Odysee PODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS) Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / Donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER rebuildingtheman.com/silentprayer | SilentPrayer.videoPAST SERVICES: 2016-present | 2008-2014 (Archive) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 15 m
  • The principle you violate in dating and marriage | Church 3/9/25
    Mar 9 2025
    You'll never find the right person if you violate the principle: Seek first the Kingdom, and all will be added. Why do you want the approval of anyone else?NOTE: We "spring forward" 1-hour on Sunday, so we come on AN HOUR EARLIER for those who don't observe U.S. Daylight Saving Time (Arizona, Europe, Australia...)Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, March 9, 2025TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk* (0:02:26) Difficulty committing to prayer* (0:03:11) Raw milk?* (0:10:57) Happy to sit through hell after Women's Forum* (0:19:42) How deep evil within goes* (0:20:48) Dating: Married people* (0:32:31) Dating: Unmarried people* (0:41:36) Disappointed couple… Where do you look?* (0:55:24) Living together… "I'm a terrible person"...* (1:05:38) Separated… Romance? …* (1:17:41) "Helper, to serve me." - Ambitious winner… Multiple women?!* (1:34:46) JLP: You'll never find the right person; Seek first…* (1:46:27) Biblical Q: Why do you want the approval of anyone else?* (1:52:10) New BQ: Concerning race, which color would you choose to be right?* (2:01:35) ClosingCLIPSYou'll never find the person you're looking for (16-min) YouTube | Rumble See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/the-principle-you-violate-in-dating-and-marriage-church-3-9-25/ PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X Live | X Post | BitChute | Odysee PODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS) Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / Donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER rebuildingtheman.com/silentprayer | SilentPrayer.videoPAST SERVICES: 2016-present | 2008-2014 (Archive) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 3 m
  • What good have you gotten out of religion? | Church 3/2/25
    Mar 2 2025
    Mushrooms to "see God"? Don't let your body be too important. Struggling with judgment. Face your mother. You've gotten no good out of religion!Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, March 2, 2025Men's Forum first Thur, Mar 6, 2025, 7 PM, BOND, L.A. https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk* (0:01:41) Mushrooms? See God without dying?* (0:14:09) Health concern: Time doesn't exist* (0:27:34) Go through Hell…* (0:29:30) Struggling with judgment of the world?* (0:44:00) Noticing "demonic" mother; Distraction from Silent Prayer* (0:53:53) Silent Prayer: Don't let sleep be too important. Etc.* (1:00:26) Don't care? Practice being present. Face your mother.* (1:10:13) Why forgive mother? Why relationships?* (1:13:12) BQ, lady and her husband: Obey? See you're evil?* (1:21:05) BQ: Hasn't forgiven. Don't focus on body* (1:30:19) BQ: She'll see how much she hates her mother* (1:34:59) BQ: Raymond and others* (1:38:05) BQ: Don’t let Satan talk you out of coming. Don't compare* (1:45:36) BQ: More Mexicans… Saw Jesus?* (1:57:14) JLP on BQ: All ego… ClosingCLIPSNothing good in religion (10-min) YouTube | Rumble See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/what-good-have-you-gotten-out-of-religion-church-3-2-25/PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X Live | X Post | BitChute | OdyseePODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS)Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / Donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER rebuildingtheman.com/silentprayer | SilentPrayer.videoPAST SERVICES:2016-present | 2008-2014(Archive) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 8 m
  • Everyone is a monster | Church 2/23/25
    Feb 23 2025
    Story: Mother drove 15yo dating daughter to suicide. Everyone is a monster. Disobedient wife, angry husband: Don't hold onto learning!Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, February 23, 2025TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Small talk* (0:01:30) Lotion for ashy skin* (0:02:51) Women's Forum: Face fears, stay present* (0:04:45) Spiritual life; Mama* (0:22:07) Story: Mother stopping daughter dating, suicide* (0:34:42) Asian gal: Dating age? Found Jesus on TikTok* (0:44:48) Asian gal: Anger. Mother. Father. Monster.* (1:06:05) Asian gal: Crying, Lying. Ayahuasca or forgiveness?* (1:15:28) Dating age? 13, 18, or 25?* (1:24:30) Still have anger? … "Righteous anger"? No thinking* (1:30:52) Why won't you obey your husband?* (1:49:30) Husband: Why do you get angry? Let ideas go!* (1:54:08) JLP: Parents, let children learn in dating* (1:58:10) Stop judging the L.A. people* (2:03:32) BQ's, closingCLIPSStory: Mother drove 15yo daughter and her bf to suicide (12-min) YouTube | Rumble See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/everyone-is-a-monster-church-2-23-25/PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X Live | X Post | BitChute | Odysee PODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS) Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / Donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER rebuildingtheman.com/silentprayer | SilentPrayer.videoPAST SERVICES: 2016-present | 2008-2014 (Archive) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 7 m
  • Does Satan know God? | Church 2/16/25
    Feb 16 2025
    Evil comes through the mother. Can't do drugs to see God. Don't hide from fear. You've been taught wrong. Satan does not know God!Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, February 16, 2025ANNOUNCEMENT: Women's Forum third Thurs, Feb 20, 2025, 7pm at BOND, L.A. https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Health, Welcome, Valentine's * (0:02:29) Diddy, the mother's nature* (0:04:49) Armenian woman, husband* (0:13:30) Jewish man, wife, daughter* (0:29:36) Take drugs to see God?* (0:38:25) …"windowpane"; Dark ego, feelings* (0:47:27) All have anger: stupid.* (0:54:54) Fear, hiding. Forget about being r—d! On-stage* (1:09:08) Joel news: Married!* (1:12:22) Never let fear stop you… on-stage gals* (1:33:11) BQ: Does Satan know God?* (1:36:31) Health issue: Take no thought about your body.* (1:41:30) Homeowner smoked pot, got lonely …* (1:57:51) Shouldn't the perp be held accountable?* (2:02:02) Taught wrong… Don't live up to anything!* (2:07:19) JLP on BQ… New BQ… ClosingCLIPSYou've been told wrong (8-min) YouTube | Rumble See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/does-satan-know-god-church-2-16-25/ PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X Live | X Post | BitChute | Odysee PODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS)Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / Donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER rebuildingtheman.com/silentprayer | SilentPrayer.videoPAST SERVICES: 2016-present | 2008-2014 (Archive) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 11 m
  • Is Anger a Part of Intelligence or Stupidity? | Church 2/9/25
    Feb 9 2025
    BOND 35 years. No plan, no thought. Judgment. The Prodigal Son. Anger is total stupidity.Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, February 9, 2025TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Nick, Joel, Welcome! Super Bowl?* (0:03:17) BOND 35 years ago* (0:15:42) Have no plan! … No need to think* (0:24:55) If you stopped thinking? Anger left me.* (0:35:02) Prodigal Son?* (0:44:38) Judgment? Mexican* (0:50:50) JLP: Stop judging* (0:53:44) Would you throw the drag queen out?* (0:58:43) JLP: Prodigal, lost in jungle of thoughts* (1:10:20) BQ… Is anger part of intelligence or stupidity?* (1:27:13) JLP on BQ: Total stupidity* (1:30:55) Buying her flowers: Anger is evil* (1:36:30) Can't go back: Bridge of thoughts falling away* (1:44:04) Wanting a good relationship with…? Fear* (1:47:54) Love thrills? Let ideas go. Don't think about God.* (1:54:17) New BQ… Forgiven? ClosingCLIPSJLP's nonprofit BOND: 35 years with no plan (18-min) YouTube | Rumble | BitChute | Odysee // Anger is pure stupidity (10-min) YouTube | Rumble | BitChute | Odysee // See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/is-anger-a-part-of-intelligence-or-stupidity-church-2-9-25/PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X Live | X Post | BitChute | OdyseePODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS)Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / Donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER rebuildingtheman.com/silentprayer | SilentPrayer.videoPAST SERVICES:2016-present | 2008-2014(Archive) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    1 h y 59 m
  • Are you a memory worshiper? | Church 2/2/25
    Feb 2 2025
    Practice being present. Nothing good about you. Are you a memory worshiper? You are not a sinner. Playing God…Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, February 2, 2025TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Talk about the second plane crash* (0:02:53) Loving God? "When she's crying" tee. Obedient wife* (0:08:21) Plane crashes: Stop watching it over and over, experts guessing* (0:13:41) Theme: Practice being present; Face mother to forgive* (0:20:03) Nothing good about you* (0:24:51) Christian, forgive. On-stage. No one to protect. BQ* (0:38:54) Memory worshiper? Why love your hell? Fear of not being good enough \* (0:52:15) Politically-minded woman likes anger* (0:58:14) Did God give you a spirit of anger?* (1:06:20) No such thing as not good enough. Not praying!* (1:15:47) I divorced my mother, let father go. Taking animals to the hospital/vet?!* (1:20:51) Can't save the world. Anger keeps you attached. Trans kid story.* (1:32:44) Whose fault is it you're not doing fine?* (1:46:34) Watching the thoughts? Are you a sinner?* (1:49:39) Disagree? We're all part of God? Angry?* (1:58:17) You're not a sinner … ClosingCLIPSSee Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/are-you-a-memory-worshiper-church-2-2-25/ PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X | BitChute | OdyseePODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS)Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER: SilentPrayer.video | SoundCloud | rebuildingtheman.com/prayerPAST SERVICES:2016-present | 2008-2014(Archive Services) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 9 m
  • Do you pay attention to what's happening to you or… in you? | 1/26/25
    Jan 26 2025
    Fathers and children. It's happening in you, not to you! Fear is not from God.Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, January 26, 2025Punchie's Coffee! jesseleepeterson.shop TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Small talk with a kid… Rain, fires* (0:02:13) Judgment… My children's friends* (0:11:30) Making girls first…* (0:14:53) Whuppings* (0:18:48) No anger* (0:20:24) Slow to speak* (0:23:44) No politics! Delivery driver* (0:29:27) JLP: Fathers, have no other God* (0:40:31) BQ: What's happening to you or in you?* (0:49:20) "I go to therapy." JLP: It’s in you!* (0:55:03) JLP: Learning… false gods* (0:59:18) Having/Teaching kids* (1:04:33) Fear? … Stay with it.* (1:10:46) Looking like an idiot* (1:25:07) JLP: Fear, you are your own god* (1:37:53) Scared, whooping and hollering* (1:46:43) Smoking, Adultery, No thinkingCLIPSSee Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the ManLINKSBLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/do-you-pay-attention-to-whats-happening-to-you-or-in-you/ PODCAST / Substack VIDEO YouTube | Rumble: JLP | Facebook | X | BitChute | OdyseePODCAST Apple | Spotify | Castbox | Substack (RSS)Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) - rebuildingtheman.com/churchContact / donate: 1-800-411-BOND (2663) or 323-782-1980 - rebuildingtheman.com/contactSILENT PRAYER: SilentPrayer.video | SoundCloud | rebuildingtheman.com/prayerPAST SERVICES: 2016-present | 2008-2014 (Archive Services) | 1991-1998 (select recordings) Get full access to BOND / JLP at rebuildingtheman.substack.com/subscribe
    Más Menos
    2 h y 4 m