
  • Ep52-Forget resolutions! Use these energy tips instead...
    Dec 30 2024

    It's that time of year where you automatically, intuitively tune into new possibilities for yourself. Instead of resolutions, claim these 4 keys to work with the new year energy.

    It's your life, steer it!

    Watch the video version of this recording. Enjoy.

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this gets out to more of my people. Cheers!

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Energy Essentials - For Empaths. For New Earth.

    Meet A New You.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Ep51-Top Predictions for Healers in 2025
    Dec 20 2024

    What are the upcoming trends and predictions for healers, healing, and healing businesses? Tune in to hear my energy read on what is shifting and why it's so key to activate our healing now.

    Links to what was mentioned in this podcast:

    All about the Hybrid Healer

    See all 12 predictions here

    Watch the video version of this recording. Enjoy.

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this gets out to more of my people. Cheers!

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Energy Essentials - For Empaths. For New Earth.

    Meet A New You.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Ep50-Clear the Energy of This Year!
    Dec 15 2024

    How many transformations did you go through this year?! Time to clear out the energy of all this year brought for you. Tune in to get my hot take on how to do so...

    Watch the video version of this recording. Enjoy.

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this gets out to more of my people. Cheers!

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Energy Essentials - For Empaths. For New Earth.

    Meet A New You.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Ep49 - Obvious insights or BIG revelations? - Energy Read for December 2024
    Nov 30 2024

    What's up with the energy for December 2024? Grab a cuppa, get cosy, and tune in. The energies at play this month will be especially relevant for the empaths, changemakers, lightworkers, healers, visionaries, and new earth builders.

    Also note, the energy will hit different depending on your state of consciousness. Hear about the overall energy at play and how to work with it in the most empowering, alchemical, and practical way.

    Watch the video version of this recording, here. Enjoy.

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this gets out to more of my people. Cheers!

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Energy Essentials - For Empaths. For New Earth.

    Meet A New You.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Ep48 - Energy for November 2024 - It's A Dream!
    Oct 31 2024

    What's up with the energy for November 2024? Grab a cuppa, get cosy, and tune in. The energies at play this month will be especially relevant for the changemakers, lightworkers, healers, visionaries, and new earth builders.

    Also note, the energy will hit different this month depending on your state of consciousness. Hear about the overall energy at play and how to work with it in the most empowering, alchemical, and practical way.

    Watch the video version of this recording, here. Enjoy.

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this gets out to more of my people. Cheers!

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Get your energy essentials here.

    Meet A New You.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Ep47 - This energy affects you!
    Oct 21 2024

    How affected are you by energy? More than you may realise!

    No matter how energy sensitive, aware, or curious you are, we are all going to need to learn to lean into our discernment, intuition, and inner alchemy tools in the coming years.

    This time of transformation requires us to ride the waves of change with much more know how than ever before. As always, I had some thoughts I wanted to add to the conversation...

    Watch the video version of this here. Enjoy.

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this gets out to more of my people. Cheers!

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Energy is shifting, and so are you.

    Becoming a new you.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Ep46 - This Big Deal Full Moon
    Oct 17 2024

    Today, October 17, 2024, there is a super full moon happening. In this episode, I share why it's essential to tune into the moon, what this specific full moon is about, and my energy take on all of it.

    Watch the video version of this here. Enjoy!

    Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this video gets to more of my people.

    Be well, and take care, Vanessa


    Making your purpose work, work!

    Own your gifts, now.

    Energy is shifting, and so are you.

    Becoming a new you.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Ep45 - New Paradigm Player, I'm talking to you...
    Jul 25 2024

    The 7 key factors in what makes you a new paradigm player...

    Tune in, grab a cuppa, and get reaffirmed for what you already know to be true - you are here for a reason and have a specific role in this paradigm shift!

    Your natural gifts are meant to disrupt the old and build the new. Align your purpose now. You are meant to impact more.

    Enjoy, and thanks so much for watching! Please do like, comment, subscribe, share, and click to get notifications so this video gets to more of my people.

    Cheers, bless, and all the best. Vanessa.

    Navigate energy & align your purpose for this paradigm shift? Yes please! Do so with the resources found below...

    Get started https://www.vasmith.com/

    Especially for the transformation focused healers, teachers, messengers, and creatives here to impact more. Together, we can... https://www.vasmith.com/together

    Is this you? https://www.vasmith.com/you

    This is me. https://www.vasmith.com/meet-vanessa-smith

    These are results: https://www.vasmith.com/results

    This is free... https://www.vasmith.com/free

    Más Menos
    22 m