
  • Dr Herb Monroe - Turning the Underdog into the Top Dog
    Jun 14 2021
    Dr Herb Monroe is the Assistant Superintendent at Caroline County Public Schools, EQUITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION TRAINER. Website: https://awordfromdoc.com/about-doc-1
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • K-8 California School Superintendent Stuart Packard shares how vital it is to support students with their mental health
    Jun 3 2021
    Mental Health is vital to a students success in school and life
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Becoming Your Own Best Friend: Erika Gutierrez: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression
    Jul 31 2020
    Erika is a recent College grad who shares how she works through her anxiety and depression so she can live her best life and also help others via teaching them how to shuffle.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Bullying - Shayna shares how being bullied in school affected her self esteem, and how she eventually built herself back up.
    Jul 3 2020
    Sophomore in College shares how she overcame low self esteem, anxiety and depression from being bullied in school.
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Two Teachers and Three Students share how they're getting through the Covid-19 quarantine
    Mar 27 2020
    Five amazing guests share their insights of getting though the quarantine for Covid-19. Special Guests: Nicole P. (High School Teacher) Caitlin K. (High School Teacher) Bryn (10th grade student) Isabel (9th grade student) Jordon (10th grade student) If you found this podcast to be useful, please let me know how it helped you. Also if there's any topic you'd like me to go over, please let me know. My email is mike@born2shine.club If you'd like additional support, I created a free support-club for you. Feel free to check it out and let me know if it helps you. Love and light, your friend, Mike https://www.born2shine.club/
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Students Find the Silver Lining Among School Closings
    Mar 22 2020
    3 Incredible Students finding their way back to normal in a not so normal situation. If you found this podcast to be useful, please let me know how it helped you. Also if there's any topic you'd like me to go over, please let me know. My email is mike@born2shine.club If you'd like additional support, I created a free support-club for you. Feel free to check it out and let me know if it helps you. Love and light, your friend, Mike https://www.born2shine.club/
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Healing After a Tragic Loss
    Feb 29 2020
    Jameson Rider Sand lost his mother when he was 5 years old. What he learned from that experience is nothing short of amazing! Listen to his story, his path to healing, and how he had his breakthrough. If you found this podcast to be useful, please let me know how it helped you. Also if there's any topic you'd like me to go over, please let me know. My email is mike@born2shine.club If you'd like additional support, I created a free support-club for you. Feel free to check it out and let me know if it helps you. Love and light, your friend, Mike https://www.born2shine.club/
    Más Menos
    29 m