
  • Episode 436 - 23 Years of ATTACK OF THE CLONES (yeah or uh huh?)
    Mar 17 2025
    There are some big Star Wars movie release anniversaries happening this year but the biggest just might be the ATTACK OF THE CLONES 23rd ANNIVERSARY! Join us as we celebrate this momentous occasion by looking at what happens in AOTC every 23 minutes. AND - with this being AOTC, we had to take it one step further! We're rating each 23-minute mark as either "uh huh" or "yeah" (or is it yes?) What's the shocking meaning of the YEAH or UH HUH rating? You'll have to listen and find out!! So, risk it all with a stage dive, celebrate the love and listen today! JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/ we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Episode 435 - Krennic Fever with Our Top 10 Orson Krennic Lines
    Mar 10 2025
    Sure, we all adore that lovable caped Imperial, ORSON KRENNIC but this week Blast Points dares to ask WHY? What makes him so magical and just so delightful to watch? Listen along as we get hyped for his return in Andor season 2 and countdown our top 10 favorite Krennic lines from Rogue One! Which ones are our top classic Krennic lines? Listen and find out! PLUS - totally serious and important Blast Points news that could possibly change your life forever! So, get that beach under control, listen today and celebrate the love! JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/ we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Episode 434 - The Magic of The Magic of Myth
    Mar 2 2025
    In October of 1997, the incredible Magic of Myth touring museum exhibition kicked off at the Smithsonian during the height of 90s Star Wars mania showing fans close up looks at costumes, props, models and more from the original trilogy. Along with exhibit was a n equally incredible James Earl Jones narrated audio guide freaturing superstars like Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, Rick McCallum and even George Lucas telling you about just what you were looking at. Join us as we listen to this audio guide and learn new things and think how we need cookies and juice! PLUS - We're talking the Andor season 2 trailer, how the revoltion starts now, Revenge of the Sith back in theaters and how Star Wars is riding on the crazy train all the way from now to April! Celebrate the love and Listen today! JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/ we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • Episode 433 - Crying Japanese Jabba and Smaller Jabbas with TOM SPINA
    Feb 25 2025
    This week we finally picked up the phone and suprise surprise it's Tom Spina from Regal Robot! Join us as we reveal the burning secrets of the Japanese commercial Crying Jabba that has taken the world by storm! Who made it? And why has it been passing itself off as the ROTJ Jabba for decades now? AND if that wasn't enough, we are talking about all the smaller Jabbas that have existed. Too human Jabba (but not Human Jabba), too snail like Jabba, just right Jabba? We're talking about them all! And what is the smallest Jabba AND what Jabba is bigger the the ROTJ Jabba? So crawl in his tail, get in a lazy mood, listen today and celebrate the love! Experience Crying Jabba here: https://youtu.be/rcBdzxdgZvc?si=KAPiJbpAKkOMvq8h Keep up to date with everything Regal Robot here : https://regalrobot.com Explore Tom Spina Designs : https://www.tomspinadesigns.com Go see Tom and Pablo's panels at Indiana Comic Con: https://indianacomicconvention.com Watch Classic Creatures here: https://youtu.be/Aqcz7ZAIh7w?si=CCt4hO1KAEe3TwZ9 JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/ we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Episode 432 - The Doors of Star Wars A New Hope (Break on Through)
    Feb 17 2025
    Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin! Join us this week as we light your fire and explain how doors in Star Wars are just as important as explosions, mythic themes, droids and wacky creatures. It’s a solid hour of us examining the doors of George Lucas’ original 1977 masterpiece Star Wars and comparing them to members of the rock band The Doors. Which ANH Doors are more Morrison? Which Star Wars doors have a Densmore vibe? What does that even mean? Listen and find out! So, celebrate the love and the lizard and listen today! JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/ we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Episode 431 - Empire Strikes Back - The Give A Show Version
    Feb 11 2025
    We've talked about the Super 8 Empire Strikes Back, we've talked about the Story of Empire on record, we've talked about the 70mm version, the mono version, and the 35mm version but this week we're talking about one the wildest versions of Empire ever - THE KENNER GIVE A SHOW VERSION. This is a toy slide show interpretation of ESB that takes some interesting choices on how to rearrange the story while showing off some incredible illustrations based on the film. And, to spice things up, we made a full 12-minute audio version based on the structure seen in the slides. It's an episode 3 months in the making and it'll change the way you think of Empire or at least the way you look at slide shows of Empire from 1980! So get a hose to empty out your dirty water, celebrate the love and listen today! Watch the Empire Strike Back Give A Show Slides here: https://youtu.be/uPA5Z0MuYxM?si=PgQVSevpENRGF2no JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/ we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Episode 430 - The Day Return Of The Jedi Played Without the 4th Reel
    Feb 4 2025
    On May 25, 1983, the hype level was off the charts as RETURN OF THE JEDI opened in theaters all across America. But for one theater in San Diego, California, it was a different story as the highly anticipated film played without it's crucial fourth reel. Listen as we bravely examine what that could have been like for that sold out crowd and how it naturally made ROTJ a whole new experience. Is Return of the Jedi still Return of the Jedi without Baby Ewoks? And what about the "riots" in a theater in New York where ROTJ skipped the fourth and FIFTH reel? PLUS, even more breaking Blast Points news about Celebration Japan! Watch the news footage of this incredible day in Star Wars history here: https://youtu.be/5uOt7pPluLg?si=Rszoe-0r8RjnTl94 JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE 2023 CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Episode 429 - SKELETON CREW Episode 8 Discussion Freakout With Midnight Madness & Prison Of The Mind
    Jan 17 2025
    The season finale of SKELETON CREW has landed on At Attin and we're tumbling out on to piles of gold talking all about every aspect of the episode. Listen as we discuss the lingering questions about the planet, Jod, The Supervisor and most importantly if Midnight Madness and the saga of The Great All Nighter will ever come to Disney Plus. So get out of your prison of the mind, celebrate the love and listen today! JOIN THE BLAST POINTS ARMY and SUPPORT BLAST POINTS ON PATREON! COMMENTARIES FOR EVERY SKELETON CREW EPISODE! NEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMMENTARY! Theme Music downloadable tracks! Extra goodies! and so much MORE! www.patreon.com/blastpoints SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE ALL THE CELEBRATION LONDON SUPER LIVE FROM HOME MADNESS and more! www.youtube.com/@blastpointspodcast2160/featured Blast Points T-SHIRTS are now available! Represent your favorite podcast everywhere you go! Get logo shirts while supplies last! Perfect for conventions, dates, formal events and more! Get them here: www.etsy.com/shop/Gibnerd?section_id=21195481 If you dug the show, please leave BLAST POINTS a review on iTunes, Spotify and share the show with friends! If you leave an iTunes review, we will read it on a future episode! Honestly! Talk to Blast Points on twitter at @blast_points leave feedback, comments or ideas for shows! "Like" Blast Points on Facebook for news on upcoming shows and links to some of the stuff we talk about in the show!! Join the Blast Points Super Star Wars Chill Group here www.facebook.com/groups/BlastPointsGroup/we are also on Instagram! Wow! www.instagram.com/blastpoints Your hosts are Jason Gibner & Gabe Bott! contact BLAST POINTS at : contact@blastpointspodcast.com May the Force be with you, always! This podcast is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m