
  • Bargain Basement
    May 5 2022
    This week we remind ourselves and our thousands of listeners what BPG is all about - refusing to pay the kind of prices for games that would allow developers to at least break even! We're approaching the gaming buffet with our oversized Partridge plate firmly in hand and checking out the current sales on your behalf. There's something for everyone and they're cheap enough that your partner will never even notice, we've got your back. In other news Andy is on the verge of being kicked out of the group because it turns out installing a game on his Xbox is too complicated for him these days. If anybody has a spare 12 year old to send round and give him a hand, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. In a new record for this podcast, we descend into toilet humour within the first 60 seconds. Just in case you thought this was Jeremy Paxman, you have been warned!
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    1 h y 13 m
  • Episode 41 - Digital Dong
    Apr 18 2022
    CORRECT EPISODE NOW UPLOADED!! The fourth and final of the BPG all time top ten lists is here! We've saved the best until last with Russ trying to convince us all he does have some sort of gaming pedigree. No spoilers but it turns out he has played ten games before so at least he can complete the list. Andy is still deep within his ring and Warren has dug out Borderlands 3 as a typical BPG bargain basement game. Russ has played something surprisingly up to date.... ish for him and is picking what many are saying is the right time to finally start Cyberpunk 2077. Although he hasn't got much past the knob section of the create a character screen!
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    1 h y 34 m
  • Episode 40 - Wozza's Top Ten of All Time
    Apr 5 2022
    The boys have all gone balls deep on games they love with crack addict levels of addiction with Elden Ring, Gran Turismo 7 and Russ keeping it up to date with Last of Us 2. The awkward part is that Russ now has to explain to his lad what 'balls deep' actually means. We're also here for top parenting tips as well as being gaming legends. It's Warren's turn to take on the almost impossible task of listing his top ten games of all time. Much to Andy's surprise it is not just a list of muscly men in lycra with a variety of games from the Megadrive days all the way to some modern classics. He's also ruled out Football Manager on a technicality so there's a chance he might list off a good game or two! In other news Mrs Russ has discovered the fact she is often referred to as Mummra / El Sueno / Emperor Palpatine so this may well be his last episode!! #prayforruss
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    1 h y 19 m
  • Episode 39 - Andy's Eldery Ring
    Mar 19 2022
    Late again due to Andy going down with the 'rona! Or at least, that's what he told us but we think the truth is he's locked himself in a dark room to play with his ring. It's a massive, wide open experience and he says it's one of the best he's ever had! Warren has been all over Gran Turismo 7 and totally didn't pay £60 for a game because that would just be against the BGP ethos. Totally wasn't £60..... We continue the top ten games of all time episodes and this week we delve into the dark abyss that is Clinton's back catalogue. You can bet your mortgage they'll be no Call of Duty or FIFA games in that list! In an unusual turn of events and just to make him finally earn his keep, Russ has been trusted with the player 1 control pad and takes his turn at hosting the show! Is he up to the task or does he need to go away and grind up his power level before he's ready? Only one way to find out - wrap your ears around the most professional gaming podcast on the internet!
    Más Menos
    1 h y 36 m
  • Episode 38 - Legendary Character Unlocked
    Feb 28 2022
    This week the boys have broken down the pay wall to smash open a loot box and unlock a legendary DLC character in the form of Matt! As the only person on the pod with an ounce of credibility, he kicks off the start of our top ten games of all time feature. Everyone loves a top ten list and we use it as an excuse to get back to our nostalgic routes and reminisce over the classics.... whilst having no real rules or structure and generally knobbing about. We have a listener review of Horizon Forbidden West and Andy has decided to punch himself in the testicles repeatedly, all in in an attempt to understand what it's like to play Elden Ring!
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    1 h y 22 m
  • Episode 37 - It's a Knockout!
    Feb 16 2022
    Yes, we know we're late again! What are you going to do, tell our mums? Fear not though, the delay in getting another episode out hasn't effected the standard in any way with the BPG boys remaining firmly at 'laughably unprofessional'. Russ has come out swinging and punched his gaming lull firmly in the ovaries! Believe it or not, he has gone all in on a new game with UFC 4 taking over his life at the expense of feeding his children or talking to his wife. Warren has taken a bizarre backwards step in gaming by going back to the Xbox 360 era and digging out Dead Space 2. Andy upholds tradition by playing shite indie games. This week he has actually been playing Lawn Mower Simulator?! Yes, he is one more shit game away from getting kicked off the pod. The boys also have a bit of fun with a PS4 based quiz which just goes to further the rumours that we don't know anything about video games!
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    1 h y 23 m
  • Episode 36 - Microsoft Take Over The World!
    Jan 25 2022
    There's only one place to start this week and that is the Xbox push for world domination! Phil Spencer and his gang have paid big bucks to buy Activision which is causing the Playstation Call of Duty fans to think about their life choices. Will COD be an Xbox exclusive and are you a little bit creeped out by Crash Bandicoot being the team green's mascot? Warren has delved into some unfinished business and resurrected and old save file inspired by Andy playing Cyberpunk 2077. Halo Infinite is still very much on the playlist for good reason, it's just bloody good fun shooting people in the face! Russ returns to true 'Russ rage' form with Jedi Fallen Order causing worrying outbursts of biting?! Don't worry, we're getting him some professional help.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Episode 35 - Bring on 2022!
    Jan 11 2022
    The boys bring 2021 to and end by doubling down on the games that kept them going all year, grabbing those final achievments and looking forward to a new year of gaming. Although, as eternal tight arses they'll probably just buy a load of games from 2018 for £4.99. Andy is as random as ever with his gaming ranging from selecting the right pubes in Cyberpunk 2077 to standing in for Postman Pat in The Lake? No, we didn't get it either. Rainbow Six Extraction has gone a bit weird and put aliens in a traditionally tactical shooter. Probably because what the gaming world really needs is a game where you shoot loads of aliens. That and some zombies......
    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m