
  • The Copy/Paste Programming Breakthrough
    Mar 18 2025

    SO mind blowing - but our subconscious mind loves to simply copy & paste past experiences/paradigms/emotions/stories again, again, again, and again - it is its JOB as our internal processor. AND it's neutral to the information - it doesn't know or care if it's a positive or negative belief! It's just PROGRAMMING. And, when there are unresolved emotions involved in the related memories, it is also seeking resolution as it creates repeated copy/paste experiences. In this episode, we dive in on what all that means, which is likely to lead YOU to a breakthrough and a 'whoaaa, no wonder!' moment. Plus, why it's so uncomfy to start to tread outside that story & programming...but how to create the NEW and break the loop via the reprogramming process.

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    @dreamawaymembership on IG

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press

    @haleyhoffmansmith on IG/TikTok

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    29 m
  • Identify Your Self Image Gap
    Mar 12 2025

    THE THIRD IN THE SELF-IMAGE TRILOGY! Let's get eeeeven deeper, and talk about how we can identify our own self-image gap, BLIND SPOT edition. So much of this is subconscious, which is why choosing a new identity & consciously choosing to show up as that new version of us is quite difficult to persist in consistently. Deep rewiring can entirely change this. Plus, some other sneaky thoguht processes that can indicate a self image gap.

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    @dreamawaymembership on IG

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press - and save your receipt WINKY FACE

    @haleyhoffmansmith on IG/TikTok

    90 Minute Session - Self Image Reconstruction 🚧 Saturday, March 15th, 2-3:30pm

    Everything manifests from our self-image. When we believe that something is aligned with our identity, it easily and naturally comes into being. How we see ourselves dictates so much about what we can attract. In this high-powered 90 minute session, we’ll be doing deep identity work to align with our highest possible self image. Your SOUL knows how worthy and brilliant you are — when we can catch up the mind to believe that you’re absolutely worth everything you’ve ever wanted and it’s all possible for you, everything rapidly shifts. [Higher Self Tier]

    Visualization - Encoding Miracles: The Identity Upgrade [LONGEST YET] | -NOW IN VAULT

    We aren’t just visualizing with this one - we’re changing on a profound level. This visualization is intended for frequent use and is nearly 30 minutes long. You’ll be guided to rehearse and encode your new identity: seeing and imagining yourself having everything you’ve ever wanted. [Aligned Tier]

    Money Date - Net Worth Expansion: Holding More | Sunday, March 23rd at 6:00pm ET

    It’s time to soar that net worth, baby! It all begins with enabling our nervous systems to hold more cash & assets. This is a combination of upper limit & self image work - feeling comfortable and empowered being the version of yourself who can easily hold massive wealth and see your net worth skyrocket. [Aligned Tier]

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Bridging Your Past Self & Future Self: Self Image Alignment
    Mar 4 2025

    Let's get deeper. This is like a part 2 to last week's Self Image episode - let's discuss the 'messy middle,' and the deep self love and self forgiveness that goes into creating an 'idealized' Self Image. Upleveling requires healing. The higher we go, the deeper we go. They go together. Maybe you've ALWAYS been making progress, even when you were stuck & going in circles. Maybe it's all been leading you here, and ultimately, (when you envision your dream future)... there. Maybe it's all your come-up story, but that means there has to be radical self-love, for all versions and parts of you. Let's dive in. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway @dreamawaymembership on IG

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press

    @haleyhoffmansmith on IG/TikTok

    MARCH 2025 in Dreamaway: Self-Image Month

    90 Minute Session - Self Image Reconstruction 🚧 Saturday, March 15th, 2-3:30pm

    Everything manifests from our self-image. When we believe that something is aligned with our identity, it easily and naturally comes into being. How we see ourselves dictates so much about what we can attract. In this high-powered 90 minute session, we’ll be doing deep identity work to align with our highest possible self image. Your SOUL knows how worthy and brilliant you are — when we can catch up the mind to believe that you’re absolutely worth everything you’ve ever wanted and it’s all possible for you, everything rapidly shifts.

    Visualization - Encoding Miracles: The Identity Upgrade [LONGEST YET] | Friday, March 7th 11:30-12:00pm ET

    We aren’t just visualizing with this one - we’re changing on a profound level. This visualization is intended for frequent use and is nearly 30 minutes long. You’ll be guided to rehearse and encode your new identity: seeing and imagining yourself having everything you’ve ever wanted.

    Money Date - Net Worth Expansion: Holding More | Sunday, March 23rd at 6:00pm ET

    It’s time to soar that net worth, baby! It all begins with enabling our nervous systems to hold more cash & assets. This is a combination of upper limit & self image work - feeling comfortable and empowered being the version of yourself who can easily hold massive wealth and see your net worth skyrocket.

    Aries/Astrological New Year Intention Setting Ceremony! Friday, March 21st 5:00pm ET

    Group Coaching

    90 Minute Replay: It’s Already Happened | Monday, March 3rd 8:00-9:30pm ET

    Money Date Replay: Multimillionaire Income Avenues | Tuesday, March 18th 10:00am ET

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Your Self-Image Will Change EVERYTHING.
    Feb 25 2025

    We aren't playing around, baby. This episode is probably one of my top 3 favorite episodes I've ever, ever done - I've been deep in learning more about Self Image and, so far, it has made so many things kick into place. This is like belief & manifestation work on STEROIDS. So, let's dive in!

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    @dreamawaymembership on IG

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press

    @haleyhoffmansmith on IG/TikTok

    MARCH 2025 in Dreamaway: Self-Image Month

    90 Minute Session - Self Image Reconstruction 🚧 Saturday, March 15th, 2-3:30pm

    Everything manifests from our self-image. When we believe that something is aligned with our identity, it easily and naturally comes into being. How we see ourselves dictates so much about what we can attract. In this high-powered 90 minute session, we’ll be doing deep identity work to align with our highest possible self image. Your SOUL knows how worthy and brilliant you are — when we can catch up the mind to believe that you’re absolutely worth everything you’ve ever wanted and it’s all possible for you, everything rapidly shifts.

    Visualization - Encoding Miracles: The Identity Upgrade [LONGEST YET] | Friday, March 7th 11:30-12:00pm ET

    We aren’t just visualizing with this one - we’re changing on a profound level. This visualization is intended for frequent use and is nearly 30 minutes long. You’ll be guided to rehearse and encode your new identity: seeing and imagining yourself having everything you’ve ever wanted.

    Money Date - Net Worth Expansion: Holding More | Sunday, March 23rd at 6:00pm ET

    It’s time to soar that net worth, baby! It all begins with enabling our nervous systems to hold more cash & assets. This is a combination of upper limit & self image work - feeling comfortable and empowered being the version of yourself who can easily hold massive wealth and see your net worth skyrocket.

    Aries/Astrological New Year Intention Setting Ceremony! Friday, March 21st 5:00pm ET

    Group Coaching

    90 Minute Replay: It’s Already Happened | Monday, March 3rd 8:00-9:30pm ET

    Money Date Replay: Multimillionaire Income Avenues | Tuesday, March 18th 10:00am ET

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Almost, Not Quite: Trust What Didn't End Up Happening
    Feb 11 2025

    We all have ALMOSTS. The job we ALMOST got...the opportunity we were in the FINAL running for...the relationship that ALMOST took off... the house offer that was ALMOST accepted...fill in the blank. WHY DID IT FALL THROUGH? Let's faith boost, baby! I had a realization this weekend that helped me reshape my perspective on all my OWN Almosts.

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Why You Aren't Sprinting Towards Your Goals
    Feb 4 2025

    Last week, I tried what I called a SPRINT WEEK. The premise? I was going to SPRINT after the life of my dreams and be very output/action oriented. The intention was there, but resistance came up very quickly....and I learned a LOTTTT.

    P.S. Forgot to mention this in the episode, but I did write my favorite song to date later in the week. After tapping, of course. WOOT WOOT!

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • The Ingredients & Processes of SUCCESSFUL Manifestation
    Jan 14 2025

    Let's go back to basics, baby! HOW the heck do we manifest? Well, it's a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It's a combo of 'ingredients' and 'processes,' like we're making a Manifestation Pie (or insert baked good of your choice here). I have a fresh perspective on things this week as a result of some extra magic thanks to getting back on my visualization/feelin GOOD kick. Let's dive in!

    Join us in the premier Dreamaway Membership for so many resources including 40+ Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions (90 minutes of deep-dive subconscious rewiring/EFT tapping), visualizations, 40+ tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    Pre-order my upcoming book, You Have the Magic: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/haley-hoffman-smith/you-have-the-magic/9780762489213/?lens=running-press

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Become Irresistibly Magnetic with These Glow Up Tips
    Jan 7 2025

    GLOWUP SEASON - but, internal edition. Energetic edition. How do we become as MAGNETIC as possible? This episode goes through the best energetic tips I use to be a supermagnet.

    Dreamaway January 2025 Programming: https://haleyhoffmansmith.com/dreamaway

    External Validation: As Within, So Without | Saturday, January 11th 2:30-4:00pm ET | Higher Self Tier

    We all desire external validation in numerous forms - in our relationships, in our careers, in posting online - it’s human! However, dependence upon external validation can create a lot of pain and a deep emotional void. How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because you didn’t get external validation? How many times have you done something that wasn’t authentic to SEEK external validation? In this highly potent 90-minute session, we’ll be healing the External Validation wound and turning it all inward - because the more we feel totally complete on our own and can validate ourselves, the more peace we feel, and the more validation we attract (but we don’t even need it anymore!).

    Money Date: Scarcity Detox [Abundance & Serenity This Year & Beyond] | Aligned Tier

    We’ve all been there - that feeling of NEEDING money and being in scarcity energy. And, the more scarce we feel, the more scarcity we attract! NO MORE! In this money date, we’ll be addressing those feelings head on and detoxing them, to come to a space of total money serenity for the year ahead. The more at peace we feel, the more abundance flows in!

    Group Coaching: January 30th, 12:00pm-1:00pm

    Visualization: VALIDATION IV | Tuesday, January 14th at 4:00pm ET | Aligned Tier

    In this powerful visualization, you’ll be led ‘living in the end’ style to truly FEEL the emotional impact of the validation you seek. What if you can create those same feelings within? The brain can’t tell the difference between a real and an imagined experience, and this will prime your brain to believe you’re already receiving the validation that may seem scarce in your day-to-day life. As within, so without…get ready for some energetic changes as a result. PSSST - you’re actually only ever seeking your own validation anyway.

    Bonus Session: WORRY ERASER | Monday, January 27th 7-8pm ET | Aligned Tier - Let’s create deep feelings of peace. Show up to this bonus session ready to let worry dissolve, disappear, and fade away, because what if everything is taken care of? Mindset experts say to dissolve the problem, turn your attention away from it. This is hard when our subconscious minds are hyper focused on incessant worrying to try to keep us safe. When we tap on our worries, not only do we feel SO much better, but we expedite the Best Case Scenario unfolding.

    Aquarius Season Intention Setting Ceremony | Monday, January 20th 5:30pm ET

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