Episode 224: The Fourth Reich Show Notes - Demonic Nazi Technology In The U.S. Hegemony
When World War II ended, the Allies were amazed to discover the incredibly advanced technology used by the Germans. Operation Paperclip was implemented to import this technologically advanced knowledge to America. There is evidence that this technology was obtained by the Third Reich through satanic interaction with fallen entities. Was Nazis occult knowledge transferred to the US Hegemony to continue as the Fourth Reich? Was the atomic bomb a game changing weapon in more ways than one?
This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Russell S., Kristin Randall, and Jackie Stopperan
Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.
Notes: Timing of Events:
The Nazis were defeated on May 8, 1945, when Germany officially surrendered to the Allies, marking the end of World War II in Europe
The first successful test of an atomic bomb took place on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico. It was developed at Los Alamos, New Mexico
The bombing of Hiroshima occurred on August 6, 1945, and was dropped by the Enola Gay bomber
After the war, the Enola Gay returned to the United States, where it was operated from Roswell Army Air Field, New Mexico
Sometime between mid-June and early July of 1947, a UFO crash landed near Rosewell, New Mexico
An explosion of technological advances has taken place since
All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Genesis 3:4-5, Genesis 4:19-22, Genesis 4:19-22, 2 Peter 2:4-6, Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:10-13, Isaiah 8:18-20, Daniel 2:40, Daniel 7:23-27
*Enoch 3:7-10 was referenced, a non-canonical book
We are in the 4th Reich, the fourth kingdom of prophecy, which will culminate in the kingdom of the antichrist. Technological advances in this kingdom are likely exploding due to occult knowledge offered by fallen entities in exchange for cooperation with them. This exchange is what happened in Nazi Germany, and it is also happening now. The alien abduction phenomenon is undoubtedly a part of this unholy contract. Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good!
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