
  • 005 - Michelle Delloso, Part 3 - Here’s to the Climb
    Jan 23 2022

    In the third and final part of our conversation, Michelle gives us her recommendations and advice for preparing to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim.

    Note: this conversation was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and our conversation is a reflection of the state of things at that time.

    Michelle Delloso founded the Rim to Rim Club immediately after emerging from her first Rim to Rim hike of the Grand Canyon, 10 years ago. Since then, Michelle has been an enthusiastic and unwavering hiker, trail angel, and ally for countless others on their journey. The club's website, www.rimtorim.org, has been our go-to source of information in preparation for the hike.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • 004 - Michelle Delloso, Part 2 - Here’s to the Climb
    Jan 5 2022

    In Part 2 of our conversation, Michelle expands on the demands and gifts of hiking the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim.

    Note: this conversation was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and our conversation is a reflection of the state of things at that time.

    Michelle Delloso founded the Rim to Rim Club immediately after emerging from her first Rim to Rim hike of the Grand Canyon, 10 years ago. Since then, Michelle has been an enthusiastic and unwavering hiker, trail angel, and ally for countless others on their journey. The club's website, www.rimtorim.org, has been our go-to source of information in preparation for our hike.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • 003 - Michelle Delloso, Part 1 - Here’s to the Climb
    Oct 25 2020

    Michelle Delloso founded the Rim to Rim Club immediately after emerging from her first Rim to Rim hike of the Grand Canyon, 10 years ago. Since then, Michelle has been an enthusiastic and unwavering hiker, trail angel, and ally for countless others on their journey. The club's website, www.rimtorim.org, has been our go-to source of information in preparation for our hike.

    In Part 1 of our conversation, Michelle tells the story behind her first Rim to Rim and how the club came to be, and shares with us her philosophy in business and in life.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 002 - The Call to Adventure, Part 2
    Oct 8 2020

    In part 2 of our initial conversation, we discuss our intentions for the hike and podcast, and brainstorm topics for future episodes. Recorded 8/15/2020.


    Chasing Water, Pete McBride

    Julie and Sergio Answering the Call, Red Thread Profiles

    Music: "Spirit Walk" courtesy of The Mind Orchestra via Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • 001 - The Call to Adventure, Part 1
    Sep 17 2020

    In this episode we talk about the origin of our idea to hike the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim, and the dynamics of our partnership and friendship. Part 1 of our conversation recorded 7/25/2020.


    On Being Alone, by Craig Childs

    Into the Canyon, Pete McBride

    Rich Rudow Interview, Get Outside Podcast

    Music: "Spirit Walk" courtesy of The Mind Orchestra via Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

    Más Menos
    18 m