
  • The Story of Job - Part 2
    Mar 4 2025

    Well, family, we are going to read the entire book of Job! In part 2 we will hear more dialogue between Job and his friends. Job feels very alone in his suffering and his friends are only upsetting him more. How frustrating! And I know many of you have felt that exact way before. Thankfully, we have a Savior who understands us--we don't even have to explain it to Him!

    We are reading Job 8 through 14.

    If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like toshow your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin. 10% of any donations I receive goes to the church.

    15% off ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • The Story of Job - Part 1
    Feb 17 2025

    The book of Job is very near and dear to my heart. The past two years of my life have been the hardest and scariest years I've ever experienced. Many times I told God I couldn't handle it anymore. I can relate to much of what Job says. For that reason, I'm so thankful that the book of Job was included in the Bible. When hard times come upon us, it's such a source of encouragement. God promises that the pain we are feeling now cannot compare to the joy that is coming. Praise God for that promise!

    If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like toshow your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin. 10%of any donations I receive goes to the church.

    15% off ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • The First King of Israel
    Jan 13 2025

    The people of Israel had God as their King, but they demanded an earthly one. The donkeys of a man named Kish went missing, and he sent his son, Saul, out to look for them. Sometimes God may send us on what may seem like a wild goose chase. But He ALWAYS has a plan. Listen to hear about the first king of Israel.

    We are reading 1 Samuel 8, 9, and 10 in the NIV version.

    If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin. 10% of any donations I receive goes to the church.

    15% off ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • For God So Loved
    Dec 22 2024

    Tonight's episode will consist of beautiful words from Jesus in the book of John. I was skimming through the gospels, and John 3:16 jumped out at me. It felt right for the season. God's only begotten son, the bread of life.

    We are reading John 3:1-21, John 4:1-42, John 5:16-47, and John 6:22-69.

    If you have felt blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin.

    15% off ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Sodom and Gomorrah
    Dec 8 2024
    The story of Sodom and Gomorrah may not have a very happy ending, but it has several important lessons. I mention one during the episode introduction. Another lesson was pointed out by my pastor this week. Once you choose Jesus... don't look back. "Remember Lot's wife" is a warning in Luke 17:32. We are reading from Genesis 13, 18, and 19. In order to remain eligible for the ads program, I need to use at least one ad in one episode. I will place the ad at the beginning of the most recent episode only, and hopefully this way, it won't interrupt relaxation or sleep if you like to leave the episodes playing. This may just be temporary. Thank you for your understanding! YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@BedtimeBibleStoriesforAdults If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin. ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f **Limited Time** Cozy Earth 45% off! Use code: HEATHER1486 https://www.cozyearth.com
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Galatians Part 2
    Nov 24 2024

    We finish up Galatians with chapter 4 through 6! Paul continues encouraging the people of Galatia to rely on faith in Jesus for their salvation instead of the law of Moses. He reminds them that they are children of Abraham and heirs to God's kingdom. He also lists out the desires of sinful nature, contrasted by the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

    In order to remain eligible for the ads program, I need to use at least one ad in one episode. I will place the ad at the beginning of the most recent episode only, and hopefully this way, it won't interrupt relaxation or sleep if you like to leave the episodes playing. This may just be temporary. Thank you for your understanding!

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@BedtimeBibleStoriesforAdults

    If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin.

    ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f

    **Limited Time** Cozy Earth 45% off! Use code: HEATHER1486 https://www.cozyearth.com

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Galatians Part 1
    Nov 11 2024

    We have had several requests for the book of Galatians! There will be two parts to cover the entire book. Paul visited Galatia when he traveled, sharing about Jesus. Now he is writing to the church there about several topics, including circumcision and the true source of salvation--faith in the Messiah.

    We are reading Galatians 1 through 3.

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@BedtimeBibleStoriesforAdults

    If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin.

    ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f

    **Limited Time** Cozy Earth 45% off! Use code: HEATHER1486 https://www.cozyearth.com

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • The Heist of the Ark
    Oct 21 2024

    Friends, I'm excited about this episode. It's a gripping one. You never win when you try to go against God! The Philistines learned this the hard way when they stole the Ark of the Covenant. This is also when Samuel becomes Israel's judge.

    We are reading 1 Samuel 4 through 7.

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@BedtimeBibleStoriesforAdults

    If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a $1 donation, please go to paypal.me/hcharltoncrespin. ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte: https://www.clevrblends.com/discount/BLONDE15?rfsn=6713548.9b6046f **Limited Time** Cozy Earth 45% off! Use code: HEATHER1486 https://www.cozyearth.com

    Más Menos
    34 m