
  • Eps 112: Lisa Graziosi's Inspirational Story, Tip Journey, & Advice
    Dec 6 2023

    I was so privileged to speak with Lisa Graziosi, a mom of 2 food allergy children.

    Lisa shares her story and her TIP journey. She also gives great advice & support to other food allergy moms.

    Lisa has been a major player in the hair industry for more than 18 years and as successful entrepreneur created Extension Bar, the world’s first specialized hair salon. Along with entrepreneur, Lisa is a philanthropist and a full time allergy mum. Lisa is passionate about giving back to her community working with American Cancer Society and Make A Wish Foundation. Most recently, Lisa was welcomed on the Board of Phoenix Children’s Foundation and her philanthropic work there has raised money for hospital beds for the children.

    She found Phoenix Children's while looking for the best doctor to treat children with allergies. Lisa’s son was diagnosed with eczema as an infant and developed anaphylactic food allergies. Two years later, her daughter was also diagnosed with serious food allergies.

    Lisa's son is currently at SoCal Food Allergy Institute in their TIP program, Toleration Induction Program, for food freedom. Lisa wants to give back “with full force” to help other families with food allergies.

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a Food Allergy Master Podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Eps 111: Jackie Nevard, My Food Allergy Friends Educates Schools and Daycares
    Nov 30 2023

    How a Food Allergy Mom Now Educates Schools and Daycares with the Allergy SMART program!

    I was so honored to speak with Jackie Nevard, Founder and Creative Director of My Food Allergy Friends.

    Jackie gives her insights on how she educates and advocates in not only schools and daycares but also families.

    Jackie is an author, founder, speaker, entrepreneur, and allergy advocate who is devoted to raising awareness and advocating for people living with food allergies. She is the founder and creative director of My Food Allergy Friends, Australia’s dedicated provider of allergy resources. Her educational allergy series, which includes the lovable characters Thai & Rabbie, was born out of Jackie's experience with her son Thai who has multiple food allergies. She has written six books in the series and a string of other educational resources for parents, schools, and childcare centres. She is an allergy educator and speaker and uses her platform to speak and create awareness in the community.

    Jackie has become passionate about creating a new generation of allergy-smart kids and launched the Allergy SMART program, which runs in childcare centers and schools.

    Jackie has also co-founded Allergy Masterclass with Simone Albert to provide allergy education to families, focusing on providing tips for home life, kindy, and school and addressing the mental health aspect of allergies that is often overlooked. Jackie is devoted to creating a better life for people living with allergies and to making the world a more allergy aware place.

    Become a Food Allergy Master Podcast Episode 111

    Share with other moms!

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a Food Allergy Master Podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • EPS 110: Kathlena, The Allergy Chef, @theallergychef
    Nov 22 2023

    I was so privileged to speak with The Allergy Chef, an inspirational leader, influencer, and chef in our food allergy community.

    Kathlena shares her food allergy journey and how she helps other food allergy families with her love of cooking and sense of community.

    Her insights, love for the families and children, and successes are a MUST hear!

    Share with other moms!

    About the guest: Kathlena has over 200 food allergies & intolerances & can't drink most water. The members of her household also have food allergies & special diets, none of them the same. After being told she had 30 days to live, she made it her mission to help the food allergy and special diet communities thrive. Three years from her lowest point, she and her team have published several cookbooks, started a bakery, done local and nationwide outreach, developed hundreds of free recipes & resources, & much more. You can learn about all of her different ventures at ⁠TheAllergyChef.com⁠

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a Food Allergy Master Podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Eps 109 How a Swim Team President, Soccer Coach & Room Mom Manages Food Allergies To Make The Child Feel Included
    Nov 8 2023

    I was so blessed for my son to have Mrs. Sandy Howe as the swim team president--someone who accommodated food allergies the right way! Sandy is swim team president for 2 teams, soccer coach, room mom, and mom of 4!

    Sandy gives her insights on how she not only manages food allergies, but makes children feel included!

    Her insights, love for the students and athletes, and successes are a MUST hear!
    Share with other moms!

    About the guest: Sandy Howe has four children from middle school to adults. Her youngest son was born with dairy sensitivities leading to a change in diet choices for the whole family. She has worked with toddler and pre-school age children in several different capacities for 25+ years. She has also coached her children’s soccer teams and is currently managing two swim teams for ages 3-18 year olds. She has been involved in PTA, been classroom mom, and volunteered at church with the children, youth and adult programs. This has allowed her many opportunities to work with parents of food allergy children and learn how to best accommodate their food allergy child in a school, extra-curricular and social setting.

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a Food Allergy Master Podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Eps 108 K3 Teacher Discusses Food Allergies in Classroom
    Nov 1 2023

    Mrs. Alicia Wood, K3 Teacher, gives her insights on how she not only manages food allergies in the classroom, but makes children feel included!

    I was so blessed for my son to have an amazing K3 teacher who always accommodated his needs!

    Her insights, love for her students, and successes are a MUST to hear!

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a #FoodAllergyMaster podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • EPS 107 Advocate With Impact => Get Your Child's Needs Met
    Jul 27 2023

    Do you wish advocating for your food allergy child was easier?
    I have been there! I have worked with teachers, staff, doctor's, chef's, moms, family, party hosts, camp administrators, and many more to get my food allergy child accommodated.
    A Technology Executive in the corporate world for 25+ years, I have had to have tough conversations. I adapted the circle of influence for food allergies and added simple 6 steps of influence for impact to get the fastest, easiest, results!
    2 reasons I can help you:
    First, my son was born with food allergies and had his first anaphylactic attack at 10 months old. He is now a thriving teenager mastering his food allergies daily. I have been where you are today.
    Second, I have lead software engineering teams and been a successful technology executive for 25+ years. I had tough conversations with customers, executives, and engineers. I had to make tough decisions and compromises. I have taken this experience to advocate for my son. I now put this in an easy process for you.

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a #FoodAllergyMaster podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • EPS 106 Head Football Coach Hardy Speaks to Food Allergies
    Jul 19 2023

    Tim Hardy, Athletic Director & Head Football Coach, Greater Atlanta Christian School, tells how he accommodates food allergies on his team.

    His insights and perspectives a MUST to hear!

    About My Guest: Tim Hardy has a Bachelor of Arts from Wheaton College, a Master of Science in Managerial Leadership from National-Louis University, and an Educational Specialist degree from Valdosta State University. He has worked at GAC since 2012 as Head Football Coach and now Athletic Director. Before coming to GAC, he coached college football at Wheaton College for 10 years and was also the head coach at Mountain View High School. He was drawn to the uniqueness of the GAC environment. “GAC provides an environment that truly maximizes growth. There is a culture of achievement on campus that calls students up to another level. Peer pressure is a powerful thing and our campus is filled with lots of positive peer pressure to be responsible, to give your best effort, to pursue your passions, and to serve other people.” Tim views athletics as an extension of the classroom where students can be intentionally grown. “At GAC, coaches are expected to use competition as an avenue for investing in students‘ spiritual lives and personal character.”

    Tim and his family attend 12 Stone Church. He and his wife Lindsey have three children, Jackson (GAC 2020), Will (GAC 2022), and Anna (GAC 2024).

    About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a #FoodAllergyMaster podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Episode 105: Two Food Allergy Mom's Journeys with OIT and TIP
    Jul 12 2023

    Hear The Journey of 2 Amazing Food Allergy Moms Currently Undergoing OIT and TIP 

    I was privileged to interview 2 inspiring moms on my podcast and hear their amazing stories with their food allergy children, ups and down, and their perspectives with immunotherapy.  

    This is a can't-miss!

    About my guests:

    Amber - wife of almost 6 years and mom of two kids; daughter London age 5 and son Caden age 2. Born and raised in Pennsylvania and still currently reside here. They enjoy doing anything as a family including bike rides, camping, and swimming in our pool. Active helping other food allergy moms on IG with @the_food_allergy_mama 

    Whitney – Her family of three lives in Utah; one child- 5-Year-old Ary (Air-ee), has 35 allergies. They love to adventure and do activities, from taking walks or swimming to watching movies and playing games. She hopes to help build allergy awareness and community so there's more support and more knowledge, and more understanding. Active helping other food allergy moms on IG with @whitneyzucker About the host: Stephanie Hills, food allergy mom, advocate, and coach. My son was born with anaphylactic food allergies and I struggled and overcame so many challenges. He is now a thriving teenage football player mastering his food allergies daily. I want to make it easier for other moms where I am a few steps ahead in the journey. I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life.

    Reach out to Stephanie! @foodallergymastermom / stephanieshills.com

    About the podcast: The Become a #FoodAllergyMaster podcast is here to empower moms to conquer food allergies with confidence. As a food allergy mom and coach, I'll guide you through mindset, safe food choices, handling social situations, and medical treatments. Through captivating stories, we'll find inspiration and connection within the food allergy community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future of inclusion and support!

    Más Menos
    37 m