
  • Channa Beth Butcher: Look at Me! Listen to Me!
    Dec 22 2024

    Channa Beth Butcher wrote her PHD dissertation on UNLEARNING THE COLONIAL NARRATIVE OF THE AFRICAN GIRL THROUGH HER STORIES OF THE LIFE EXPERIENCES OF ONE KENYAN GIRL. Channa Beth achieved this feat at the age of 77. She is an inspiration and a reminder that it’s never too late to achieve the unimaginable. This past spring she founded E3 Kenya which stands for Encourage, Engage, Empower. The non-profit's goal is to teach women how to be self-sustaining. In this podcast you’ll learn about her love of learning, her fearlessness/willingness to take on new academic challenges, her intense curiosity about another culture, and her total disregard of her age when taking on new roles/challenges.

    Notes on podcast

    1. I was an only child and only grandchild and always felt very loved and safe. From a young age I knew i’d go to college. This was reinforced by my parents and grandparents.
    2. She describes her childhood as an idyllic upbringing and spent a lot of time w her grandparents who were huge book lovers; she attributes that to her love of reading and learning.
    3. When I was in Mexico in the early 80s I felt chagrined that I couldn’t communicate w the women there and wanted to learn SpanishShe studied Spanish for 4 years and became certified to teach Spanish and history and taught.
    4. Languages come very easily for me. I’d start out with a book and a CD. I have to know what I’m saying grammatically. Best to take a class to learn.
    5. Learned Swahili in 2014. I saw an article about Africa and was there a few months later. Went to Tanzania and gorilla tract in Rwanda.
    6. Her favorite movie is “The Nun Story” w Audrey Hepburn and set in Belgian Congo. I was enthralled with Africa. When I got off the plane I cried. Felt like I belonged.
    7. Once the locals saw that I spoke Swahili, they really opened up. It was an inspiration to the whites who ran the camp where I stayed.
    8. When you speak to a person in your language it goes to their head, when you speak in their language it goes to their heart. Nelson Mandela quote.
    9. So much racism still exists in the tourist industry and in East Africa. That’s changing but colonialism is still present.
    10. Colonialism is not taught in the schools. Nonprofits exploit the dark side of native girls. But there is another side to the story. Let’s look at the reality that girls are going to school and have their own aspirations and agency. This became the crux of my dissertation.
    11. Primary education is free but secondary education has school fees. She has long seen the girls of Kenya portrayed as poor, desperate and in need of money, but soon learned they just needed encouragement and support. Her dissertation theme became desensitizing the myth around these women.
    12. Her dissertation centered around interviewing a senior at Starehe, a girls school in Kenya about her experiences, She did 90 hours of interviews about her everyday life. My Kenyan girl started out wanting to be a doctor and switched to law. She’ll be entering law school this year.
    13. She started a non-profit called E3 Kenya. Part of my impetus to get my PhD was so I could be taken more seriously. I wanted to be legitimate.
    14. Teach the girls how to be self-sustaining for what they need. Teach the girls how to sew and make reusable menstrual pads.
    15. It was the most joyful 3 days I’ve had in a long time. We only made 2 menstrual pads given the complexities of Africa. But we did it and will be going back. “Sisterherd Strong.”
    16. What advice do you have for women considering a life change? Go for it. Take a leap of faith that you can do it. You’re never too old. It will make you happy. Believe that your dreams are possible.
    17. My success comes from having supportive parents, grandparents and a supportive husband.

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Ryan Pastore: Guaranteed to Bring Joy to Your Life
    Dec 20 2024

    Ryan has been a personal trainer for over 12 years. He is a certified functional aging specialist with a bachelors degree in Health & Exercise Science. Ryan has completed over 14,000 personal training sessions in his career and works with people of all ages & fitness levels with a focus on women over 50. He has transitioned from a local “in-person” personal trainer to an online trainer with clients in New York, New Mexico, Montana, Georgia, Connecticut, New Jersey, & even Italy.

    Notes from podcast:

    1. Ryan simplifies fitness with baby steps and micro progression. Anything can be measured and improved using 4 steps-corner stone, push, pull, accessory exercise.
    2. Count the # of men vs women in the weight training section of your gym and you won’t find women over 60; they need this the most. I remove the intimidation barriers in my training program called the Courage Corner.
    3. 90% of the people I work out with are on zoom. Started w the pandemic. Starts with one session on zoom to get them comfortable.
    4. I provide people with a gift of bands. They get the door anchor and you basically have a complete cable machine. Easy to travel with.
    5. I want people to meet me half way. I ask my clients to get a complete set of dumb bells. The more equipment the better.
    6. The half hour work out has become the most popular. The intensity goes up. When you exercise at a high level, your metabolism is still working the next day.
    7. There’s a large body of evidence that shows weight training improves your bone health keeping them strong and healthy, boosts your metabolism for fat loss, regulates your insulin passively, increases general strength, improves balance, improves your sleep and improves your confidence.
    8. Build a program around the client’s needs. Smart goals. Keep things very simple.
    9. Look at the functional aging trajectory. There is a decline if you don’t move. You control your quality of life. The key is to just do something.
    10. Weight training improves your bone density and makes you more bullet proof to better survive a fall. Improves your ADLs-the activities of daily living.
    11. Numbers don’t lie. Performance based metrics.
    12. How do people get in touch with you? Call or text (914) 330-5968.

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    32 m
  • Christa Ross: Trailblazer in Real Estate Coaching and Marketing
    Nov 17 2024

    Christa Ross is a trailblazer in real estate coaching and hosts the podcast "The Uplift" offering simple thoughts for complex times. She is a masterful thinker, writer and marketer. Christa's most significant achievements and recognition have come after 50. Her journey serves as a powerful testament to the idea that life's most remarkable chapters are often still to come.

    Notes from podcast:

    1. If I could go back and hug Christa Ross and tell her everything will be ok, I would.
    2. Product of a single mom who suffered bipolar depression. She always wanted to be normal and prove she was not her mom.
    3. I’m not good enough. Story of building self confidence.
    4. It was not until I was 50 that I had any sense of self confidence or career.
    5. My mentor pushed me out of the nest to spread my wings which was a real gift.
    6. Working in marketing for real estate firm taught her different ways to speak and fulfill the needs of a target audience.
    7. I wanted to have that picture perfect life with white picket fence and picture of family over the piano. I worked part time to have that kind of life.
    8. My grandparents were pivotal in raising my children especially after my divorce.
    9. I will be the best risk you ever took. It was the first time I ever sold myself. I’ve been with the same real estate company for over 20 years.
    10. I was getting good at selling but I was shining at marketing. It was very creative and fun. People responded to it. People noticed I was good at something.
    11. If you recognize a lane that no one is doing, do it. That’s how The Boost came to be and started during Covid. It turned out to be a full time thing. The most rewarding and fulfilling thing I’ve ever done.
    12. You got me thru Covid” is the reaction of so many agents. She helped them feel connected. It brings me joy. It’s been my biggest blessing.
    13. Having the trust of someone so smart and successful to be behind me, gave me so much self confidence.
    14. The Uplift is a motivational podcast that focuses on what’s bright and what’s possible.
    15. I love decorating, cooking and feeding people. That’s part of my love language.
    16. Homemaking is an art.
    17. Take your power, push forward, be less cautious, less self conscience, less critical of yourself. Find the joy and come for the ride.

    Find Christa’s Uplift on YouTube and on Instagram @christa_clear_coaching

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Francesca Kennedy: Finding Connection with Her Passion
    Sep 27 2024

    Francesca has been creating jewelry for over 30 years and creating ‘stuff’ since she was 16. Previously a clothing designer, she has always collected interesting stones and pearls and has a particular love of turquoise, as those who wear her jewelry will attest. Her work is characterized by a sense of adventure and exploration and inspired by nature, love and people. This comes from her love of imagining the lives of those who wear her work. As an artist her biggest challenge is finding the connection. So far, she loves sharing her journey with the women who are lucky enough to wear her jewelry made from beautiful materials.

    Excerpts from podcast:

    1. I have been so blessed with opportunity and by being in the right place at the right time. It’s important to recognize that this is not true for everyone.
    2. You spoke about how challenging it was for you as a single parent and that is absolutely correct. I always worked part time, but was fortunate to have partners where I could do that, and where I didn’t get confused about trying to monetize the art - whatever form that took. Sometimes I get paid to be a creative consultant. Sometimes I made stuff and found a way to sell it - and a lot of that was by being in the right place and moving with it.
    3. I really dislike the lack of distinction between making art and “being successful” about it. It seems really important to come to terms with- and this is ongoing - about what success means. Art is hard work - not always, but enough of the time that it’s important to recognize what it takes.
    4. Maybe the real expense is the outlay of energy it requires.Thinking it up, refining the idea, exploring the idea, testing it in the process of making it, and then figuring out what to do with it all takes energy.Marketing and selling takes a lot of work!
    5. I think people have done a huge disservice by not recognizing this. Also - a lot of art is not really viable commercially - either for money or for recognition.If you are stuck following those things, you miss the opportunity to think up and make art.
    6. What is my advice? Only I can say what’s worked for me-Cultivate a quiet brain—Find a passion—Pursue it for its own sake - the questions about monetizing it or getting recognition from it are separate. If they are what is really important to you, figure out how to get those things--It may never be a package deal - sometimes you get bits of things
    7. I don’t have just one message for a brand.—My hope is that people may get interested in something I put out there and it sparks a conversation. —I’m always looking for good connections.—I hope my message is ultimately one of love.
    8. Love yourself, love the ideas, love the time to make things or not, love it if you connect with someone else in love. Especially love it if you help them move through their lives a little bit better.

    To connect with Francesca follow her on Instagram @flkjewelry.

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Alex Mangini: Learn Her Secret to the Fountain of Youth
    Aug 11 2024

    Alex Mangini is OBSESSED. She’s a social media consultant who manages a dental practice full-time. She just turned 60 and looks 40! Learn how Alex developed a lucrative side biz while working full time in a different field and how she’s maintained her youthful appearance.

    • Alex is a twin. Her brother always excelled at everything while she believed she felt short.
    • Majored in communications/journalism. Developed a passion for medicine and cures after her second son was born prematurely.
    • “I was obsessed w his health, prior to the internet. Happened in my late 20s. I was a stay at home mom while my sons were young. When they were in school, I went back to work. I always wanted to make my own money.”
    • 17 years managing dental practice. Started promoting on social media. Have 15 clients who were all referrals. She is self taught. Learned on Google, You Tube, all trial and error.
    • Alex tries to make social media user friendly. Unique posts. Very interactive with her clients.
    • At 60 she loves technology and learning new things and is a self proclaimed social media addict.
    • Alex firmly believes in any facial or body rejuvenation and plastic surgery that helps people feel better about themselves.
    • “Plastic surgery provides instant results. Do your research.There are affordable solutions. It’s all about taking care of ourselves.”
    • Her secret to staying young is peels, lasers, vitamins for skin, healthy lifestyle, use moisturizing cream at night, what you put in your body, exercise regimen.
    • Learn about Winston her dog and his instagram page @Winston_thecav. Over 16k followers, an influencer and earns money. He’s a superstar.
    • Alex is Mimi to two grandchildren, Hailey and Blake and baby Jack due in September.
    • “Don’t be afraid to try something new. Focus on you.”
    • “If you don’t know it, Google it”
    • “Don’t sleep your life away.”
    • “Be open to making new relationships later in life.”

    Contact Alex by calling 914.907.6763 or email at manginimedia@gmail.com

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Michelle Kowalksi: Forget Those Fad Diets
    Jul 24 2024

    Michelle Kowalski is a NY state certified nutritionist and registered dietitian with over 30 years of experience in the field. Michelle will teach you how to eat just right so you can fit into your favorite jeans again without going on a fad diet.

    • Michelle’s aunt and uncle who lived into their 90s, ate well, walked every day, no medications served as her role models. Saw you had the ability to heal yourself.
    • In her teens, Michelle was overweight and went on fad diets. Borderline anorexic. She studied nutrition in college. She learned how food can fuel her. Transferred the eating challenges she had to helping others
    • “I have to respect my body to age well. I do something everyday. I do it for my health.”
    • If you want to lose 40 lbs, she’ll ask what are your goals? Are you getting the right nourishment to heal your body.
    • These fad diets don’t work. They’re a tease. You may lose one pound a day but the processed foods don’t transition to real foods and can gain back the weight plus more. Have an awareness of what you’re eating. Read food labels.
    • You can always make something work. She’s seen close to 5k clients for weight loss and nutrition counseling in 23 years and has a great success rate. She educates and operates as a support system. “If you listen to what I say, you’ll have an 80 to 100% success rate.“
    • Manage the portion size. Binging leads to poor mental behavior.
    • If you want to have pizza, eat a salad before and take some fiber to fill you up. Positive eating vs shameful eating. Do NOT eat processed foods.
    • If you have a craving and do 100 jumping jacks, that craving will subside. One treat a day that you can look forward to.
    • Hear what she says about Ozempic. There are a lot of unknowns. Make sure you’re under the care of a doctor or coach.
    • Learn about her coaching biz, one on one coaching, maintenance program.

    How have you changed?

    • I’m a more compassionate soul. If I can guide someone, it’s not about me, you did the work.

    What do you recommend to women looking for a change?

    • Set good fundamental goals
    • Don’t beat yourself up.
    • Have some self compassion and self care for yourself

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Clelia Somers-Theodoridos: How to Create Wealth With Your Passion
    May 28 2024

    Clelia Somers-Theodorides was born in South Africa to Greek parents. She grew up in a large Greek community and enjoyed many cultural traditions. She lives in Luxembourg with her Swiss-British husband Gilles and son Constantine. She is an interior designer (who speaks 6 languages!) with a flare for house restoration. Learn how Clelia developed a nose for business and real estate and leveraged her multi-cultural background to create wealth.

    Clelia’s early years :

    • Grew up w rich culture and many traditions w Greek parents. Traditions are important to keep family together
    • Born during apartheid; today she considers herself a more tolerant person
    • She was curious about the world beyond SA
    • Decided to take a gap year to travel; worked as airline stewardess for Lux Air
    • Spent half time in Luxembourg and the other half in SA
    • Traveled to Italy to speak Italian, France to speak French and of course her native Greek
    • By speaking different languages you become an enriched person
    • Moved full time to Lux and became engaged a Lux/italian man who was a restaunteur like her Dad and an interior designer.

    Her next career moves:

    • Wanted to find something for herself and away from her fiancé
    • Got into banking w 350 banks in Lux
    • Broke off engagement
    • At JP Morgan met her husband who had similar qualities as her Dad. 15 years older
    • Married after 6 months
    • Gilles wanted her to stay at home but she needed to work
    • Banking crashed and she had to recreate herself. Renovated their 18th century country home
    • She felt the financial bubble in 2008 was the time to sell. “My nose told me something was going to happen.”
    • Sold before the financial crisis
    • Made a nice profit and poured profits into purchase of more projects in Lux and two homes in Milos, Greece
    • Felt an urge to purchase a large apartment in Lisbon, and has tripled in value
    • Properties are rented for cash flow

    Design Firm: CGA

    • Started when her husband retired and wanted to get out of the house
    • With two partners from Greece to bring Mediterranean influence to the dark, Germanic Lux. Wanted to bring some sunshine to Lux
    • Networked w Gilles’ banking contacts to grow her clientele
    • Clelia feels more confident than ever at age 56
    • She has trusting and personal relationships with her clients and feels intimately immersed in their lives as she designs their homes and is brought into their lives

    What advice do you have for individuals considering a different direction? Like your “brass ring”:

    • Women need to be inventive-even if they are not working in a traditional paid role when they raise a family, they will benefit significantly from having fundamental skills beyond motherhood
    • Working women are great role models; she believes in always working and setting an example for your children. Be a strong female figure
    • Go w the flow. One road leads to another; be open and flexible in your personal journey. Take risks, and don’t worry so much about the consequences. Think long term-big picture,
    • Travel opens your mind and inspires you.

    Where can listeners learn more about Clelia?

    On the CGA website www.cgastudio.lu, @cgastudio on Instagram, Facebook: CGA Studio Luxembourg and on LinkedIn

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Jan Johnsen: Living Her Dream Every Day
    Apr 18 2024

    Jan’s foolproof lessons to be a successful entrepreneur and how she learned to succeed in a male-dominated field and continues to live her dream everyday.

    Early years and her unusual college experiences:

    • Kid from the NY boroughs, growing up in a concrete jungle
    • Always fascinated w plants
    • Steered toward botanical illustratration by HS guidance counselor
    • Attended Friends World College, run by Quakers, created her own studies
    • Studied in Japan, lived in Kyoto and transfixed by Japanese gardens
    • Japanese boss said “you’re not an architect, you’re a landscape architect.”
    • Studied landscape architecture at University of Hawaii and studied hydroponic gardening, without soil. She was the only woman in her class

    What was Jan’s next endeavor?

    • Realized she was not suited to working in an office
    • She wanted hands on training and worked at Mohonk Mountain House in NY
    • Worked for a French master gardener who was reticent to work w her since she was a woman. But Jan was persistent and persevered
    • Learned professional horticulture
    • Jan believes in experiential education, learn by doing

    How did she start her biz?

    • With not much money, rented one room from a man who ran a small tree service, who became her mentor
    • “I knew what I knew, but I didn’t know how to run a business and luckily had a husband who knew how to.”
    • Her mentor coached her, told her what courses to take. He started Sav-a-Tree, a first class and very successful tree business.
    • Your thoughts and attitudes are key to your success. Set sites high enough
    • Have a goal and see it through Jan’s goal is to create beautiful outdoor settings
    • Her mission is to pay it forward, share what she’s learned


    • Jan started writing books because she loves sharing what she has learned and believes that having a serene outdoor environment can uplift people in this crazy world
    • 7 books including Spirit of Stone, Flowertopia, Gardentopia, Heaven in a Garden

    What advice do you have for women looking to find their passions, and her “brass ring” for success?

    • Get your business systems in place first before you start out. Being talented in your specific field is not enough, your passion I will be the key to your success.
    • Work with people you align with
    • Get yourself out there
    • Make time for yourself, even something as simple as a walk
    • It’s ok to be the only woman in the room
    • You have to love what you do

    Where can listeners learn more about Jan?

    • Instagram @johnsendesign
    • Subscribe to janjohnsen.substack.com for landscaping tips
    • johnsenlandscapes.com
    • Books can be purchased on Amazon

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

    Más Menos
    28 m