
  • Gratitude from a different perspective, a conversation with Candyce Nelson
    Dec 29 2024

    Kenny and Candyce delve into the profound impact of gratitude, discussing how it can shape one's daily life, spur personal development, and enrich spiritual practices. They explore how gratitude can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary ones, manage life's unpredictability, and enhance relationships by fostering a deeper sense of appreciation and empathy.


    • Gratitude and Presence: The significance of being fully engaged in the now, appreciating what is currently available.
    • Control and Acceptance: How gratitude helps in accepting what we can't control, leading to a serene life approach.
    • Meditation as a Tool: Utilizing meditation to deepen gratitude, connecting oneself more profoundly with the present.
    • Spiritual Practices: The role of gratitude in both Buddhist meditation and Christian prayer as a path to spiritual growth.
    • Perspective on Challenges: Transforming our approach to life's trials through the lens of gratitude.
    • Interconnectedness: The spread of positive energy through gratitude in social interactions.


    • Candyce: "In it's being aware of the beautiful and positive things that you have in your life understanding how powerful those things are. Being of the present moment. Gratitude is like the full experience of the present to me. I try to spend at least some time every day just appreciating wherever I'm at, the fact that I woke up, the fact that I'm breathing."
    • Kenny: "Yeah, I do know. You're not wrong. We get so upset about things that, number one, are outside of our control. But number two, we have. There's a lot that we have to be thankful for to even have those problems. This morning I got out of a bed. That most people do not sleep in. I live in a country that is not at war. I got to eat some. Really? Okay food, but I got to eat food, period. So, I mean, these are all things that we can be grateful for."
    • Candyce: "There's always a point like it's okay to feel, it's not the way that you want it right now. I understand that feeling. But to be grateful for what you have in the moment is really something that can cultivate a lot of energy, if you're thinking about it and drive you to reach some goals that you may want."
    • Candyce: "And honestly, being grateful even for the things that maybe we didn't want to go through or didn't want to experience or didn't want. So those led to where you are remember getting it. Getting in a car accident got rear ended and I felt terrible. Woe is me for a second. And then I realized, well, this is just another opportunity. I'll get it fixed. It'll be fine. And here I am. I've got a better car a little bit later, you know, it leads to something else. But I wouldn't have gotten here if that didn't happen."
    • Kenny: "How important is happiness? Is it happiness a big deal? Yeah."
    • Candyce: "You imagine yourself. So it's like kind of an imagination thing. So you sit and you imagine yourself in a garden of your choosing on a bench and there's a fence and you imagine people walking by that fence. You start out with somebody easy, somebody where it's easy to be grateful for them. And you invite them to sit with you and you tell them you give them a flower and you explain why you're grateful for them and you wish them their best and they move on."
    • Candyce: "It's hard to explain and it stems from that gratitude of being present. And that's the foundation for, my Buddhism. I will not say that I am an expert, but this I can definitely speak for my personal practice and my personal experiences."
    • Kenny: "Well, one of the things that we talked about this a little bit yesterday is that you you are a

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    54 m
  • Another conversation with Jake
    Nov 17 2024

    Jake's YouTube Channel is at:

    How often do we as Christians think about our relationship with God? Is it merely inherited from our upbringing, or do we carve our unique path in understanding and connecting with the divine? In today's episode, I explore these questions with my son, Jake. We explore the complexities of faith, the journey from inherited beliefs to personal conviction, and the challenges of living out Christian principles in today's world. Join us as we unpack what it means to truly own your faith in a conversation that promises to challenge, enlighten, and inspire."Expanded Key Takeaways:

    • Conceptualizing God:Jake shares his internal struggle with forming a tangible concept of God, moving beyond traditional images to a more abstract, yet personal understanding. This highlights the journey from a child's simple faith to an adult's nuanced relationship with the divine.
    • Visual Learning: The importance of personal learning styles in faith development. Jake's reliance on visualization underscores how personal traits can shape our spiritual experiences, suggesting that faith can be deepened by engaging with it in the way we best understand the world.
    • Apologetics Journey:Jake's exploration into apologetics isn't just academic; it's a quest for personal truth. His dive into arguments like the fine-tuning of the universe shows a quest for rational foundations of faith, bridging science and spirituality.
    • Arguments for God's Existence:A detailed look at three philosophical arguments:
      • Chance: The likelihood of the universe's conditions being perfect for life by mere accident.
      • Necessity: The idea that the universe's constants must be as they are for life, yet this doesn't explain why they are necessary.
      • Design: This argument resonates with Jake due to its logic that complex systems suggest a designer, paralleling our human inclination to recognize design in less complex creations.
    • The Hiddenness of God:This point delves into the philosophical and emotional challenge of God's apparent silence or invisibility, exploring how believers reconcile the lack of overt divine intervention with their faith.
    • Evangelism:Jake and Kenny discuss the modern Christian's dilemma: how to share faith without alienating others. The takeaway is the emphasis on showing love and respect, allowing actions to speak as loudly as words, and understanding that conversion is not about numbers but about genuine connection.Dealing with
    • Doubt:Doubt is portrayed not as a failure but as an essential part of faith's maturation. Jake's experiences remind listeners that questioning can lead to stronger faith, as it forces one to engage deeply with their beliefs, moving from passive acceptance to active conviction.

    Three Applications for Listeners:

    • Visualizing Faith:Encourage listeners to explore or create visual metaphors or symbols that resonate with their personal understanding of God or spiritual truths. This could be through art, nature, or even personal symbols that help bridge the abstract with the tangible in their spiritual life.
    • Engaging with Apologetics:Suggest that listeners delve into apologetics not just to defend their faith but to explore and deepen their understanding of it. This could involve reading books, attending lectures, or even discussing with others who have different views to strengthen their own beliefs through dialogue and reason.
    • Embracing Doubt as Part of Faith:Encourage listeners to view doubt not as a threat but as an opportunity for growth. They should be prompted to ask questions, seek answers, and understand that doubt can lead to a more robust and personal faith. This might include setting aside time for reflection, prayer, or joining study groups where doubts can be shared and e

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    56 m
  • Basic Christianity: Forgiveness with Jacob Hudgins
    Nov 3 2024

    Have you ever struggled with the weight of unforgiveness, feeling trapped by past hurts or wondering if it's possible to truly let go? In this episode, Kenny Embry and Jacob Hudgins explore the essence of forgiveness from both a personal and spiritual perspective. They delve into how this act can not only free us from the chains of bitterness but also align us closer to the divine model of love and reconciliation exemplified by Jesus. Join us to uncover how forgiveness can transform our lives, our relationships, and our very understanding of faith.

    7 Key Takeaways:

    1. Forgiveness as Release: Forgiveness involves releasing the debt of an offense, mirroring God's forgiveness towards us.
    2. Personal vs. Religious Context: While personal forgiveness might seem straightforward, its depth matches the religious context, emphasizing the release from consequences rather than merely forgetting.
    3. Forgiveness Strengthens: Contrary to making one appear weak, forgiveness is a source of strength, following the model set by Jesus.
    4. The Cost of Forgiveness: True forgiveness often comes at a personal cost, reflecting the sacrifices Jesus made, challenging us to forgive even when it's difficult.
    5. The Process of Forgiveness: Forgiveness can be a long process, not an immediate action, involving growth, healing, and a change in perspective.
    6. Forgiveness and Relationships: While we are called to forgive, this doesn't always mean resuming the same relationship dynamics, especially if they are harmful.
    7. Forgiveness as a Reflection of God: Forgiveness teaches us about God's desire for relationship, highlighting His grace and our call to extend that grace to others.


    1. "Forgiveness is where the debt is released and we're no longer on the hook for what we've done." - Jacob Hudgins
    2. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." - Referencing Jesus in the Lord's Prayer
    3. "Forgiveness is a worthwhile priority, even if it's personally taxing." - Jacob Hudgins
    4. "There is strength in seeming weakness." - Jacob Hudgins on Jesus' teachings
    5. "You can't be greedy if your hands are always open. You can't be bitter if you're always forgiving." - Jacob Hudgins
    6. "Why can't you be defrauded? Why can't you get the wrong end of the stick?" - Jacob Hudgins on Paul's teachings
    7. "Forgiveness can be a process and a process of growth and healing." - Jacob Hudgins
    8. "You can’t just store up every wrong that's ever gone wrong in your life." - Jacob Hudgins on the effects of unforgiveness
    9. "If we want to be Christians, we can't not forgive." - Jacob Hudgins
    10. "Jesus’ life resonates because there is far more strength in restraint, care, and compassion." - Jacob Hudgins

    Three Applications:

    1. Self-Reflection:
      • Take time to reflect on instances where you've held onto grudges. Consider how letting go of these might benefit your mental health and spiritual growth.
    2. Community Building:
      • In church or community settings, foster an environment where forgiveness is taught not just as a principle but as a lived experience. Encourage openness about struggles with forgiveness to normalize this challenging but necessary process.
    3. Daily Practice:
      • Implement a daily practice of forgiveness in personal interactions. This could mean resolving to not carry over arguments or misunderstandings from one day to the next, or consciously choosing to understand rather than judge others' actions.

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    50 m
  • Basic Christianity: What is sin, a conversation with Keith Stonehart
    Oct 20 2024

    Have you ever stopped to consider why sin, despite our best intentions, continues to be a persistent struggle in our lives? In this episode of Balancing the Christian Life, Kenny Embry and Keith Stonehart invite us to confront this challenging question. Rather than focusing solely on forgiveness and redemption, they delve into the often-overlooked aspects of sin – its origins, its cost, and our perception of it. Join them as they explore the gravity of sin and its impact on our relationship with God, challenging us to move beyond simple acknowledgment and strive for a deeper understanding of its consequences.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Sin is more than "missing the mark." It involves deception, selfishness, and a violation of God's law.
    2. We often justify our sins, minimizing their impact and deceiving ourselves about their true nature.
    3. Sin separates us from God. It creates a barrier in our relationship with Him and hinders our spiritual growth.
    4. The cost of sin is immense. It required the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
    5. We need to confront our sinfulness honestly. Acknowledging our sin is the first step towards repentance and restoration.
    6. A sinless life, while difficult, is possible. It requires constant effort, vigilance, and reliance on God's grace.
    7. Sin is a serious matter with eternal consequences. We must not become complacent or desensitized to its dangers.

    Memorable Quotes:

    1. "It's amazing the way we can justify the sins of all kinds of natures in our minds." - Keith Stonehart
    2. "I think if we had real-time consequences for every sin that I committed, I got punched in the face... I would probably sin a lot less." - Keith Stonehart
    3. "We don't realize that's why it's a big deal, because it is people are going to go to hell... If you study grace enough and you study forgiveness enough and you study the love of God enough, this reality becomes even more prominent." - Keith Stonehart
    4. "God's justice... is death. But because we're extended grace, it's a non-justice that God extends to us because of our injustice." - Keith Stonehart
    5. "What's it worth to be able to look her in the eyes and not look away because you're ashamed of yourself? That's intimacy." - Keith Stonehart
    6. "You're taking something that could be good and you're introducing something bad, something evil... It doesn't take much poison to make something deadly." - Kenny Embry
    7. "When you think about the cost... Jesus has to come to where he shouldn't be and buy us back." - Keith Stonehart (referencing the story of Hosea and Gomer)
    8. "Satan likes things hidden. When they're hidden and when they're hidden in shame, then he gets exactly what he wants." - Kenny Embry
    9. "I think the problem is we're all so busy justifying our own sins that we don't really take the time to look at the bigger picture... and we're not always willing to face the hard truths about ourselves." - Kenny Embry
    10. "We need to be more honest with ourselves and with each other about our sins. We need to stop making excuses and start taking responsibility for our actions. Only then can we truly experience the healing and forgiveness that God offers." - Kenny Embry


    This episode provides a comprehensive overview of sin and its impact on our lives. It challenges us to examine our own hearts and seek to live a life that reflects God's grace and love.

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    1 h y 3 m
  • Quick reflections on Hurricane Milton
    Oct 15 2024

    Ever been through a hurricane? In this episode, Dr. Kenny Embry gets real about riding out Hurricane Milton and what it taught him about faith, priorities, and the true meaning of being blessed. Hint: it's not just about dodging the damage! Join us as we explore how to find strength in the storm, step up for others, and remember what really matters when life throws a curveball. You might be surprised by what God shows you in the aftermath.

    Key Takeaways:

    • True Blessing is Found in Serving Others: Dr. Embry challenges the notion that being spared from a storm equates to being "blessed" by God. Instead, he emphasizes the opportunity to demonstrate God's love by serving those in need, particularly during times of crisis.
    • Strength Emerges in Adversity: The experience of facing a hurricane can reveal inner strength and resilience that we may not have known we possessed. Dr. Embry encourages listeners to recognize the ways in which God provides strength and support during challenging times.
    • God's Power and Love are Constant: Even in the midst of chaos and destruction, God remains in control. Dr. Embry emphasizes the importance of remembering God's power over all circumstances and his unwavering love and concern for his children.
    • Storms Reveal What Truly Matters: Hurricanes and other trials can force us to re-evaluate our priorities and focus on what is truly important. Dr. Embry highlights the value of relationships and our connection to God, reminding us to let go of material possessions and embrace the things that truly matter.

    Memorable Quotes:

    • "Christians change things for the better. They don't just admire those who take actions. They are in the arena."
    • "Sometimes God calms the storm, and sometimes God calms his children."
    • "Relationships are always more important than things."
    • "At a time when people have lost so much, God calls us to be grateful. He calls us to be helpful. He calls us to let go of things not worth holding onto."


    • Take Action to Help Others: Reach out to friends, family, or neighbors affected by the hurricane and offer support. This could involve financial assistance, practical help, or simply a listening ear and words of encouragement.
    • Reflect on Your Own Experiences: Consider how you have experienced God's strength and presence in your own life, particularly during challenging times. Journal about these experiences and the lessons you have learned.
    • Re-evaluate Your Priorities: Take time to assess what truly matters in your life. Focus on nurturing your relationships and deepening your connection with God.
    • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, even in the face of adversity. Thank God for the blessings in your life and the opportunities to serve others.

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    14 m
  • Basic Christianity: Idolatry with Kris Emerson
    Oct 6 2024

    What happens when good things take God's place in our lives? In this conversation with Kris Emerson, we pull back the curtain on idolatry, revealing its subtle forms in the 21st century. We discuss how finances, family, and even our own righteousness can become idols if we're not careful, and how easily we can replace God's plan with our own. Ultimately, we explore the challenge and freedom of surrendering to His will.

    Seven Key Takeaways:

    1. Idolatry is anything that replaces God: It's not just about physical idols; anything we prioritize over God becomes an idol. As Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (Matthew 6:24)
    2. Modern idolatry is often subtle: We may not bow down to statues, but we can still prioritize comfort, security, or control over God.
    3. Idolatry can stem from good things: Even good things like family or financial security become idols if we place them above God.
    4. Our own righteousness can be an idol: Pride in our goodness can lead us to replace God's judgment with our own.
    5. Idolatry is often rooted in impatience: We may turn to idols when we lack the patience to trust in God's timing.
    6. Surrender is essential to combating idolatry: We must surrender our desires and control to God.
    7. God's power is limitless: True faith recognizes God's power and provision.

    Twelve Quotes:

    1. "Idolatry is when you find those things in places that are not God." - Kris Emerson
    2. "He is the one-stop shop. He is going to provide for every deficiency and hole in our lives." - Kris Emerson
    3. "Sometimes your idols have to fail you in order for you to recognize that you've been putting your future, your daily peace in the wrong places." - Kris Emerson
    4. "Idolatry is more than just replacing God with something else, it's replacing the will and the way of God with something that is designed to fit me, not designed to glorify Him." - Kris Emerson
    5. "It really boils down to either God rules or you rule." - Kris Emerson
    6. "Be careful replacing God, yes. Be careful creating your own path to God, yes. But be careful becoming God." - Kris Emerson
    7. "You put him in his place and life will be as good as it's ever gonna get." - Kris Emerson
    8. "I sure am putting a lot of faith in that 403B." - Kenny Embry
    9. "There's a lot of insurance that if it's real or if it's not real, I'd like that insurance." - Kenny Embry
    10. "I like being right, Emerson...I like being on the right side of history." - Kenny Embry
    11. "The older brother...was basically resting on his righteousness...he worshiped his dad's stuff more than he worshiped his dad." - Kenny Embry
    12. "He promises that he will take care of us, but we don't get to dictate the terms that we're taking care of." - Kenny Embry

    Four Applications:

    1. Reflect on your own life: Take time to examine your heart and actions. What are you prioritizing? Are there any areas where you need to surre

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    49 m
  • Basic Christianity: Who is Jesus?
    Sep 29 2024

    Kenny Embry and Scott Beyer delve into the fundamental question of Christianity: "Who is Jesus?". They explore the historical evidence for Jesus' existence, discuss the implications of His claims to be the Son of God, and address the significance of His miracles. They also grapple with the complexities of understanding Jesus' dual nature as fully God and fully man, and emphasize the importance of a personal relationship with Him.

    8 Key Quotes:

    1. "Who is Jesus is fundamental... We call ourselves Christians. Christianity is the faith and belief in Jesus." - Scott
    2. "The claim of Christianity is that Jesus died for all of our sins." - Scott
    3. "Christianity is all about the historicity... Everything said in the New Testament hinges on real historical events that either happened or they didn't." - Scott
    4. "Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. There are no other options." - Scott (quoting C.S. Lewis)
    5. "The empty tomb is the true answer to whether or not Jesus is liar, lunatic, or Lord. If the tomb is empty, he is not a liar. He is not a lunatic. You’re only left with one choice, which is Lord." - Scott
    6. “God doesn’t have grandchildren. He only has children. And if you’re going to be in His family, you better find ways to relate to Him.” - Kenny
    7. "Jesus is the embodiment of the Word. He is the Word that walked amongst us so that you can understand all these character traits about God." - Scott
    8. “What’s good about knowing Jesus? I know I’m safe. I know I’m loved, and I know I’m not in charge.” - Scott

    6 Takeaways:

    1. The question "Who is Jesus?" is central to Christianity.
    2. Christianity stands out due to the historical evidence supporting Jesus' existence and the public nature of biblical revelation
    3. Jesus' claims to be the Son of God and the Messiah have profound implications for how we understand Him and our relationship to Him
    4. The miracles Jesus performed served as signs of His divine power and authority
    5. A personal relationship with Jesus is essential, but it doesn't mean we will fully understand Him or His ways.
    6. Faith in Jesus involves trust based on evidence, even when faced with unanswered questions.

    4 Applications

    1. Investigate the historical evidence for Jesus and the claims of Christianity
    2. Reflect on the implications of Jesus' identity as the Son of God and King
    3. Consider the significance of Jesus' miracles in demonstrating His divine power
    4. Cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, Bible study, and obedience to His teachings

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    1 h y 6 m
  • Basic Christianity: Who is God?
    Sep 22 2024

    In this thought-provoking episode of Balancing the Christian Life, Dr. Kenny Embry engages in a conversation with Tommy Humphries, a college professor at Saint Leo University, about the existence and character of God. They delve into the complexities of belief, drawing parallels between faith and marriage, and explore the transformative power of love in the Christian journey. Join them as they navigate through questions of doubt, the limitations of human understanding, and the pursuit of a deeper relationship with God.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Simple but Complicated: The question of God's existence is foundational to Christianity, but it's more complex than a simple yes or no.
    • God as Love: Tommy believes God is love, and you can't talk about God without talking about love.
    • Human Reason & Faith: Both human reason and faith play a role in understanding God. Even atheists and theists can have similar views if terms are clarified.
    • Doubt and Faith: Doubt is part of the human experience, even for Christians. A lack of doubt can be a sign of shallow thinking.
    • Marriage as an Analogy: Both marriage and faith involve commitment before full understanding and deepening of the relationship over time.
    • God's Character: Believing in God involves understanding His character, not just acknowledging His existence.
    • Love as the Core: Love is the greatest of all virtues, and the ultimate goal is to become a perfect lover of God and neighbor.
    • Good of Believing in God: Belief opens us to a deeper understanding of the world and a transformative relationship with God.

    Memorable Quotes:

    • "I became a Christian for very different reasons than I stay a Christian, because I think the reason I became a Christian was to escape hell. But I don't stay a Christian to escape hell." - Kenny Embry
    • "God is love, and the heart of love is the ability to give yourself completely to another for their good." - Tommy Humphries
    • "The real work of a theologian is to present a love which cannot be deconstructed." - Bishop Daniel Flores
    • "Faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13

    Call to Action:

    • Sign up for the free Balancing the Christian Life conference.

    Additional Notes:

    • Dr. Kenny Embry is a conservative church of Christ member and communication professor.
    • Tommy Humphries is a Catholic and a college professor.
    • The conversation explored the complexities of belief in God, the nature of faith, and the importance of love in the Christian life.
    • Dr. Embry emphasizes the importance of learning from people with different perspectives.

    Remember to be good and do good.

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