
  • What If We've Been Wrong? P2
    Mar 17 2025

    The prolife/prochoice debate has become entrenched in our land, causing people to think it will go on forever and that nothing will change. But love overcomes. In this interview we will hear the life story of a woman who was caught by surprise though the facts uncovered surrounding the abortion debate. Many of these insights come right from the mouth and heart of a key founder of the abortion movement. This interview provides vital information to understand more fully what is really behind Roe v Wade, Planned Parenthood, and the cultural acceptance of abortion on demand. The topic is difficult; the insights are timeless. Don’t miss it!

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    25 m
  • What if We’ve Been Wrong? P1
    Mar 10 2025

    The prolife/prochoice debate has become entrenched in our land, causing people to think it will go on forever and that nothing will change. But love overcomes. In this interview we will hear the life story of a woman who was caught by surprise though the facts uncovered surrounding the abortion debate. Many of these insights come right from the mouth and heart of a key founder of the abortion movement. This interview provides vital information to understand more fully what is really behind Roe v Wade, Planned Parenthood, and the cultural acceptance of abortion on demand. The topic is difficult; the insights are timeless. Don’t miss it!

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    25 m
  • The Bigger Bang • P2
    Mar 3 2025

    The “Big Bang Theory” posits that the entire cosmos came from a singularity, from a space about the size of a pea and a moment shaved thinner than a second. Whether the Big Bang occurred or not, there is significant evidence about a bigger bang. That is, the Bible can be demonstrated to correlate with science more clearly than any other religious book. Join us as internationally recognized author and physicist Dr. Schroeder unpacks these important truths.

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    25 m
  • The Science of God • P1
    Feb 24 2025

    The creation/evolution controversy has troubled and sometimes divided the Church through the centuries. This controversy has also diminished the witness of Christians to the scientific community. The problem of reconciling Scripture and science never seems to go away. Orthodox Jewish scholar and author of the book, The Science of God, Dr. Gerald Schroeder, has developed a theory of correlation that has led even staunch atheists to believe there is a God after all. In this interview he will explain the thesis behind his writings.

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    25 m
  • The Bible Around the World
    Feb 17 2025

    How has the Bible impacted the cultures of the world? How large is the remaining task of bringing God’s Word to all peoples? Carl Moeller, former CEO of Biblica, shares his passion and understanding of these topics based on first-hand experience. For more than 200 years, Biblica has been providing God’s Word to the world. This Colorado Springs-based non-profit organization works in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East/North Africa, North America, and South Asia. Biblica translates the complete Bible into the world’s top 100 major languages. Carl will also offer insights about how God’s Word can impact each of us personally.

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    25 m
  • The Emotionally Destructive Marriage
    Feb 10 2025

    In Christian circles, divorce is an all too common experience. We believe in God’s grace but don’t seem to know how to bring that grace into a marriage to bring it to life. One of the most difficult challenges is the marriage that is marked by emotional abuse, but not necessarily physical abuse. How do we recognize and deal with such a marriage? Relationship coach Leslie Vernick, a licensed clinical social worker, shares insights on how to recognize damaging behaviors, how to gain skill to respond wisely, how to promote healthy change, and how to stay safe and make wise choices when an emotionally abusive spouse is unwilling to change.

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    25 m
  • The Myth of Equality
    Feb 3 2025

    Racism made its mark on our national history all the way through the days of the Spanish conquistadors, the removal of Native Americans, the importation of slaves, and beyond. Have we overcome racism in our day? Ken Wytsma believes we still have some work to do and he has ideas to get us started. Ken is founder of The Justice Conference and president of Kilns College.

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    25 m
  • Gender Issues
    Jan 27 2025

    The gender confusion in our day is impacting everyone, from the university professor to the grade school student. People tend to either avoid this topic or to argue about it. Rare is the person who researches what is behind it. Mike McClymond, author of numerous groundbreaking academic studies and books, takes on this difficult topic to give listeners deep insights for today. He earned his PhD from the University of Chicago and uses his research to help Christians live more like Christ.

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    25 m