
  • Awaken The Sleeper Review
    Sep 4 2014
    In this episode we will review and discuss all the high points of the last 12 weeks of teachings on the show. We have had numerous unanswered questions that we will go over live on the program and we will be taking live calls from listeners. Any question or subject discussed over the last 12 weeks of shows is valid and welcome. The show is purposed into aiding and encouraging the listener to create their OWN beliefs and discouraged from just following someone else's beliefs based on Folklore, myth and legend to ensure you are empowered that the thoughts and beliefs you carry are truly yours based on research and observation not the medias,your mother or fathers,your teachers,your government, or your ethic belief ...but yours alone! NO SHEEPLE!!!
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Keys to Creative Problem Solving with Tim Redmond
    Aug 28 2014
    We will be discussing Tim's book on The Power to Create with his CD series and how this has been received around the world and impacted lives of many world leaders making changes to attitudes and success of both individuals, city's and ultimately countries when the principals taught are actually applied. Question and answer time will be available for an individual personal questions as well as call in opportunities one on one for Tim.
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Disempowering and Untrue Statements
    Aug 21 2014
    In this show Dr Nick will go through a list of statements that we say in our every day life that we almost all agree to that are NOT TRUE. These statements do not line up with the truth of Quantum Physics/Science or The Word of God yet they are repeated and agreed to as truth over and over again. We learn how powerful what we say and agree to is and how this truth manifests into your life and produces the negative things in your life you say you don't want but you agree to all the time. We will learn to catch ourselves before we start to react instead of respond intelligently to what we know to be true.
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Islam Judaism Christianity AND WAR
    Aug 14 2014
    In this show we will discuss the differences and similarities of the different religions and why such differences would lead to war for over 2000 years. Who caused this separation and how do countries benefit from this separation. We will discuss why the American people are taught to hate and be fearful of the Muslim as well as what the agenda of the Muslims in the world might be. We will also discuss the Jewish Nation and their role in all this and how at times they act as Puppet masters pulling the strings of the public for their gain and benefit. Call in and texts are welcome during the show so we can discuss these key issues.
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The "Squelched" Inventions of the 20th Century (Creating Sheeple)
    Aug 7 2014
    This show will spend time on all the inventions of the 20th Century that were squelched from being introduced to the mass population because they empowered the people too much. Inventions like Free ENERGY/Cancer Cures/Weather Control Devices/Water Cars/True Solar Energy and many other inventions that were destroyed or bought and shelved by The Men in Power to aid in the creation of Sheeple throughout the world dependent on this created system of total Bondage and Lack so that a few may excel and rule and many shall be put down and crushed under the stealth mode metaphorical foot in the name of helping the people!
    Más Menos
    57 m
  • IdentityTheory of Evolution and Carbon 14 Dating
    Jul 31 2014
    In this episode Dr Nick and Drew will discuss in depth identity and how we form our identity and what detriment or advantage how we see ourselves ties into what type of life we have and wealth we see. He will go through The Theory of Evolution and Carbon 14 dating in detail showing how these theories are reducing the value of an individual and ultimately reducing his will to excel. We will discuss the disempowerment currently of the American people and how by changing our individual identities we can actually change the country and ultimately make an impact in the world and for the world.
    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The Neuroscience of Creating (Manifestation)
    Jul 24 2014
    Dr Mat will discuss what is going on in the brain (subconscious mind) when you are creating the reality you live in and how to take charge of your creating to begin manifesting into your daily life what you would like to see. He will teach the How To's of creating with tools and processes that can be simply applied so you can stop recreating what you don't want over and over again. These techniques will help you break through generational thought patterns and walls that have held you back from true success for so long!
    Más Menos
    57 m
  • In Depth Review on Creating in your Life
    Jul 17 2014
    Dr Nick will go in depth on how we create our reality and review some of the old discussions to set up next weeks guest Dr Mat Mannino on the Neuroscience of Creating. We will dig deeper into how we are empowered to create or draw from the unseen to the seen using the tools of Quantum Physics/Neuroscience/Kinesiology and Spiritual teachings such as the bible to show the reality we live in no matter how good or bad...we created for ourselves and delve further into the concept of what we focus on with our energy is what we see more of in our life (positive or negative).
    Más Menos
    58 m