
  • Guided Meditation: When You are Confused
    Mar 18 2025

    From time to time, we all find ourselves not know what to think or say or do, so I offer a guided meditation for when we are confused.

    If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip: ⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher


    in a difficult marriage:

    ∂ if you’re not safe or if you or your childrenare being physically or sexually hurt, please set up a safety plan (⁠https://www.thehotline.org/plan-for-safety/create-your-personal-safety-plan/⁠)and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)

    ∂ confidential marriage assessment: ⁠http://bit.ly/marriage-assessment⁠

    ∂ 7 Days of Prayer for Your Hard Marriage: ⁠https://bit.ly/7-days-of-prayer-for-your-hard-marriage⁠

    ∂ Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage e-book: ⁠https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon

    ⁠∂ Better Way to Stay e-course: ⁠https://bit.ly/better-way-to-stay-marriage-ecourse⁠

    separated or divorced or single mom:

    ∂ Unraveling: Hanging Onto Faith Through the End of a Christian Marriage book: ⁠https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon⁠

    ∂ Moving On as a Christian Single Mom e-book: ⁠https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon⁠

    ∂ Heartbreak to Hope divorce recovery e-course: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠https://bit.ly/Heartbreak-to-Hope-ecourse⁠

    ∂ all other courses: https://bit.ly/wholeness-courses

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Episode 173 ps: Everything Scares Me BUT I’VE FOUND AN EXTRA HELPFUL TOOL
    Mar 11 2025

    I've never done this before, but I recorded today's episode about five months ago and I have since found something else SO HELPFUL that I had to record an immediate PS.


    Episode 173: Everything Scares Me: https://bit.ly/atts-everything-scares-me

    Ep 166.5: A Real-Time Update on Reframing, Tapping, & Internal Family Systems: https://bit.ly/atts-reframing-tapping-ifs-sara-groves
    Boundaries for Your Soul by Alison Cook

    Altogether You by Jenna Riemersma
    The Tapping Solution app: https://cf.thetappingsolution.com/app-desktop-lander-website

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Episode 173: Everything Scares Me
    Mar 11 2025

    We're told not to be anxious about anything but to pray about everything and perfect peace will fall over us. But, umm...what if you are still anxious? What then?

    If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip: ⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher


    in a difficult marriage:
    ∂ if you’re not safe or if you or your childrenare being physically or sexually hurt, please set up a safety plan (https://www.thehotline.org/plan-for-safety/create-your-personal-safety-plan/)and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)
    ∂ confidential marriage assessment: http://bit.ly/marriage-assessment
    ∂ 7 Days of Prayer for Your Hard Marriage: https://bit.ly/7-days-of-prayer-for-your-hard-marriage∂ Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriagee-book: https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon
    ∂ Better Way to Stay e-course: https://bit.ly/better-way-to-stay-marriage-ecourse

    separated or divorced or single mom:
    ∂ Unraveling: Hanging Onto Faith Through the Endof a Christian Marriage book: https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon
    ∂ Moving On as a Christian Single Mom e-book: https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon
    ∂ Heartbreak to Hope divorce recovery e-course: ⁠ https://bit.ly/Heartbreak-to-Hope-ecourse

    ∂ all other courses: https://bit.ly/wholeness-courses

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Episode 172: Turn the Other Cheek in Abuse?
    Mar 4 2025

    Question from a reader: “Doesn’t Jesus tell us to turn the other cheek? And to forgive seventy times seven times? And doesn’t the love chapter in I Corinthians 13 tell us that love keeps no record of wrongs and it suffers long and it never gives up? So, doesn’t the Bible basically tell us that we must take abuse in a marriage and stay under it?”

    If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip:⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher


    ∂ God Hates Divorce? blog: https://elisabethklein.com/blog/god-hates-divorce-thats-only-part-of-the-story

    ∂ get 10% off your first month of BetterHelp online therapy:betterhelp.com/allthattosay

    ∂ if you’re not safe or if you or your children are being physically or sexually hurt, please set up a safety plan (https://www.thehotline.org/plan-for-safety/create-your-personal-safety-plan/) and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)

    ∂ marriage assessment:http://bit.ly/marriage-assessment

    ∂ Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage e-book: https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon

    ∂ 3-month e-course, Better Way to Stay:https://bit.ly/better-way-to-stay-marriage-ecourse∂ if you’re in a difficult marriage with biblical grounds to divorce and you’re trying to decide whether to stay or go: my 5-week e-course, Decision Time (now PAY WHAT YOU CAN): https://bit.ly/decision-time-ecourse

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Guided Meditation: When You Wish You Felt Closer to God
    Feb 25 2025

    A guided meditation for when you are longing for more of God.

    If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip: ⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher
    Pause app: https://www.pauseapp.com/
    Marriage Methods e-course: https://bit.ly/marriage-methods-pwyc
    Heartbreak to Hope e-course: https://bit.ly/Heartbreak-to-Hope-pwyc
    grab 16 FREE guided meditations here: https://elisabethklein.com/guided-meditations/

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Episode 171: Stepmothering + Mother-in-law-ing
    Feb 18 2025

    I'm sharing about my experience as a stepmom and mother-in-law, along with some tips and why taking the longer view can bring you relief.

    If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip: ⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher⁠


    Remarriage Ready e-course: ⁠https://bit.ly/wholeness-courses

    Remarriage Ref e-course: ⁠https://bit.ly/wholeness-courses

    Relationships 201 e-course: ⁠https://bit.ly/wholeness-courses

    Second Time Around e-book: ⁠https://bit.ly/Elisabeth-Klein-books-on-Amazon

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Guided Meditation: For Processing Your Childhood Wounds
    Feb 11 2025

    Today we’ll be walking through a guided meditation for when you find yourself either just now starting to think about tackling your childhood wounds or it’s a lingering wave over your life that you come back to time and again.

    If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip: ⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher⁠

    Sixteen guided meditations: https://elisabethklein.com/guided-meditations/
    Pause app: https://www.pauseapp.com/
    for 10% off your first month of Better Help online therapy: ⁠https://betterhelp.com/allthattosay⁠ Childhood Wounds e-course: https://bit.ly/PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT-FOR-ALMOST-EVERYTHING Marriage Methods e-course: https://bit.ly/marriage-methods-pwyc
    Relationships 201 e-course: https://bit.ly/PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT-FOR-ALMOST-EVERYTHING fill out this coaching survey and I’ll respond with a custom coaching proposal: bit.ly/how-is-your-life-working

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Episode 170: The Night I "Met" Jesus
    Feb 4 2025
    I'm sharing my origin story with God (my version of it, at least) on my 39th spiritual birthday. If my work has been helpful to you in any way, feel free to leave a little tip: ⁠https://www.venmo.com/u/Elisabeth-KleinFisher⁠ FREE (OR SUPER AFFORDABLE) RESOURCES: wholeness help: ∂ Rumors of You (never-before-released) book: https://elisabethklein.com/rumors-of-you-book/∂ Sixteen guided meditations: https://elisabethklein.com/guided-meditations/∂ ALL COURSES now PAY WHAT YOU WANT: https://bit.ly/PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT-FOR-ALMOST-EVERYTHING∂ fill out this coaching survey and I’ll respond with a custom coaching proposal: bit.ly/how-is-your-life-working in a difficult marriage:∂ if you’re not safe or if you or your children are being physically or sexually hurt, please set up a safety plan (https://www.thehotline.org/plan-for-safety/create-your-personal-safety-plan/) and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)∂ confidential marriage assessment: http://bit.ly/marriage-assessment ∂ Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage e-book: https://elisabethklein.com/books ∂ 3-month e-course, Marriage Methods (now PAY WHAT YOU CAN): https://bit.ly/marriage-methods-pwyc∂ if you’re in a difficult marriage with biblical grounds to divorce and you’re trying to decide whether to stay or go: my 5-week e-course, Decision Time (now PAY WHAT YOU CAN): https://bit.ly/PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT-FOR-ALMOST-EVERYTHING separated or divorced or single mom:∂ Unraveling: Hanging Onto Faith Through the End of a Christian Marriage book: bit.ly/UnravelingMarriage∂ Surviving as a Christian Single Mom e-book: www.elisabethklein.com/books∂ 3-month e-course, Heartbreak to Hope: ⁠https://bit.ly/Heartbreak-to-Hope-pwyc∂ Are You Ready to Date quiz: https://elisabethklein.com/partner-quiz/
    Más Menos
    15 m