
  • Insurance Commercials: Eagle Man / Survival Insurance / Dashers
    Jul 2 2021

    Today on the pod Land and Aviva discuss insurance ads. They chat about a giant male eagle laying eggs, Scientology, and why the Geico Lizard is from the UK (despite England not being the most tropical of climates). Also as a fun bonus, they lend some helpful tips on how to find your way out of a paper bag.

    Survival Insurance: https://youtu.be/FUd8MTsZqFY

    Dashers: https://youtu.be/g3EYHnDxUMQ

    Eagle Man: https://youtu.be/O4-e4nlfdRI

    Eagle Woman: https://youtu.be/85QSEzyw7RY

    Eagle Man (Freak Dealer): https://youtu.be/OyJXxnJKWkE

    Making of "Eagle Man": https://youtu.be/BCUXoQjLXTo

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    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Skip-It, Crocodile Mile, Don't Wake Daddy, Baby Born, & More Kids Commercials!
    Jun 17 2021

    Aviva and Land share the most unforgettable commercials from their childhood, and maybe yours too (If you happened to be a kid at exactly the same time as either of them, in the United States, in a similar target market, depending on the region). We talk about dolls that poop, dogs that poop puppies, a waterslide with a bump, tying a lemon to your ankle, and the very best thing of all, counters. And do we talk about the type of counter that counts, or like, a marble counter? Listen to find out!

    Commercials discussed:

    Skip-It: https://youtu.be/IoEwM5Ykqmk

    Pretty Pretty Princess: https://youtu.be/x561NU1-XdA

    Crocodile Mile: https://youtu.be/2NZs91E3wNM

    Baby Alive: https://youtu.be/HA8RsYEr_J8

    Baby Born: https://youtu.be/j6FlNtRRJUU

    Baby All Gone: https://youtu.be/f0HqUHfMmKQ

    Crossfire: https://youtu.be/rCwn1NTK-50

    Tiger Deluxe Talkboy: https://youtu.be/ePrAxox-sq0

    Don't Wake Daddy: https://youtu.be/kndIxjQsw-Q

    Creepy Crawlers: https://youtu.be/PTFiJAH63xo

    Dream Phone: https://youtu.be/pqYsQgDqlmg

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    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Miller Lite "Tastes Great, Less Filling" / Crazy Bruce's Liquors with Scott Simpson
    Jun 3 2021

    We've all had Miller Lite, and can agree that it's one of the most delicious hoppy nectars here on G-d's green earth. But what we can't agree on, is whether the best part about Miller Lite is if it tastes great, or if it's less filling. Both things are huge benefits about the drink, and it's almost impossible to decide. We also talk about Siskel & Ebert, Orson Welles, Rodney Dangerfield, aluminum siding, and our main man Crazy Bruce with comedian Scott Simpson (California Kings Podcast).

    Commercials discussed:

    1983 - Miller Lite - Tastes Great vs. Less Filling Softball Game Commercial


    MILLER LITE - Rodney Dangerfield Aliens (80's Commercial)


    Crazy Bruces Liquors


    Original Takes for Orson Welles Wine Commercial


    Pace Picante - Get A Rope


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    1 h y 5 m
  • Duracell's "The Puttermans" / Battery Bill with George Chen
    May 20 2021

    Duracell's creepy and disturbing battery-powered family The Puttermans make their way back into our consciousness, along with local Hawaiian commercial "Battery Bill". The Ad Wizards discuss these commercials and more with friend of the show George Chen (Sup Doc podcast).

    Link to commercials:

    Puttermans - Backyard Barbecue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFq6CCLRCQI

    Puttermans - Porch Date https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx_OQTz4qE0

    Puttermans - Dancing Grandma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jojrh08j-AE

    Puttermans - Interesting Pie ce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdsfuW2X0LE

    Battery Bill Commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83VR0tFhdxw

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    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Pure Moods / Living In The 90's & Other CD Compilation Ads With Kate Elston
    May 6 2021

    It's 4AM in 1998. You're in a sort of half-awake half-asleep state when Enigma's "Return To Innocence" starts playing from your TV. Why is this song playing? Why did you forget to turn off your TV? What "mood" does this CD represent exactly? We talk about this and other CD compilation commercials with the hilarious Kate Elston (Newsbroke, Vicious Cycle Podcast)!

    Links To Commercials:

    Pure Moods: https://youtu.be/AZJSjrox_2s

    Living In The 90's: https://youtu.be/MAina4g3xkU

    The Ultimate Love Songs Collection: https://youtu.be/JkxNLeKGr4M

    Freedom Rock: https://youtu.be/P3CnvphQs04

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    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The Noid / The Hamburglar with George Sukara & Pons Maar (AKA The Voice Of The Noid!)
    Apr 29 2021

    This is an episode you don't want to avoid, because today on Ad Wizards we're talkin' The Noid. For those of you who don't know, The Noid is a "man" dressed as a rabbit who tries to ruin pizzas. Why does he do this? Is he okay? We ask these questions and more alongside our friend George Sukara and the voice of The Noid himself, Pons Maar! Other topics of discussion include The Hamburglar, Cookie Crook, and large infants.

    The Noid "Pizza Crusher": https://youtu.be/_sBC48dZNXs

    The Hamburglar "McDonaldland Court": https://youtu.be/ZdDc828NCjc

    The Hamburglar "Hamburger University": https://youtu.be/I2jnzcq2w5o

    The Hamburglar "Touch": https://youtu.be/nv3y4ceOn1Q

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    1 h y 3 m
  • Education Connection / FreeCreditReport.com with Eric Violette
    Apr 8 2021

    The Ad Wizards discuss musical ads, and chat with Eric Violette, the actor who played the lead singer of the Free Credit Report band. They also cover the Education Connection commercial, and discuss how birds are the jingle writers of the nature world.

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    1 h y 3 m
  • Mattress Ranch / Comfort King / Purple with Clara Pluton
    Apr 1 2021

    A dancing man in a Spongebob tie, a sentient mattress that enjoys crushing peoples' bones, and family of Sasquatch's who live in the woods. What do these things have in common? They're all in the mattress commercials we discuss in this week's episode, featuring Clara Pluton!

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    Más Menos
    54 m