
  • CATCHING UP... with James Cary
    May 24 2022

    This time on this irregular podcast... (thanks for staying subscribed by the way - new episodes will pop up when you least expect them... honestly, you'll forget about us, then suddenly, hello! It's that writer of that thing or that author or that comedian or that person off the telly)

    ...it's James Cary!

    Yes our most prolific guest. He's been on this podcast's earlier incarnation Comedians With Books. He's been on this podcast's even earlier incarnation The Heptagon Club.

    Now he's here, mid-/post-/wherever-we-are-in-the-pandemic, to talk Christianity and comedy. Do they mix? Should they? And why not?

    There's conversation about luck vs fate, humour in the Bible, his career plan as a writer who goes where the wind blows, and ample more.

    James' writing CV includes My Family, Miranda, Hut 33, Bluestone 42, and many more.

    James' books include The Sacred Art of Joking and The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer. My books include So a Comedian Walks into a Church and Planet Protectors. Buy them all! I recommend bookshop.org

    James' podcast is Sitcom Geeks. My other podcast is The British Broadcasting Century. Listen to them all!


    Do listen, share, subscribe, rate, review, tell your friends, tell your old schoolfriends, tell the world...

    ...and like our podcast page on Facebook: Facebook.com/PaulKerensaPodcast

    James is at jamescary.co.uk or find him and me on social mediae. See James on tour - see his website for details.

    See me on tour: See my website paulkerensa.com/tour for details.

    Fancy tipping? ko-fi.com/paulkerensa chips in the price of a cuppa coffee, or patreon.com/paulkerensa has extra audio, video & writings, in exchange for your monthly support - right now that's mostly geeky things about the BBC origin story, but hey, they're things I doubt you'll find anywhere else. Join my geeky corner of t'internet! Thanks if you help! It REALLY helps keep this game afloat.

    May your God go with you, or if you haven't got one, feel free to borrow mine.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • CATCHING UP... with Rabbi Alex Goldberg
    Apr 6 2022

    The irregular podcast returns! Well we just crop up when we've a nice chat to bring you, and this time we have just that in spades.

    Rabbi Alex Goldberg is a university chaplain, Dean of Religious Life and Belief at the University of Surrey, Pause for Thought broadcaster, and all-round good egg. We talk about lockdown lessons, the bizarre quirks of chaplain life, unpredictable ethical quandaries, the grab-and-go iftar, and, somehow, poignantly, helpfully, bizarrely, the nobility of a frozen giraffe.

    All will be revealed - do listen, share, subscribe, rate, review, tell your friends, tell your old schoolfriends, tell the world...

    ...and like our podcast page on Facebook: Facebook.com/PaulKerensaPodcast

    Or find me on Twitter/Instagram @paulkerensa. Rabbi Alex Goldberg is on Twitter @alexgoldberg_eu

    In the podcast I also talk about my tour: The First Broadcast (paulkerensa.com/tour) - come see! Or book me for your place.

    & my other podcast: The British Broadcasting Century (podfollow.com/bbcentury)

    & my new novel: Auntie and Uncles (pre-orderable soon, among the books on my author page on Amazon: shorturl.at/uwHK7)

    Fancy tipping? ko-fi.com/paulkerensa chips in the price of a cuppa coffee, or patreon.com/paulkerensa has extra audio, video & writings, in exchange for your monthly support - right now that's mostly geeky things about the BBC origin story, but hey, they're things I doubt you'll find anywhere else. Join my geeky corner of t'internet! Thanks if you help! It REALLY helps keep this game afloat.

    May your God go with you, or if you haven't got one, feel free to borrow one for a bit.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • CATCHING UP... with Rachel Creeger
    Feb 25 2022

    Where have we been all this time?! After a 2mth gap, A Paul Kerensa Podcast returns with a fab new guest - Britain's only female orthodox Jewish comedian: Rachel Creeger.

    We talk interfaith, outerfaith, synagogue gigs, church gigs, humour in a crisis, Odessa's comedy heritage, and everything else that goes with it.

    She's a fab guest, and you can find her elsewhere on the internet at rachelcreeger.com, and her podcast is called Jew Talking To Me. Listen!

    Find this podcast on Facebook: Facebook.com/PaulKerensaPodcast

    And do try my other podcast on the origin story of the BBC: podfollow.com/bbcentury

    The Religion Media Centre Podcast, that we also mention, which includes ANOTHER chat between me and Rachel is at https://religionmediacentre.org.uk/podcast/

    Do subscribe, rate, review, share - it all helps others find this.

    If you'd like to send us a tip, ko-fi.com/paulkerensa chips in the price of a cuppa coffee, or patreon.com/paulkerensa has extra audio, video & writings, in exchange for your monthly support. Thanks if you do so! It REALLY helps keep this game afloat.

    Take care, you. It ain't easy, I know. May your God go with you. We've got ours.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • PK‘s Christmas Special 2021: The Top 10 Carols vs Festive Pop Songs
    Dec 15 2021

    This festive fan/Xmas Xpert/Santologist couldn't POSSIBLY let Christmas go unpodcasted (just invented that word - I apologise).

    So in this guestless episode, Paul runs down the Top 5 Christmas carols AND the Top 5 festive pop songs.

    He's amalgamated several polls, surveys and charts (inc. Songs of Praise Favourite Carol, Classical Magazine's poll of experts, Classic FM's carol survey, global charts etc), weighted them accordingly, and presto! Some Christmas podding for you.

    From The Pogues to Postman Pat, Mendelssohn to Michael Buerk, Bing Crosby to two versions of In the Bleak Midwinter, we'll unpick the back-story of our best-loved Christmas crooners, carols and chart-toppers. All in under ten minutes.

    It's all based on Paul's festive history book: Hark! The Biography of Christmas, available now in paperback, ebook and audiobook (get it free on an Audible free trial, then instantly cancel!).

    Or read Paul's Yule blog.

    We mention Paul's festive parody song, A Fairytale of Bethlehem - it's viewable on Youtube.

    You'll find a different Christmas podcast special on The British Broadcasting Century, looking at the stories behind a classic British Christmas TV schedule: podfollow.com/bbcentury

    Like this podcast on Facebook: Facebook.com/PaulKerensaPodcast

    And please do subscribe, rate, review, share - it all helps others find this.

    If you'd like to send us a tip, ko-fi.com/paulkerensa chips in the price of a cuppa coffee, or patreon.com/paulkerensa has extra audio, video & writings, in exchange for your monthly support. Thanks if you do so! It REALLY helps keep the wheels turning and the pods casting.

    The podcast returns in 2022 with more guests and who knows what else...

    Merry Listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    10 m
  • CATCHING UP... with American Dave
    Oct 21 2021

    This time Paul is catching up with American Dave, his old buddy from student days. From Guildford to San Diego to your ears, we catch up about Trump, Covid, Brexit... and try and find some wisdom and optimism in amongst the craziness.

    We last met American Dave back in the days of The Heptagon Club (which you can find if you scroll waaaaay back on this A Paul Kerensa Podcast channel).

    Find this on Facebook: Facebook.com/PaulKerensaPodcast

    And do try Paul's other podcast on the origin story of the BBC: podfollow.com/bbcentury

    Do subscribe, rate, review, share - all that jazz, it all helps others find this.

    If you'd like to send us a tip, ko-fi.com/paulkerensa chips in the price of a cuppa coffee, or patreon.com/paulkerensa has extra audio, video & writings, in exchange for your monthly support. Thanks if you do so! It REALLY helps keep this game afloat.

    Till next time!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • CATCHING UP... with Rev Jon March
    Sep 9 2021

    My guest this time is my old buddy from uni days, Rev "Random" Jon March. He's vicar of St Luke's, Kentish Town. You'll swiftly hear what earned him the nickname "Random".

    Hear how he accidentaly did a Theology degree due to at least two admin errors... his analysis of words like 'several'... how he grew a church from literally zero... and his thoughts on how to build back a church after something like, say, a pandemic.

    Jon's podcast The New Now, on leadership in changing times, is available here - and this episode has Paul as a guest: https://lnns.co/z2vOtYXZIha

    Paul's on twitter @paulkerensa

    Jon's on twitter @jonmarch

    Paul's other podcast The British Broadcasting Century is listentoable here: podfollow.com/bbcentury

    If you like the podcast, please give us a nice review where you found it, and stay subscribed for more like this. Next time: comedy writer James Cary.

    Thanks for listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • CATCHING UP... with Gareth Jones
    Aug 17 2021

    This time, Paul chats to TV presenter, podcaster, technology enthusiast and man of at least two names, GARETH JONES!

    You may have known him as 'Gaz Top' on Saturday morning children's TV show Get Fresh, or you may have seen his 16-year stint fronting How 2 for CITV. He's presented Tomorrow's World, he's hosted the Gareth Jones on Speed podcast for 15 years (garethjones.tv/onspeed.html) - and we get into all of these things and more.

    If you've listened to my other podcast, The British Broadcasting Century, you may have heard bits of this chat. But he was such a great guest, I wanted to put the entire brilliantly gobby, hugely insightful, occupationally illuminating interview up here.

    So have at it! The complete works of the Gareth Jones chat.

    Find out more about Gareth and watch videos of his past oeuvres on his website, garethjones.tv

    Did you know this podcast has a Facebook page? 'Like' us at Facebook.com/PaulKerensaPodcast.

    You can find Paul on Twitter @paulkerensa

    You can find Gareth on Twitter @garethjonestv

    This podcast is more a channel than a series - so right now it's occupied by CATCHING UP - longform chats with interesting folks. But go back and you can find Comedians With Books or The Heptagon Club - more interviews with interesting folks, just in different marvellous formats. Listen to that lot, complete the set.

    Stay subscribed for more! Next time: Rev Jon March on how church can return post-pandemic. But with more fun in our chat than that sounds.

    Meantime, see my website for more info on my writings and giggings (I am available for both, if you need someone for some writing or some gigging):


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • CATCHING UP... with Ruth Valerio (Planet Protectors special!)
    Jul 5 2021

    This time, Paul's CATCHING UP with author, speaker, campaigner and all-round Planet Protector, RUTH VALERIO. Paul talks to her about her new fabulous children's book, Planet Protectors... which is very familiar to Paul... because he wrote it too!

    Ruth and Paul wrote it together and it's out now! It's published by SPCK, and the fab illustrations are by Fay Austin.

    Get your copy of Planet Protectors here - including information on bulk discounts, if you're part of a youth group, church group, school... or you just want 10 copies!

    Discover how children can change the world, change churches, and how you can judge a book by how its cover FEELS. If you're a church person, hello, there's lots in here about how churches can change. If you're not a church person, hello, there are loads of tips in the book about things you can in your everyday life, from loving your coat to stargazing to how to welcome to how to junk-model right.

    Ruth's website is at ruthvalerio.net - you can read her writings and find out more about her back-story and campaigns.

    Here's one campaign - Tearfund's Reboot campaign - centred on the UN climate talks in Glasgow, COP26, and how we can come back from this pandemicky times looking after our big round home a lot better.

    Watch the video of this interview on Youtube.

    You can find Ruth on Twitter @ruthvalerio

    You can find Paul on Twitter @paulkerensa

    This podcast is currently occupied by CATCHING UP - longform chats, unedited, with various people, individuals and humans. Stay subscribed for more. It's all a bit experimental, so take it in that guerrilla spirit.

    For a more edited, honed and finely produced podcast, my other podcast The British Broadcasting Century is telling the origin story of the BBC, radio and life as we know it. Try it! Season 2 now underway.

    As for this one, stay subscribed for more fab chats - next time, TV presenter Gareth Jones...


    Jam-packed with interesting facts, Christian theology and practical tips, Planet Protectors is an informative and empowering guide for children on helping the environment by living sustainably!In a lively, entertaining style Ruth Valerio and Paul Kerensa offer 52 fantastic ideas for looking after the world – from cycling more and choosing fair-trade, to taking shorter showers and recycling. Children will love taking up a different challenge each week and be inspired to join the fight for the planet’s future as they learn about why it is so important to care for the environment and God’s creation.With quirky illustrations perfect for colouring in throughout, Planet Protectors is an ideal book for 7- to 9-year-old children beginning to read independently. It is also a brilliant resource for parents and guardians to open up conversations with children about environmental sustainability, and for primary schools, Sunday schools and youth workers teaching about the environment. Encourage and empower your children to see how they can make a difference and look after the world by becoming Planet Protectors.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    22 m