
  • Why you should say 'no' to non-negotiables
    Feb 10 2025

    I hear a lot of people talking about the non-negotiables in their lives, usually habits around exercise or sleep or other areas of wellbeing that make a huge difference in their lives.

    And whilst I am clearly an advocate of having these routines, I don't personally have any 'non-negotiables' with any of them.

    I was asked what my non-negotiables were in a recent panel discussion at a wellbeing event, and figured why not share my thoughts on the topic here as well :)

    In this short episode I talk / ramble about:

    • Why I don't have non-negotiables
    • The difference between a STANDARD and a non-negotiable
    • The importance of TOLERANCE
    • Why our habits should SERVE you and not ENSLAVE you
    • Why it's better to be DELAYED with your progress rather than DERAILED

    If you'd like to connect with me on LinkedIn where I post some of these musings through the week, it would be great to see you over there...


    And if you have a corporate event coming up that you think could benefit from a bit of a boost, drop me a line and find out about my masterclasses and conference keynotes!

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Are you Well Fed? Beyond nutrition with James Collier, Huel co-founder
    Feb 3 2025

    Today I am delighted to welcome on the show co-founder of Huel and nutritionist of over 30 years, James Collier!

    James recently published his first book - Well Fed - which is a very different kind of nutrition book where he introduces the idea of Contemplative Nutrition.

    In our conversation today we get into the 5 pillars that underpin this food philosophy, and some of the challenges that I know clients of mine have struggled with over the years.

    One of the major challenges is the amount of conflicting and misinformation readily available, with social media influencers hard at work to earn their sponsorships, and just the vast number of different approaches you can take with nutrition.

    We talk about how to navigate this sea of information and decide what’s right for you and your family.

    One of my favourite things was discovering where the word ‘lunch’ comes from, and how our culture of 3 square meals a day is rarely questioned despite not always being optimal.

    Even the etymology of the word ‘culture’ comes up as James is a self-confessed word geek, and I promise you the links he makes are both fascinating and insightful.

    We talk about Huel itself, ultra processed foods, balance, mindful and intuitive eating and a whole lot more.

    Make sure you check out James’ book Well Fed and follow him on all the socials:

    Well Fed (Amazon.co.uk)

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamescollierrnutr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamescollierrnutr

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Surround yourself with the right people for success
    Jan 27 2025

    Jim Rohn tells us that 'we are the average of the 5 people we spend most of our time with', so are you actively seeking out the 'right' kind of person to be around?

    If you have goals that require you to develop different habits, skills, beliefs or even sense of identity, then getting around other people who normalise these behaviours and beliefs is going to make it easier.

    People, communities, physical spaces and even your inner environment can be curated to help you stay on track with your goals.

    This episode looks at a few examples and I share some personal stories including how the episode topic was inspired by a conversation with Penny Mallory, a previous guest on this podcast from September 2022!

    I also mention LinkedIn in this episode and invite you to connect with me over there, which you can do so by visiting:


    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Damien Davis: Making an impact
    Jan 20 2025

    I’m joined on the show today by a senior director of customer success at the software company, ServiceNow, Damien Davis.

    I haven’t known Damien for long but whenever we have spoken I’ve come away feeling like I’ve had a bit of a boost so it just made sense to invite him on the podcast!

    Damien shares stories of both triumph and tragedy.

    We talk about perspective, impact and workplace culture, Mental health and wellbeing, and the challenges of integrating these into a high pressure role that involves International travel.

    *** Our conversation does also touch on the topic of suicide ***

    Damien really is a positive energy radiator, and I hope that listening to this conversation will give you a bit of a boost!

    Connect with Damien on LinkedIn here:


    Más Menos
    48 m
  • How to be more consistent with your habits
    Jan 13 2025

    A lot of conversations with clients and audiences recently have been about consistency.

    Starting a new habit is one thing, sustaining it takes a whole other set of strategies.

    This episode gives a few insights about how to achieve this, and find a level of consistency that keeps you on track for continual progress.

    - Why small actions can make a big difference

    - The anatomy of a habit and what that's important for consistency

    - How to avoid being Derailed by slip ups

    - Creating habits that serve rather than enslave you

    - Why it is essential to acknowledge the wins along the way

    If consistency is one of your priorities for this year then this episode may be just what you need for a bit of a boost!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Michael Cody: Incredible 14 stone weight loss through Lifestyle Design
    Jan 6 2025

    I’m joined today by the chief operating officer at Genistar - one of the fastest growing financial services companies in the UK - Michael Cody.

    But you’re not going to hear us talking about financial services, or even his role as a COO, but you are going to hear about his incredible transformation over the last few years.

    At the end of 2020 Michael weighed over 32 stone - that’s 451 pounds or 204 kg and a BMI of over 60.

    Today he weighs under 18 stone, having lost - or as he puts it - ‘released’ - over 14 stone which is just about how much I weigh and I’m not particularly light.

    The real gold in this conversation isn’t the mechanics by which Michael achieved this, but the mindset he has adopted that has allowed him to be so consistent.

    We talk about identity and beliefs, the way you speak to yourself, self-compassion, being intentional, self-leadership and sovereignty, the importance of your environment, and designing systems into your life that allow you to succeed.

    Michael shares the impact that this has had on so many areas of his life, and of course I ask him about his energy and how he feels since adopting new habits and upgrading his life systems.

    This interview is packed with wisdom and inspiration and yes, some of the actual changes that Michael made in order to lose the weight but that really is secondary to the deeper inner work that I hope this inspires for you as well.

    You may not be on a weight loss journey but the principles of mindset changes when you embark on any major goal are relevant regardless of the context.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • How to set effective New Year resolutions
    Jan 1 2025

    Happy 2025!

    It's the time of year when a lot of people will be setting New Year resolutions, even though they have a spectacularly high failure rate!

    In this episode I discuss the difference between goals and resolutions (and why the confusion between the two is often partly to blame for the failure), and share some top tips for setting resolutions that stick.

    Some people say that you shouldn't need to wait for January to bring about change in your life but if it's done the right way it can be the perfect time for it!

    I'm looking forward to resuming regular episodes with interviews and more solo podcasts, and hopefully there'll be something in there to give you a bit of a boost.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Jim Steele - Tapping into your potential
    Oct 14 2024

    Hello and welcome to A Bit Of A Boost with me, George Anderson

    I’m a wellbeing and performance coach, speaker and author and this podcast brings together guest experts, inspirational stories and ideas that I hope will you a bit of a boost.

    I went to the National Sales Conference in June and one of the highlights for me was seeing Jim Steele delivering his keynote.

    Jim is described as a ‘holistic performance strategist’ and as soon as the conference ended I was straight over to invite him on the show!

    This conversation was a real treat for me as bounced around ideas for high performance, motivation and wellbeing, many of which are described in more detail in Jim’s book ‘Unashamedly Superhuman’.

    We talk about a wide range of topics including:

    • The simple formula for performance - event plus response - outcome.

    • The importance of active recovery and mental fitness.

    • The link between our mindset and the conditions we find ourselves in, and the 4 quadrants of performance.

    Jim also explains what he means by ‘unashamedly superhuman, and shares some of his favourite tools that he uses personally as he strives towards this.

    There is a ton of great ideas and insights in this episode but if you’ve not had enough by the end of it make sure you check out Jim’s website hplab.co.uk, the book itself and some of the other resources and courses he offers.

    Follow Jim's work on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jswsteele

    Get the book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119828511

    Website: https://hplab.co.uk

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m