
  • The Golden Girls of Eastland: Anupam Nigam Shares His Favorite Lessons from The Facts Of Life
    Mar 12 2025
    Episode 315: “Everything I Ever Learned About TV Writing, I Learned From ‘The Facts Of Life’ | Anupam Nigam”The Facts of Learning about Television Writing from The Facts of LifeThe Golden Girls of Eastland: TV Writer Anupam Nigam Shares His Lessons from The Facts Of LifeThe Golden Girls of Eastland: Top Lessons TV Writer Anupam Nigam Learned from The Facts Of Life For some people, a childhood spent lounging in front of the television leads to nothing but being sent to bed when Law and Order license plate comes on. But for Anupam Nigam, it led to a lifelong love of television – – and a successful career in TV writing and producing. And his favorite show of all? The Facts of Life! The Facts of Life was a spin-off of Diff’rent Strokes and aired on NBC from 1979-1988. The show starred Charlotte Rae as Eastland School for Girls housemother Edna Garrett watching over an evolving cast of young female stars including Kim Fields, Mindy Cohn, Nancy McKeon and a very young Molly Ringwald! It ran for more than 200 episodes, and spawned three TV movies. Anupam Nigam has written and produced episodes of hit TV shows like Psych, Defiance, Cruel Summer, Mech-X4 and Station 19. He is currently writer and co-executive producer of the hit CBS drama Fire Country. Susan and Sharon talk with Anupam about his childhood as an Indian American kid in New Jersey, his early love of television, the insight of The Facts of Life -- and the facts he learned that have stayed with him to this day. THE CONVERSATIONGROWING UP INDIAN -- IN NEW JERSEY: For Anupam, who was raised in an immigrant Indian household, television was a window into the wider world of “American” families - and how they were alike, and different from, his.“I’M NOT A DOCTOR, BUT I WRITE FOR THEM ON TV” -- Anupam was pre-med, a lab researcher, and even a certified EMT -- briefly -- before realizing that TV blood was more his style.Anupam’s first script was a spec episode of Star Trek: Voyager -- and after that he was hooked.Anupam’s “scientist mind” cracked the code on how to write a Law & Order script, and it led to a coveted spot in the Warner Bros Writers Program -- and then a big move to Hollywood!His first job was on The Division -- starring Facts of Life’s Nancy McKeon!YOU TAKE THE GOOD, YOU TAKE THE VERY, VERY BAD: Anupam actually learned about the facts of life from the many “very special” episodes The Facts of Life: Abortion, divorce, drug abuse and death, anyone?Natalie was a natural STAR - When Charlotte Rae toured Westlake School for research, her young tour guide was… Mindy Cohn. Charlotte insisted the producers meet her and the role of Natalie was created for her!Those roller-skates? Tootie had to wear them to make her taller!CHEAPER BY THE… TEN? The original first season cast had TEN main characters - The seven girls, Mrs. Garett (Charlotte Rae), teacher Emily Mahoney (Jenny O’Hara) and Headmaster Stephen Bradley (played by John Lawlor). The OG Eastlake students: Blair Warner (Lisa Whelchel), Nancy Olsen (Felice Schachter), Sue Anne Weaver (Julie Piekarski), Tootie Ramsey (Kim Fields), Molly Parker (Molly Ringwald), Cindy Webster (Julie Anne Haddock) and Natalie Green (Mindy Cohn).…AND THEN THERE WERE FOUR. After season one, the young cast was cut from seven girls down to the “Core Four”: Lisa Whelchel as Blair, Kim Fields as Tootie, Mindy Cohn as Natalie and bringing on newcomer Nancy McKeon as Jo Polniaczek.So, join Susan and Sharon -- and Anupam! -- as they talk Shondaland, The Golden Girls, shoulder pads, tea-time, Jermaine Jackson, Mech x4, Geri Jewel, Entertainment Weekly -- and “Who Shot J.R?”! AUDIO-OGRAPHY Follow Anupam Nigam: Instagram.com/anupamnigam1 and Twitter.com/anupamnigam Watch Season 4 of The Facts of Life for free at Roku.Watch Fire Country on CBS. Check out CitizensforEthics.org Buy Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson at Bookshop.org PLUS -- “80’s TV LADIES” MERCH is available at our SHOP! CONNECTVisit 80sTVLadies.com for transcripts.Join the conversation at Facebook.com/80sTVLadies.Sign up for the 80s TV Ladies mailing list.In Honor of President Carter and to learn more about his presidency: Get Susan’s new play about him and his Crisis of Confidence speech: Confidence (and the Speech) at Broadway Licensing. BREAKING NEWS! We're NOMINATED by The Podcast Academy Ambies for Best Indie Hosts! Podcast Academy members, please VOTE for 80s TV Ladies at The Podcast Acadey voting. The Ambies are LIVE on March 31 at 6pm CT
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    1 h y 13 m
  • Going Platinum: Skinnamarink and The Elephant Show | Sharon, Lois and Bram... and Randi
    Feb 26 2025
    What's your favorite childhood show? If you grew up in Canada or watched Nickelodeon in the 80s, you know and loved The Elephant Show & Skinnamarink TV -- and if you didn't, you’re about to find out all about it! Susan and Sharon welcome Sharon Hampson, one of the creators of The Elephant Show and Skinnmarink TV. As part of the musical trio “Sharon, Lois & Bram” -- featuring Sharon Hampson, Lois Lilienstein, and Bram Morrison -- Sharon rose to fame on these two ground-breaking, award -winning children’s shows. Also joining us is Sharon’s daughter Randi -- who is now her mom’s manager and singing partner! THE CONVERSATIONWATCHING KIDS TV: Susan LOVED Schoolhouse Rock -- but HATED Mr. Snuffleupagus! Kevin loved the Big Comfy Couch! Sharon loved Fraggle Rock, but Kids Inc? Not so much…In the 80s, kids TV animation became all about selling toys because THE TOYS WERE THE STARS OF THE SHOWS! Like He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.Once the Skinnamarink song gets in your head -- it will never leave!! For Sharon, Lois & Bram, music has always been a part of their lives -- each one of them learning to sing and play musical instruments from childhood.Sharon Hampson quit high school to sing folk music in coffee houses -- much to her parent’s horror!After 50 years of performing, Sharon says: “Children are just the same. They get up, they sing, they dance…They’re 100% ready to go!”MEMORY UNLOCKED! When Sharon meets grown up fans: “They start to cry, and I tell them, ‘Don’t be embarrassed. You’re having tears because you’re having happy childhood memories! It’s a good thing!’”After the show's Candian production ended, The Elephant Show got picked up in the US by Nickelodeon in1987, and their popularity exploded! “It really changed our career. We played incredible places, huge audiences. We went from playing high school gyms to playing stadiums.” “Sharon, Lois & Bram” have shared the stage with everyone from The Beach Boys, Randy Travis and James Taylor!So, join Susan and Sharon -- and Sharon and Randi -- as they talk Toronto, vinyl love, Andrea Martin, Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris, Raffi, The Nylons, Chuck Mangione -- and genderless elephants!AUDIO-OGRAPHYCatch up on all-things “Sharon, Lois & Bram” at SharonLoisandBram.comFollow them on Instagram at Instagram.com/sharonloisbramWatch them on TikTok.Catch The Elephant Show on YouTube.Watch and sing-a-long to the loving and joyful "Talk About Peace" on YouTube. VITAL READINGGet Handbook for A Post-Roe America by Robin Marty at Bookshop.org.Check out Men In Dark Times by Hannah Ahrendt at Bookshop.org.Read Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson at Bookshop.org.You can also follow Richardson’s substack.SEE SUSAN AND DONATE TO GOOD CAUSESJoin Susan at Jim and Huck, the reading of her new play! It's a fundraiser for Arts A La Carte and Union Station Homeless Services Fire Relief Fund.ARC PASADENA: March 1, 2025 at 7:30pmMore info and Tix: Tinyurl.com/JimandHuckCONNECTVisit 80sTVLadies.com for transcripts.Join the conversation at Facebook.com/80sTVLadies.Sign up for the 80s TV Ladies mailing list.Support us and get ad-free episodes on PATREON. In Honor of President Carter and to learn more about his presidency: Get Susan’s new play about him and his Crisis of Confidence speech: Confidence (and the Speech) at Broadway Licensing. PLUS -- “80’s TV LADIES” MERCH is available at Fourthwall.
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    1 h y 9 m
  • Mama’s Family, Golden Girls and It's Always Sunny | 90s TV Babies
    Feb 12 2025
    They’re BAAAACK!It’s 2025 and the world-renowned 90s TV Babies have reconvened around the TV screen to gaze upon 80s classic sitcom, Mama’s Family, starring Vicki Lawrence, Dorothy Lyman, Betty White, Rue Mclanahan and Carol Burnett. Do they see what Mama's fuss is all about!?Serita Fontanesi, Megan Ruble -- and A BRAND NEW 90s TV Baby, Sailor Franklin -- drop in on “Mama” Harper, take a seat on the floral print couch, and weigh in with their thoughts. What did they watch? What did they think?THE HOMEWORK:S1: EP1 -- “Vint and the Kids Move In”S1: EP4 -- “The Wedding, Part 2”S1: EP6 -- “Cellmates”S2: EP3 -- “The Country Club”S2: EP21 --“Ask Aunt Fran” EXTRA CREDIT: S1: EP2 -- “Rashomama”S3: EP1 -- “Farewell, Frannie”S3: EP11 -- “Where There’s Smoke” And… the very first “Family” sketch from The Carol Burnett Show! THE CONVERSATIONROOKIE MOVE: Sailor did ALL the homework -- AND the Extra Credit!EVERYBODY’S AWFUL: How Mama’s Family is just like… It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia???Serita likes how the cast is filled with a variety of female characters who aren’t perfect people: “Women deserve to be bad, too!”BIG HIGH SCHOOL WIG: Vicki Lawrence’s “Mama” looks vastly younger than her own children!Serita likes that the MEN were most often the butt of the joke.SAME AS IT EVER WAS: Megan says: “We really don’t have classic sitcoms anymore where people DON’T grow and change. Mama's Family is comforting!”Serita says “these people act a fool” -- and she’s here for it!ON CELLMATES - Sailor: “If I had a nickel for every time sitcom characters get locked up together in a jail cell, along with a sex worker, and then get mistaken for being a sex worker… I would have... several nickels.”Did Mama’s Family portray sex workers with more equity than most?The shockingly honest way Mama’s Family addresses marriage -- and how it’s not always a romantic dream come true.Sailor was blown away by “Rashomama”: “’Mama’s Family’ is doing a riff on an Akira Kurosawa movie?? Yes!!” IS IT FEMINIST? PROGRESSIVE?Megan: “‘Mama’s Family’ is feminist -- but not progressive.”Serita: “’Mama’s Family is feminist -- AND progressive.”Sailor: “’Mama’s Family is semi-progressive -- and semi-feminist.”AND… The Babies challenge Susan and Sharon to watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia! So, join Susan and Sharon -- and Serita and Megan and Sailor -- as they talk Abbott Elementary, Alan Alda, August babies!, Golden Girls, Coors Light, Die Hard, test boobs, Whoopi Goldberg -- and the “Sailor Franklin SitCom Spectrum”! AUDIO-OGRAPHYUPDATE: Find all SIX seasons of Mama’s Family free -- on Pluto TV.Buy the streaming series at Amazon.Buy the DVD set at Amazon.Check DontGetPurged.org to make sure your name has not been purged from voter rolls!Find out more about CREW at CitizensForEthics.orgVITAL READINGGet Handbook for A Post-Roe America by Robin Marty at Bookshop.org.Check out Men In Dark Times by Hannah Ahrendt at Bookshop.org.Read Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson at Bookshop.org.You can also follow Richardson’s substack.SUPPORT FOR THE LA FIRESOnline at DisasterAssistance.gov On the FEMA App for mobile devices.More resources at Eaton Canyon Community Relief.Google List of LA County Resources. PLACES TO VOLUNTEERGoogle Doc for Wednesday and ongoing.Volunteer with the Red Cross.TALK TO SOMEONEReach out to friends and family. Take care of yourself:Pro Bono Therapy for LA Wildfires - Google Doc. More mental health resources at LARevive.DONATINGMaster GoFundMe List for LA Fire Victims Google Doc.Displaced Black families in Altadena Google Doc. Gofundme pages for EATON CANYON COMMUNITY RELIEFCONNECTVisit 80sTVLadies.com for transcripts.Join the conversation at Facebook.com/80sTVLadies.Sign up for the 80s TV Ladies mailing list.Support us and get ad-free episodes on PATREON. In Honor of President Carter and to learn more about his presidency: Get Susan’s new play about him and his Crisis of Confidence speech: Confidence (and the Speech) at Broadway Licensing. PLUS -- “80’s TV LADIES” MERCH is available at Fourthwall.
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    1 h y 15 m
  • Heather Thomas on The Fall Guy, Activism and The Poster
    Jan 29 2025
    “You’re in acting class and you’re studying Chekov or ‘Waiting for Godot’ -- and then you end up doing 80s tits-and-a**… You caught on pretty quick what it was about and where the power lay.” -- Actress Heather ThomasWhat was it like to be an 80s poster icon and sex symbol? Susan and Sharon welcome The Fall Guy star and “80s Poster Lady” Heather Thomas. She’s an actor, writer and activist -- but may be best known for her “Pink Bikini” poster, one of the best-selling pin-up posters of all time. Heather Thomas had leading roles in television shows like BJ and the Bear, The Love Boat and TJ Hooker -- as well as the movie Zapped! with Scott Baio, Willie Aames and Felice Schachter. But her most famous role was playing stuntwoman Jody Banks on the hit 80s television series The Fall Guy. Running for five seasons on ABC, The Fall Guy spawned board games, posters, a video game -- and just last year, a major feature film starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt -- and Heather Thomas! Since her days as a TV star and pin-up queen, Heather Thomas has gone on to an extraordinary career as a novelist, political activist, organizer and fund-raiser. NOTE: This episode was recorded Dec. 2024, before the LA Fires. Our thoughts are with Heather and her family, and all those impacted by the fires. Stay safe. Be well. THE CONVERSATIONWORKING WITH MONKEYS: Clyde, the orangutan from Every Which Way But Loose, was her co-star once: “He thought it was funny to keep grabbing my boob. I thought he was gonna rip it off!” And a stint on BJ and the Bear led to producer Glen Larsen tapping her for the co-starring role in The Fall Guy. WORKING WITH TV PRODUCERS: “All of them are crazy. You’re not gonna find any normal ones, not in those days. Everyone was nuts. And they still are.”"Smile more": Early on, the ABC network executives were afraid that Heather Thomas wasn’t likable. So they put her in a bikini. “I guess that made up for me not smiling enough.” STUNT WORK: “Lee Majors almost broke my nose once.” "I was good on rollerskates!"In preparation for a Fall Guy episode, Heather trained with the Los Angeles Thunderbirds roller-derby team: “They showed me how to ‘break my back’ on the rail -- it was really fun!”Ted Lange -- Isaac, the bartender on The Love Boat -- was one of Heather’s favorite directors on the Fall Guy.A GOOD DIRECTOR: For Heather, it was someone who brought her into the filmmaking process. For Lee Majors -- it was anyone who got him home by 5:00pm! THE POSTER: Once the show was a hit, a poster was the next big step: “It outsold Farrah Fawcett. I bought a house. I was thrilled.”DIS-LIKENESS: Heather’s image has been hi-jacked and used for everything from lighters, to puzzles, to notebook covers -- to a pillow!ON HAVING A FAMOUS BODY: “My body was my living. That’s how I saw it. So I had to feed it, exercise it -- I couldn’t have an ounce of cellulite. It was part of the gig. But I didn’t care, I was grateful. I was making more money than I ever had in my life. I was a kid.”ZAPPED! -- Teen sex comedy -- or sexual harassment? “They tried to get me topless, but my contract said uh-uh! So, they used a body double. There’s a big disclaimer at the end of the movie saying that it’s not my tits.”Activism: “Ever since they said, ‘You can’t climb the tree, the boys can’ -- I was a feminist.”So join Susan and Sharon -- and Heather -- as they talk fly-fishing, Star Wars, David Letterman,Teen Beat, Shaun Cassidy & Parker Stevenson, “Gabor-lore”, Cliff Robertson’s toupeé, organizing your phone by decade, not complying in advance -- and canoeing with Henry Winkler!AUDIO-OGRAPHYFind Heather Thomas on Twitter at Twitter.com/HeatherThomasAF And find Heather Thomas on BlueSky at HeatherThomasAF.bsky.social Watch Heather Thomas in The Fall Guy on Peacock, Amazon Prime or Flixfling!Check DontGetPurged.org to make sure your name has not been purged from voter rolls!Find out more about CREW at CitizensForEthics.orgVITAL READINGGet Handbook for A Post-Roe America by Robin Marty at Bookshop.org.Check out Men In Dark Times by Hannah Ahrendt at Bookshop.org.Read Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson at Bookshop.org.You can also follow Richardson’s substack.SUPPORT FOR THE LA FIRESOnline at DisasterAssistance.gov On the FEMA App for mobile devices or Call the FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362Calls are accepted every day from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. PST.More resources at Eaton Canyon Community Relief.Google List of LA County Resources. AIRBNB is offering temporary free housing for those displaced by the fires. Start here. PLACES TO VOLUNTEERGoogle Doc for Wednesday and ongoing.Volunteer with the Red Cross.TALK TO SOMEONEReach out to friends and family. Take care of yourself:Pro Bono Therapy for LA Wildfires - Google Doc. More mental health resources at LARevive.DONATINGMaster GoFundMe List for LA Fire Victims Google ...
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    1 h y 4 m
  • Bonus: Message from a City on Fire | How to Help
    Jan 15 2025
    Just a quick message and some ways to help from Susan and guest Richard Hatem (Richard Hatem's Paranormal Bookshelf) who live in Pasadena, CA. Links below on how to help. Thankfully, the 80s TV Ladies team are all safe - Sharon, Susan, Melissa, Kevin, Sailor, Sergio, Megan and Serita. Rich and I were lucky enough to be in a good spot. We housed evacuees from Altadena and La Canada this week. We know too many people who have lost homes, schools, churches, synagogues and more. Thinking of all of you and hoping we have gotten through the worst. Sending love and healing and recovery to Los Angeles - which is still a city on fire. The fires have decimated two entire communities within Los Angeles County, and destroyed tens of thousands of homes. The recovery will be immense. This disaster and the other recent disasters around the country and world are made worse by a changing climate, a warming earth. There’s no escape. But there are solutions. There is hope. We can help each other. Donate or Volunteer if you can. We send best wishes for you to stay safe and find the light in the dark. TALK TO SOMEONEReach out to friends and family. Take care of yourself:Pro Bono Therapy for LA Wildfires - https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=5c10f09ac5&e=c2a6c4f49f More mental health resources athttps://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=66ca1a18ce&e=c2a6c4f49f.PLACES TO VOLUNTEERhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eaSXTYlLY_spJ-_w43ac55qu6X4YtgApgRGfads3cM4/htmlview for Wednesday and ongoing.Volunteer with the https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=ac8e5b668f&e=c2a6c4f49f.DONATINGPeople we know or friends of friends gofundmes:https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=c949386ee8&e=c2a6c4f49fhttps://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=417fad5f53&e=c2a6c4f49fhttps://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=ee45e76e82&e=c2a6c4f49fhttps://www.gofundme.com/f/restore-hope-for-the-rosascamacho-familyMORE GOFUNDMEDisplaced Black families in Altadena https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=9973a4701e&e=c2a6c4f49f. Gofundme pages for https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=fe63638093&e=c2a6c4f49fTHANK YOU FIREFIGHTERSDONATE to the LAFD at https://supportlafd.kindful.comHELP Incarcerated Firefighters. CA uses incarcerated firefighters.Read more of their story https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/los-angeles-fires-inmates-speak-1235232001/.Donate to those firefighters at https://antirecidivism.org/donateType “firefighter fund” in the payment box. HELP THE ALTADENA GIRLSTeenagers who lost their school started a fund to help girls victimized by the Eaton Fire at https://www.instagram.com/altadenagirls. Donate to their cause at http://pledge.to/altadena-girlshttps://www.pledge.to/altadena-girlsPRICE GOUGING IS ILLEGALIf you see price gouging, you can report it:Call 311 or 213-473-3231.Or download myLA311 app to report illegally hiked rents and prices.Tracking Rental Price Gouging https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RXWxLqTyWvAuq8A0PgaBuWeEn_G6qTLyTZ8lzfNEaNw/edit.THE SCALE OF ITIt is hard to get a sense of what is lost and the scope of the destruction. “LA has lost more than 20,000 homes and businesses. Its infrastructure has suffered significant damage; over 200,000 residents are without power due to the destruction of high transmission power lines. Water quality in reservoirs has been degraded from smoke particulates, meaning that hundreds of thousands of residents whose homes survived the fires will not have potable water service. Hundreds of thousands more remained locked out of their homes due to evacuation orders.” - https://open.substack.com/pub/roberthubbell/p/los-angeles-firestorms-literal-and?r=u3n9p&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=emailIf you want to understand the scale of destruction in these areas, here are satellite images that can show you a detailed zoomable visual. EATON - https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=0d3105d0b0&e=c2a6c4f49f.PALISADES - https://mac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c6955712b931709f7b46b3067&id=677c042027&e=c2a6c4f49f.Damage Destruction maps:- For https://recovery.lacounty.gov/eaton-fire/- For https://recovery.lacounty.gov/palisades-fire/We've heard a lot of blame and finger pointing in this disaster.APPLY FOR FEMA AIDOnline at DisasterAssistance.govor - On the FEMA App for mobile devicesor - Call the FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362Calls are accepted every day from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. PST.You can apply for FEMA even if you have insurance. If you've lost your home and you're not sure where to start:United Policyholders is a nonprofit that can walk you through what to do. From the CA Gov.'s office: Check out Wildfire Debris Removal guide...
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    9 m
  • Carol Burnett, Vicki Lawrence and all about ‘The Family’
    Jan 8 2025
    On March 16, 1974, a sketch appeared on The Carol Burnett Show featuring Carol Burnett, Vicki Lawrence and Harvey Korman portraying a “normal” American family -- warts and all. This sketch, known as “The Family”, led by a then 25 year-old Vicki Lawrence playing a gray-haired 63 year-old ‘Mama’, spawned 30 more sketches, a TV Movie (Eunice) and finally a spin-off series of its own (Mama’s Family) which ran for 130 episodes over six seasons both on CBS and in syndication (1983-1990).In “The Family”, Carol Burnett played the melodramatic, ambitious, brow-beaten daughter of ‘Mama’. Mama, played by Vicki Lawrence, is an exaggeratedly mean-spirited and insult-spitting widow and mother of five children: three sons played by guest stars Roddy McDowell, Alan Alda and Tom Smothers -- and two daughters: Eunice & Ellen (played by Betty White). Eunice’s husband Ed Higgins was played by Harvey Korman.How did one simple sketch take on such a huge life of its own, creating a sprawling TV empire that some are calling “The Mama-Verse”? Susan and Sharon put on their housecoats and curly gray wigs to find out!THE CONVERSATIONCarol Burnett’s career started with a Broadway role starring as the lead in Once Upon a Mattress and then as a rising star on The Garry Moore Show.The Carol Burnett Show was hugely successful, running eleven seasons, garnering 70 Emmy nominations and winning 25.Carol Burnett was encouraged to “speak up for herself” by another TV comedy legend -- Lucille Ball.A fan letter from then 18 year-old Vicki Lawrence to Carol Burnett led to her actually being cast as a regular on the show!“HARVARD SCHOOL OF COMEDY”: Lawrence cites Harvey Korman and Carol Burnett as her show business mentors during the 11 years she spent on the show.ONE-HIT WONDER: Five years into her run on The Carol Burnett Show, Lawrence had a hit song, recording “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia”!In the TV movie Eunice, Mama suddenly only has three children instead of five -- what happened to the others? And why is one of them suddenly Ken Berry?Vicki Lawrence was nominated for an Emmy for her portrayal of ‘Mama’ in Eunice.The TV series Mama’s Family was aired first as a prime-time network comedy and later as a nationally syndicated series. It originally ran for two years on CBS, was cancelled in 1984 -- and then revived TWO YEARS LATER in 1986 by Lorimar Syndication to run for additional 100 episodes!NAME SWITCH: The character Ken Berry played started out as “Phillip” in the TV-movie but then became “Vinton” in the TV series.The TV show introduced “Fran” played by future Golden Girl, Rue McClanahan -- playing Betty White’s aunt!The TV show also introduced Vinton’s children Buzz and Sonya played by “80’s TV Ladies” alum, Eric Brown and actress Karin Argoud.Mama’s neighbor, Naomi Oates, was played by “Another World” “The Nanny” and now “80s TV Ladies” alum, Dorothy Lyman!So join Susan and Sharon as they talk Lou Grant, social justice, Julie Andrews and the first Live Televised Cinderella musical, “Raytown, Missouri”, Kamala Harris, Matlock, driving your own story -- and “Miss Fireball of Inglewood”!AUDIO-OGRAPHYWatch The Carol Burnett Show and Mama’s Family across many platforms. Not all of them feature all seasons. The Carol Burnett Show can be seen for free on Pluto TV. Mama’s Family can be seen for free on Pluto TV.The Carol Burnett Show “The Family” select episodes:S7, EP23 - Aired 3/16/1974 - Jackson Five and Roddy McDowall.The first of “The Family” sketches. “The Reunion - Eunice's brother Phil (Roddy McDowall), a Nobel and Pulitzer prize winning author, returns home for a visit. On YouTube.S8, EP13 - Aired 12/21/1974 - Alan Alda“Home for the Holidays”Christmas sketch with Alan Alda on YouTube. VITAL READINGGet Handbook for A Post-Roe America by Robin Marty at Bookshop.org.Check out Men In Dark Times by Hannah Ahrendt at Bookshop.org.Read Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson at Bookshop.org.You can also follow Heather’s substack.SHOPLAST WEEK FOR THE “80’s TV LADIES” HOLIDAY SALE!15% off on all merch at the 8TL Shop. Make sure to use promo code “Festive80s”!CONNECTVisit 80sTVLadies.com for transcripts and more.Sign up for the 80s TV Ladies mailing list.Support us and get ad-free episodes on PATREON. In Honor of President Carter and to learn more about his presidency: Get Susan’s new play about him and his Crisis of Confidence speech: Confidence (and the Speech) at Broadway Licensing.
    Más Menos
    48 m
  • The Facts of Life, The Nanny, Carol Burnett & Mama’s Family | Who Has the Best Holiday Episode?
    Dec 18 2024
    What's the best Christmas episode of The Facts of Life? The Nanny vs Mama's Family? Let's find out!If you grew up in the 80s, tuning in to the special “Holiday” episodes of our favorite shows was a winter ritual. Susan and Sharon bring that tradition home as they dive into the “Best Holiday Episodes” of three favorite 80’s and 90s TV shows -- The Facts of Life, Mama’s Family and The Nanny. Musical numbers, mixed-up gifts, screwed-up travel plans -- and lots of hot cocoa!80’s TV “Holiday” episodes had them all -- and we loved them for it! So grab some eggnog and fruitcake, and listen as Susan and Sharon choose their personal favorite holiday episodes of the some of our favorite 80s TV Ladies shows!THE EPISODESThe Facts of Life:S5, EP12 - “The Christmas Show”S6, EP13 - “Christmas in the Big House”S7, EP13 - “Christmas Baby”S9, EP12 - “It’s A Wonderful Christmas” Mama’s Family:S3, EP13 - “Santa Mama”S6, EP14 - “Mama Gets Goosed”The Nanny:S1, EP8 - “The Christmas Episode”S3, EP14 - “Oy To The World”S6, EP10 - “The Hannukah Story” BONUS! The Carol Burnett Show:S2, EP12 - Eileen Farrell, Bob Hope, and Marilyn HorneS8, EP13 - Alan AldaTHE CONVERSATION GO FIGURE -- Not a lot of Hanukkah or Kwanza episodes back in the 80s.Why did it take FIVE SEASONS before Facts of Life finally did a Christmas episode?S5, EP12 “The Christmas Show” - directed by Asaad Kelada.In S6, EP13 “Christmas in the Big House” -- Blair organizes a charity Christmas show for what she thinks is an orphanage -- but it turns out to be a men’s prison!Mickey Mouse Club veteran former Mousketeer Lisa Whelchel shows off her singing skills! Heck, all the ladies get to sing! NO ROOM AT THE INN? In the third Facts of Life Christmas episode, Blair’s mom gives birth -- It’s a Christmas baby episode!IS IT A WONDERFUL SHOW? Cloris Leachman gets center stage in the fourth -- and final -- Facts of Life Christmas episode, S9, EP10 “It’s A Wonderful Christmas”.Mama’s Family S6, EP14 “Mama Gets Goosed” -- The family is horrified when they meet their dinner -- a live goose that Mama plans to kill and cook for Christmas!The Nanny got a jump on Christmas episodes in S1, EP8 -- where complications from a gift Mr. Sheffield gives to Fran ends up fulfilling Gracie’s only Christmas wish!S3, EP14 “Oy To The World” -- The Nanny’s one and only ANIMATED EPISODE!S6, EP 10 “The Hanukkah Story” -- Susan and Sharon BOTH loved this Nanny episode where cultures clash when Fran tries to teach the Sheffields the importance of Hanukkah.PLUS -- BONUS HOLIDAY EPISODES from The Carol Burnett Show! - Alan Alda, star of the M*A*S*H TV show hit, sings with Carol! And plays one of Mama’s sons and Eunice’s brother in “The Family” in a hilarious, homecoming Christmas sketch.But is that a better episode than the Christmas special with incredibly famous opera stars, Eileen Farrell, Marily Horne and a surprise guest star Bob Hope?AND -- A BIG THANK YOU to our PATREON MEMBERS! We’ll tell you about NEW PERKS coming your way in 2025!So, join Susan and Sharon as they talk Ray Charles, Community, dreidels, Alan Alda, vegetarian Christmas dinners, talking dogs, opera, “Big Spender”, Bob Hope -- and confessional confessions! AUDIO-OGRAPHYWatch three of The Facts of Life Christmas Episodes on YouTube. Watch “Mama Gets Goosed” on PlutoTV.And “Santa Mama” on PlutoTV.Watch The Nanny streaming on Peacock.The Carol Burnett ShowS2, EP12 - Aired 12/16/1968 - Eileen Farrell, Bob Home and Marilyn Horne on YouTube.S8, EP13 - Aired 12/21/1974 - Alan Alda Christmas episode clips:- Nobody Does it Like Me with Carol Burnett on YouTube.- “The Family” Christmas sketch with Alan Alda on YouTube. LIGHT READING Read On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder Read the Guardian article “How To Survive The Broligarchy” by Carol Cadwalladr.The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin at Baldwin and Co Books. Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit at Bookshop.orgSHOPGET IN ON THE “80’s TV LADIES” HOLIDAY SALE!15% off on all merch at the 8TL Shop. Make sure to use promo code “Festive80s”!CONNECTVisit 80sTVLadies.com for transcripts.Sign up for the 80s TV Ladies mailing list.Support us and get ad-free episodes on PATREON. Get your Carter on: This year is the 45th anniversary of President Carter's Crisis of Confidence speech. Get Susan’s new play about it: Confidence (and the Speech) at Broadway Licensing.
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  • Mama’s Family, Crushing on Stephanie Zimbalist & Private Lessons | Actor Eric Brown
    Dec 11 2024
    “I was the highest paid actor in Hollywood -- if you were counting by the word.” - actor Eric Brown THE CONVERSATIONTAKING THE PIPPIN BUS: Nine-year-old Eric played the lead in the original touring company of Bob Fosse’s Pippin! “It was 1974. I was the only child in a cast of adults. One-and-two-night stands. In a bus. Thirty states. Six months.”PRIVATE LESSONS: The lead got fired -- so Eric was promoted to star!15 GOING ON 30: In Private Lessons, Fifteen year-old Eric Brown, played a fifteen-year-old -- being seduced by a thirty-year-old woman! “My wife is still mad at my mother for letting me play that role!”KICKED OUT OF SCHOOL: Eric was kicked out of St. Francis Prep School for being in Private Lessons: “They said, “We think you’d do better at another school considering your career goals.” It was a very Franciscan way of saying, “Get out”.”MAMA’S FAMILY: “You know the rumors that Betty White had a dirty streak? All true.”On working with Carol Burnett, Vicki Lawrence, Dorothy Lyman, Betty White, Rue McClanahan and Harvey Korman: “Everyone was so funny -- you were always laughing. They were constantly futzing, because they knew what was funny -- and if it wasn’t, they would fix it."DIRECTOR SPLIT: Mama’s Family had TWO directors: Harvey Korman worked with the actors, while someone else blocked out the camera moves (Roger Beatty).THE METAVERSE OF MAMA'S FAMILY: Vicki Lawrence started playing the at least 63-year-old “Mama” when she was in her late 20’s!THE EPISODE THAT NEVER WAS: Eric pitched an episode where he and Ken Barry -- both tap dancers -- could dance together in a talent show. But it never happened.TAKE THE TOUPEE: Carol Burnett would do anything for a laugh -- including pulling the hairpiece off a certain co-star during taping -- when no one was expecting it!BAD NEWS, GOOD NEWS, WORSE NEWS -- Mama’s Family gets cancelled. Then it comes back! But not with Eric.LOVING LAURA HOLT: After Private Lessons, Eric did a replay on Remington Steele -- playing a kid with a crush on an “older woman”: “I was head over heels in love with Stephanie Zimbalist. In real life!”BE KIND, REWIND: After jobs dried up in Hollywood, Eric moved to Monterey and got a job in a video store: “I was renting movies to people that I WAS IN.”FIRST RULE OF COMMUNICATION: For the MacArthur Foundation or a lost chicken in Queens: Know your goal.WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO TO HELP THE WORLD? Find what you love and offer that.So, join Susan and Sharon -- and Eric -- as they talk Listerine commercials, the Clinton campaign, Jon de Bont, Sarah Jessica Parker, Howard Hessman, Barry Williams, On Golden Pond, Ian Ziering, curfew “double standards”, working with women directors, Jerry Reed, Emmanuelle, Fred Willard -- and evil twins! AUDIO-OGRAPHYWatch Mama’s Family for free on Pluto TV.Listen to Eric Brown’s podcast about philanthropy, Let’s Hear it. Or on Apple. Check out what Eric Brown is doing now at Brownbridgestrategies.com.Enjoy Eric’s blog about traveling the world with his wife at Eat, Bicker, Love.PLUS -- AN “80’s TV LADIES” HOLIDAY SALE!Get 15% off on all merch at 80s TV Ladies Shop on Fourthwall.Make sure to use promo code “Festive80s”! CONNECTVisit 80sTVLadies.com for transcripts.Sign up for the 80s TV Ladies mailing list.Support us and get ad-free episodes on PATREON.This year is the 45th anniversary of President Carter's Crisis of Confidence speech. Get Susan’s new play about it: Confidence (and the Speech) at Broadway Licensing.
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