
  • Mar 15th Phil Saint. US Artist
    8 m
  • Mar 14th Lecrae Moore. US Rap Artist
    8 m
  • Mar 13th Brother Andrew. Missionary to Yugoslavia
    8 m
  • Mar 12th John T. Ferrier. US Colorado Air National Guard
    9 m
  • Mar 11th William Carey. England Missionary to India
    Mar 11 2025

    1. When a door unexpectedly closes on something you believed was God's plan, how do you discern whether to persist or pivot?

    2. If God allowed a major setback in your life, would you be willing to rebuild—even without knowing how He might use it for something greater?

    Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
    Proverbs 19:21 NIV


    We are delighted that you follow 365 and pray the stories have been an encouragement to you. Would you prayerfully consider a monthly donation of $5 per month for 2025? Help us Reach More-Write More in 2025. Click the link here and start today

    Thank you sincerely


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    10 m
  • Mar 10th William Burns. Scotland Missionary
    Mar 10 2025

    1. What is one area in your life where God might be calling you to sacrifice personal comfort for a greater kingdom purpose?

    2. When obstacles arise, do you see them as reasons to stop or as opportunities for God to work through you?

    Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.
    Philippians 3:8


    We are delighted that you follow 365 and pray the stories have been an encouragement to you. Would you prayerfully consider a monthly donation of $5 per month for 2025? Help us Reach More-Write More in 2025. Click the link here and start today

    Thank you sincerely


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    8 m
  • March 9th Casper Ten Boom. Holland Watchmaker
    Mar 9 2025

    1. When standing for what is right comes at a cost, how do you prepare your heart to remain faithful no matter what?

    2. How does your daily walk with God shape your ability to love others sacrificially, even when it’s risky or inconvenient?

    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
    James 1:27 NIV


    We are delighted that you follow 365 and pray the stories have been an encouragement to you. Would you prayerfully consider a monthly donation of $5 per month for 2025? Help us Reach More-Write More in 2025. Click the link here and start today

    Thank you sincerely


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    8 m
  • When leaders lose... We all lose
    Mar 8 2025
    The Leadership Battle of Faith, Obedience, and Trust:

    When the 12 spies were sent into the Promised Land, they all witnessed God's miraculous power—parting the Red Sea, providing manna, and leading them through the wilderness. Despite all this evidence, 10 of them came back with a bad report. Only Joshua and Caleb, full of faith, spoke about God's ability to give them victory, regardless of the challenges ahead.

    The loss was not just personal—it was collective. The faith of the leaders influenced the people, and as a result, the entire generation missed out on entering the Promised Land. The consequences were dire, and it shows us that when leaders lose the battle of faith, obedience, and trust in God, it affects everyone.

    Where Do We Need to Confront, Confess, and Crucify?
    1. Confronting Doubt and Fear:

      • The 10 spies saw giants and walled cities and allowed fear to dominate their thinking. We need to confront the doubts and fears in our hearts that cause us to shrink back from God's promises. Where do we struggle to believe that God is bigger than the obstacles in our path?
    2. Confessing Disobedience:

      • The people grumbled and disobeyed God's instructions because they didn't trust Him fully. As leaders, we need to confess any areas where we've been disobedient to God's direction, whether in our personal lives or leadership. Are there areas in your leadership where you’ve hesitated to follow God's leading?
    3. Crucifying Our Self-Sufficiency:

      • The spies relied on their own strength and wisdom, which led them to fear. We need to crucify the mindset of self-reliance and submit ourselves fully to God's plan. Are there moments when you’ve tried to do things in your own strength rather than depending on God?
    Call to Action:
    1. Examine Your Faith:

      • Take time today to reflect on areas where you may have allowed doubt or fear to take hold. Ask God to strengthen your faith and fill you with the courage to trust Him, even when the circumstances seem overwhelming.
    2. Confess Any Areas of Disobedience:

      • Is there something God has called you to do that you've been putting off or resisting? Take a moment to confess any disobedience and make a commitment to step out in faith and obedience.
    3. Crucify Self-Reliance:

      • Lay down any areas where you've been depending on your own abilities instead of fully trusting God. Surrender those areas to God and ask Him to be the leader in your life and leadership.
    4. Lead with a Good Report:

      • Just as Joshua and Caleb gave a good report based on God's promises, let’s lead with a perspective of faith. Encourage others to believe in God's provision, power, and promises, even in the face of challenges.
    Pray This Prayer:

    "Father, I come before You today recognizing that I am in need of Your strength, wisdom, and guidance. I confess the areas where doubt, fear, and disobedience have crept in and hindered my faith. I lay down my self-reliance and surrender to Your will. I choose to lead with faith, trusting in Your promises, and I ask for the courage to inspire others to do the same. Help me to step into the fullness of Your plan, knowing that You are greater than any obstacle I face. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Más Menos
    9 m