
  • Quest #13 ->Beholding the Bible, with Mauro Biglino
    Feb 22 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #13!


    Meet Mauro Biglino, an Italian linguist and Biblical scholar whose three English translated books exploring a literal interpretation of the Bible - “Gods Of the Bible: A New Interpretation of the Bible Reveals the Oldest Secret in History,” “The Naked Bible: The truth About the Most Famous Book In History,” and “Jesus Demigod” - suggest new possibilities for making sense of human history’s signal most famous book. Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    “I translate the Bible faithfully, looking for open questions to discuss with you all,” explains Mauro Biglino, whose collected work offers “a new key to understanding our origins.” Visit https://www.maurobiglino.com/en/ for more resources and information to continue your quest.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Quest #12 ->Searching For Rudolf Steiner, with the Finser Brothers
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #12!


    Meet brothers Mark and Torin Finser, who have spent their professional lives diving deep into the world of Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner. Parent, Teacher, Learner, Author, and Leader in the Waldorf Community Antioch University New England, Dr. Torin Finser has authored many books on Steiner's work, most notably "Rudolf Steiner’s Path of Spiritual Development: A Spiritual-Scientific Workbook." Together with Torin, Mark has supported a wide variety of Steiner-focused educational initiatives over the past several decades. Our 3BQ conversation with the Finser brothers sketches out the broad contours of Steiner's many contributions, and is a useful introduction to Rudolf Steiner's life and legacy. Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    Widely considered one of the 20th century's most vital and important philosophers, Steiner left myriad legacies, including the Anthroposophical Society in America, and made pioneering contributions in the fields of education, agriculture, architecture, literature, philosophy, and spiritual teaching. Steiner believed that humans once participated more fully in spiritual processes of the world through a dreamlike consciousness, but have, in modern materialistic times, become restricted by their attachment to material things. The renewed perception of spirituality, Steiner believed, required training the human consciousness to rediscover the spiritual dimensions of reality."


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Quest #11 ->Being Breathed, with Enna Reittort
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #11!


    An anthropologist, linguist, historian, peasant farmer, and spiritual seeker, Enna Reittort is the author of “Krivda: The Godtrix Versus The Matrix,” and “Broody Blue: A Handbook of Ruthless Gentleness for the Natural Human Mystic.” “A Human Being, fiercely and tenderly in love with Lady Earth, I am devoted to our human co-evolving bond with her, and endlessly exploring what it means to be human,” Enna Reittort muses. “As an anthropologist, I lean into traditional cultures and grassroots wisdom. After ten years in an esoteric caste-denying Indian subculture, I left my academic PhD behind to go barefoot as an aspiring peasant in the spirit of regenerative farming. Perhaps this is ‘deep’ anthropology, experiential rather than theoretical, and in apprenticeship to Nature, the greatest teacher whose language our subtle bodies can understand better than our restless minds.” Our second 3BQ conversation with Enna Reittort explores her path to becoming a “natural human mystic,” and introduces our 3BQ community to her provocative book “Krivda: The Godtrix Versus The Matrix.” Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    “You are invited here to the most discreet of ways – one hardly known at all in the western world. A simple way of non-practices, the way of our true nature. It is already inside you, breathing the spirit that breathes you. It has been waiting for you to heed your own call,” Enna Reittort observes of her handbook. “Its attitude of non-doing subtly cuts through spiritualistic and mechanistic complications of a culture that destroys both humans and their Earth. The natural human mystic who is already in you was stolen from you lifetime after lifetime. But it still beckons into the subtle vastness of you, in this very lifetime. It beckons urgently, just in case the theft were to become final.” Visit https://ennareittort.info for more information and resources on your quest.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Quest #10 ->Finding The Field, with Lynne McTaggart
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #10!


    Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and author of seven books, including international bestsellers “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe;” “The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and The World;” and “The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts To Change Your Life and the World.” Over the years, Lynne has been called a ‘metaphysical rock star’, ‘the Madonna of the Quantum World’, ‘the Malcolm Gladwell of the New Science’, and even ‘The Dalai Mama'. Now, she’s leading the call for a new way and a new world, with the Intention Revolution – a revolution enabling us to transform ourselves, our loved ones and the world. Our 3BQ conversation with Lynne McTaggart explores her reporting on “The Field,” and the scientists and researchers who have expanded our collective understanding of Quantum Physics in their “quest for the secret force of the universe.” Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    “The power of intention,” Lynne McTaggart’s web site concludes, can “heal yourself, heal each other, and heal the world.” Visit https://lynnemctaggart.com for more information and resources.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • Quest #9 ->Synthesizing Science and Spirituality, with Paul Levy
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #9!


    A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy describes himself as “a wounded healer in private practice,” helping others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality. A Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, Levy has intimately studied with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma, and served as the coordinator of the Portland chapter of the Padma Sambhava Buddhist Center for more than two decades. twenty years. Paul Levy is the author of “Wetiko: Healing The Mind Virus That Plagues Our World;” “Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking The Spell of the Nightmare Mind Virus;” “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking The Spell of Evil;” and “The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis Of Science And Spirituality.” Our 3BQ conversation with Paul Levy explored the relationship between Spirituality and Quantum Physics, which he explores in a new second edition of his book “The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis Of Science And Spirituality.” Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    “Awaken in the Dream,” Paul Levy’s web site, offers a radical integration and synthesis of many perspectives from the realms of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, mystical Christianity and the work of C. G. Jung. The insights that Paul Levy shares in his work “have emerged from hard-won experience of a many-year long ordeal which amounted to a shamanic descent into the dark depths of the underworld of the unconscious individual and collective psyche.” Visit https://www.awakeninthedream.com for more information and resources.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • Quest #8 ->Becoming a Natural Human Mystic, with Enna Reittort
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #8!


    An anthropologist, linguist, historian, peasant farmer, and spiritual seeker, Enna Reittort is the author of “Krivda: The Godtrix Versus The Matrix,” and “Broody Blue: A Handbook of Ruthless Gentleness for the Natural Human Mystic.” “A Human Being, fiercely and tenderly in love with Lady Earth, I am devoted to our human co-evolving bond with her, and endlessly exploring what it means to be human,” Enna Reittort muses. “As an anthropologist, I lean into traditional cultures and grassroots wisdom. After ten years in an esoteric caste-denying Indian subculture, I left my academic PhD behind to go barefoot as an aspiring peasant in the spirit of regenerative farming. Perhaps this is ‘deep’ anthropology, experiential rather than theoretical, and in apprenticeship to Nature, the greatest teacher whose language our subtle bodies can understand better than our restless minds.” Our 3BQ conversation with Enna Reittort explores “being breathed,” the power of “non practice,” and how she came to write “a handbook of ruthless gentleness for the natural human mystic.” Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    “You are invited here to the most discreet of ways – one hardly known at all in the western world. A simple way of non-practices, the way of our true nature. It is already inside you, breathing the spirit that breathes you. It has been waiting for you to heed your own call,” Enna Reittort observes of her handbook. “Its attitude of non-doing subtly cuts through spiritualistic and mechanistic complications of a culture that destroys both humans and their Earth. Visit https://ennareittort.info for more information and resources.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 22 m
  • Quest #7 ->Reuniting Feminine and Masculine, with Anne Baring
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #7!


    Author of “The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest of the Soul,” “The Divine Feminine: Exploring the Feminine Face of God Throughout the World,” “The Myth of the Goddess: The Evolution of an Image,” and many other books, Anne Baring is a writer, publisher, thinker, and spiritual mystic. “I have always been fascinated by the power of individuals to shape and influence history,” she muses. “Why do people feel, think and act the way they do? What is the anatomy of human creativity and human destructiveness — the root of the invisible influences, both individual and collective, which can both create and destroy civilization? I wanted to understand the causes – religious, political and psychological – which could drive human beings to the depths of depravity and the heights of altruism and self-sacrifice. How are we conditioned by beliefs and habits of behaviour to respond to events in the way we do?” Our second 3BQ conversation with Anne Baring explores how Humanity might unite the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in our 21st century, and suggests ways we humans can reconnect with our spiritual selves and the natural world. Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    “The Dream of the Cosmos,” Anne Baring observes of her book, “is the story of a multi-layered quest to understand the causes of human suffering and to reconnect with a deeper reality than the one we inhabit in this physical dimension of experience. It seeks to answer the questions: ‘Who are we?’ and ‘Why are we here, on this planet?’ It is offered to those who are looking for something beyond the superficial values of our culture, who may be disillusioned with religious and secular belief systems as currently presented and who question political values, which are deeply mired in the pursuit of power.” Visit https://www.annebaring.com for more information and resources on your quest.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Quest #6 ->Caretaking our Cosmos, with Gary Lachman
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to 3 Brothers Quest #6!


    Former Blondie band member, and author of “The Caretakers of the Cosmos: Living Responsibly in an Unfinished World,” “A Secret History of Consciousness,” and many other books, Gary Lachman publishes on topics ranging from the evolution of consciousness to literary suicides, popular culture and the history of the occult. He has written a rock and roll memoir of the 1970s, biographies of Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, C. G. Jung, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Emanuel Swedenborg, P. D. Ouspensky, and Colin Wilson, histories of Hermeticism and the Western Inner Tradition, studies in existentialism and the philosophy of consciousness, and books about the influence of esotericism on politics and society. Our 3BQ conversation with Gary Lachman explores his book “The Caretakers of the Cosmos: Living Responsibly in an Unfinished World,” diving into the role of consciousness in co-creating reality, the history of the term “cosmos” from the Greeks to the present, and the relationship between science and spirituality in the 21st century. Afterwards, join the Baldwin brothers – Ian, Michael, and Philip – for their fraternal reflections on this 3 Brothers Quest episode.


    Gary Lachman is one of the most eclectic and prolific researchers and writers of our time. Visit https://www.gary-lachman.com for more information and resources on your quest.


    Join 3 Brothers Quest on all major podcast platforms, follow 3BQ on our Facebook and Instagram channels, visit our www.3brothersquest.net web site, and subscribe to our 3BQ Substack to support our work: @3BrothersQuest.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m